♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 13♡︎

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"This book is one of the successful ones I have so far and I thank everyone!" A/n
3rd POV
"What?!You mean that vinyl cord you jump with?!" Akari shouts as a few sweat appeared on her face.She then imagines Nobara and Megumi typing up Itadori with it then pushing him off of the bridge."Hey, there you are!Thank goodness!Fushiguro-san!And Y/n-chan!" The boy yelled."Eh who's that again?" Nobara eyes were halfway opened as she look at them."Fushiguro's younger classman.You don't remember picking on him a lot?" Itadori said making Nobara realized."I remember you was talking about Yasohachi Bridge, so...I'm actually really glad I found you here!" He was relieved.

"Fujinuma?" Megumi said."It's Fujinuma-chan!" Y/n exclaimed happily."A classmate" Megumi and Y/n said to Akari."My older sister to be exact" the boy said."I'm so glad that you both remembered me" Fujinuma bowed shyly."I was talking to my sister about you and Y/n-chan yesterday, and..." the boy said."Um...Morishita-san had a funeral in his neighborhood...then I heard from my brother that you were looking into that dead man and Yasohachi Bridge, so I started to wonder if they were related in some way..." She said looking at the ground.Akari shook her head no to Megumi and Y/n as they got what she meant and they turned their head back to Fujinuma."What's related?" Megumi asked a dumb question.

"Morishita-san's death and the bridge..." Fujinuma said."They aren't related at all.We're just-" Megumi was then cut off."I...I went there.In eighth grade...I went to the Yasohachi Bridge at night!" She said with wide eyes but still looking down."Geh" Nobara said."Has anything odd recently happen at your home?Any like strange feelings that only you can feel and others can't?" Akari asked Fujinuma.Then Fujinuma realized what she meant "my family runs a local branch shop...and the shop automatic door is wide open when I only come home.My mom and dad said it's just a coincidence, but there was something in there that I can feel.It scared me.That's when I heard about you both, and remembered the Yasohachi Bridge" Fujinuma said shaking with fear.

"When did the issue with your automatic door started?" Akari questioned."It happens about every other day exactly one week from now" Fujinuma said."There's at least two weeks before the victims noticed something and their deaths" Megumi thought."We still have time left" Y/n thought looking at Fujinuma."You didn't go to the Yasohachi Bridge by yourself at the time or something, right?Do you exactly remember who was there with you?" Nobara questioned."Umm...so this really does have something to do with them..." Fujinuma said.

"Nope!Just your automatic door!But it doesn't have to do with Morishita-san's death at all!Fushiguro-kun and the others are helping me with my college report that's all!'Electromagnetic Waves from Haunted Locations and their Effects on Electronics.'Its really a huge pain in my gut if you ask!" Akari said brining Nobara and Megumi into her arms smiling."Bit I kinda actually want to hear from all kinds of people with this stuff, so I'd really love to hear who went with you" Akari said bringing her face a bit close to Fujinuma."We'd better save her after lying like this" Akari thought."I think I went on a test of courage with three others from my club.That's right!Fushiguro-kun and Y/n-chan, Tsukimi-san was with us then, too" Fujinuma smiled.

"Tsumiki?" Itadori questioned in his thoughts with wide eyes."That's Fushiguro's sister!" Nobara thought realizing."Really?I don't think I remember that" Y/n closed her eyes remembering back into the past."It's fine if you don't remember" Fujinuma assured Y/n."I see.Then I'll try asking Tsumiki, too" Megumi said."Okay, then I'll escort these two home!Please keep the research on the report when I get back!" Akari saluted."Something is definitely up, isn't it?" The boy said."I can't just let you two both go home on a single bike!" Akari argued back.Then they all started to walk back to their home.

Itadori looks at Megumi with a hint of worry "Fushiguro" Itadori said."Fushiguro!" Itadori yelled when he grab onto Megumi shoulder.Y/n hand was attach to Megumi sleeves as she was shaking a bit."I don't want her to die yet...she has so much to live for.." Y/n mumbled."Fushiguro, snap out of it!Make sure she is safe first!" Itadori said making Megumi get out of his trance."I'm fine now.Sorry, but I'm stepping away for a few seconds.Y/n can you come with me" Megumi said walking away as Y/n agreed nodding her head and followed after him.Megumi pulled out his phone as Y/n walk behind him and Itadori and Nobara stayed in their spot.They look at them with worry in their eyes.
"I understand the situation.A guard for Tsumiki-san, right?But the only ones we have right now are second-grade sorcerers" Ijichi said."Second-grade..." Megumi said."Since the numbers of victims far exceeded our estimates, we'll have to re-evaluate the curse's grade, as well.You we're probably assigned to this mission with Itadori-kun groqth taken into his account,so if it's more dangerous than that, it's might be too much for an second-grade sorcerer.It's just as dangerous for all of you, as well.I would personally recommend you withdraw" Ijichi said and Megumi hung up the phone.

"What do I do?Do I just go back there by myself?No, the mission is already for the four of us.I can't leave it with the two of them.Gojo-sensei is gonna return next week.I could ask him...no I can't!The time limit is the biggest problem yet!This isn't the type of cursed spirit that attacks someone randomly.It's the type to attack people from the marked person.So there's no point in staying nearby and protect them!I got to exorcise it right now!" Megumi thought as Itadori and Nobara was in front of him crouching.
"Another cliffhanger, oh I love cliffhangers don't you guys feel the same ;)" A/n

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