♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 20♡︎

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3rd POV
"Huh?" Nobara and Y/n said looking at the mark."My blood, and my brother's blood, is absorbed through wounds and membranes, and then, once any of us brothers activates the technique,it begins to rot you away from the point of incursion" Eso explains."I'd give that young man about fifteen minutes.Ten minutes max for you, young lady.And the other young lady five minutes" Eso said."By morning, nothing but your bones will remain" Eso said."Heal!" Y/n whispers as a light glow formed in her hand.She put her hand on her right wing and starts to tend to it.

"If it's a technique, we just need to make them release it!" Itadori thought."So it is poisonous" Itadori yelled."The result is essentially a poison, but our technique is purely 'decomposition' " Eso explains."I've finished revealing our technique.Now they'll actually die even faster" Eso thought."So, what will you do now?" Eso said."Elder Brother, these sorcerers didn't amount to much" Eso thought."I get five minutes?What a load of crap!" Y/n yells from behind Eso."Y/n!?" Itadori said shock.

"I thought you were dead!" Itadori said."Why would I be dead!Its impossible for me!I'm a different species, remember!" Y/n yells angrily."Why did you even think that Y/n was dead" Nobara turned her head towards Itadori who had a dumb face."I didn't know okay" Itadori said pouting.
"At the beginning of the Meji Era, there was a girl with a unique trait that allowed her to bear a cursed spirit's child.She conceived a child with no recollection of how, and the criticism she endured from her parents and relatives was extreme.She fled with the corpse of her baby in her arms, ending up at a temple run by a certain jujutsu sorcerer.However, that was where her luck ran out.Kamo Noritoshi.Among all of jujutsu sorcery's cultural legacy, he's remembered as the most vile of sorcerers and a disgrace to the three major clans.His intellectual curiosity was captivated by the possibility of a child born of a human and cursed spirit.Nine times, he impregnated her.Nine times, he aborted her.All records of how he did it and what happened to her afterward were destroyed.The Cursed Wombs: Death Painting One through Three became cursed objects powerful enough to be classified as special-grade.Perhaps the origin of that power was the mother's resentment, or perhaps..." Megumi told.

"I have no memories of a mother.Humans and sorcerers...Its not that I hold any special grudge against them.For 160 years, we remained sealed away with nothing but each others' existence to rely on" Eso thought.
"We'll side with the cursed spirits" Choso said."Are you sure?They seemed shady, Elder Brother" Eso said."The future those cursed spirits painted is more convenient for us.That's all there is to it.Forget about owning them for our manifestation.Now listen, brothers.Eso, you live for Kechizu.Kechizu, you live for me.And I'll live for you, Eso.We three are one" Choso said.

"I live for my brothers.If it is what my brothers desire, I will give my life to grant it for them" Eso thought."If the suffering is too great, would you like me to end you right away?" Eso said making Nobara giggling."A technique that guarantees victory once it hits...you two are strong.Too bad for you, though.That makes me the worst match for you!" Nobara pulled out a nail from her pocket bag and infused it with her cursed energy."I see what's she doing" Y/n smirks amused what's about to happen."Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!" Nobara stabs her wrist with the infused nail.

Kechizu and Eso body rung to the attack Nobara did on herself."Let's play a game of chicken!" Nobara said insane."You don't like pain, do you?" Nobara asked."Then start crying and release your technique" Nobara said holding another nail in her hand."A technique to turn the curse on the user?A game of chicken...so unless I release our technique, this will continue?" Eso thought as sweat drip down his face.
A straw doll fell onto a cursed served arm.

"Straw Doll Technique: Resonance.It's a technique that deals damage to the targets main body by driving cursed energy through an effigy and a lost portion of the target.The technique's range is broad, and the effect varies with the difference in strength between us and the value of the lost portion.
As far as Straw Doll Technique is concerned, blood isn't very valuable.But Resonance uses the link to its target.Ans their blood that's inside me now is strongly linking us and their rot technique together!It's a nice surprise that it worked on the younger brother, too.If I'm going to die here anyway, then I'll keep hammering Resonance into them!" Nobara thought smirking.

"That's quite intense, but no matter how many times she does it, it won't end our lives.As long as we hold out, you'll be the ones to die!Not to mention, while Decay is active, the pain and poison will keep you from mov-" Eso smugly thought until he saw Itadori behind Kechizu as he was able to move.Itadori right fist engulfed in cursed energy creating his Black Flash and Kechizu turned around.Itadori was after Kechizu and Eso was stunned."How are you able to move that well?" He thought while distracted.Y/n jump up into the air with her hands together as it was engulfed in cursed energy.

Nobara strike another nail into her wrist causing the two cursed to yelp."Resonance!" Nobara said as blood seep out her wrist.Itadori hit Kechizu in the face with his Black Flash and Y/n hit Eso back with her Spear of Light."Itadori is the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses and Deadly Poisons.
So he had resistance to all forms of poison" Nobara said as the flashback of Itadori fighting against Jun."The result is essentially a poison, but our technique is purely 'decomposition' " Eso words refer back."He's probably feeling pain from the decomposition, but the resulting poison doesn't affect him.
And if it's just pain..." Nobara said.Itadori adjust his foot into the ground and started to punch the daylight out of Kechizu.While Y/n was already punching Eso at a rather quick speed with a insane smile chanting "this is what you get for damaging my wing" and "let the light guide you to hell".

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