♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 15♡︎

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3rd POV
The curse laughs as Megumi stood up "Tch, how may are there?" Megumi scoffs annoyed."We should just keep playing like whack-a-mole, huh?" Nobara walk next to Megumi."Yeah" Megumi said putting his sword on his shoulder."Keep going, keep exorcising them for me.We'll crush every one last of them.It's likely won't retaliate" Megumi said."Your saying that the main body doesn't have much offense since it's technique covers an wide area, even limited as it is?" Nobara said walking to the other side of Megumi.

"I'm only saying it's likely" Megumi said and Nobara finished her little walk."All the things we have to worry about it's technique range, the number of victims and the barrier.All of these things subtracts from the main body.We're lucky.We'll be able to exorcise it quickly" Megumi thought as he stared at the pillar.

Kechizu jumps from the ceiling of the domain and landed on the ground as dust clouds formed."a which means....the real problem would come after that" Megumi thought.The four were all in fighting stances and Kechizu talking was inaudible.
-Flashback ended-

Something grab onto Nobara and Megumi eyes grew a bit wide.Black shadow-like substances was in the wall with two arms holding onto Nobara right arm pulling her in with Megumi in a few feet in range of her.Nobara grunts as she was being pulled making Megumi gasp and turned around to see Nobara.He turned his body around to run after her as her body was going inside it."Kugisake!" Megumi yelled worriedly as he tried to reach for her."I'll be fine" Nobara said with her right hand only out with an hammer.

"You just okay whack-a-mole overs there" Nobara said before disappearing into the substance making Megumi too late to reach her in time."Damn it!" Megumi whispers angrily and he raised his head up that was sweating pretty badly."She gets sucked away so often!" Megumi said."But what was that just now!" Megumi thought.

An image of the curse was being hit by a hammer."The mole?" Megumi thought as it exploded.Kechizu popped up with his right hand pointing at his eyes."That one earlier?" Megumi thought.

-Flashback ended-
"It's neither!" Megumi thoughts raced with doubts, anger, and worries.His eye pupil were shaking as his face showed an expression mad."Kugisake?" Itadori said with Kechizu in front of him not attacking."Huh?She just went through that wall like it was nothing" Y/n gasped."Oh, hey, it's my older brother!" Kechizu happily said and jumps over to the substances.Itadori chased after him and Y/n followed behind."Me, too brother!" Kechizu happily yelled as he jump through the substance.Itadori face turned white seeing how he went through a wall."Amazing!" Y/n happil yelled.

Itadori and Y/n ran up to the substances and stop next to Megumi."It's Ford!Should I really let it go?" Itadori yelled confused."Chase after it you two!Kugisake and that thing both went outside the barrier!Sue might be battling someone that's more troublesome then we expected!In contrast, things has been far easier here than anticipated!I can handle them myself!Prioritize Kugisaki!Go after it!" Megumi yelled."If things get really bad in here, then please come out as fast as you could" Itadori said sticking his hand into the black substance.

Megumi did an okay signal and Itadori went through."Megumi it's a 50/50 that you will meet that same cursed spirit here, be careful and grow stronger.Realize the words from the past that will help you now" Y/n said to Megumi."Right" Megumi replied and Y/n went through the black substance.
Eso pulled Nobara into the real world by her arms and she flip around landing on the ground gracefully."Don't touch me!" Nobara said angrily as she grab two more nails from her back pocket and infused them with cursed energy then threw it at Eso plus hitting it towards him.

Eso dodged to the right then left, a big water explosion happen behind him from the impact of the infused nails and strength of the hammer.The water went down as Eso body was out of the shadows."You're a woman?Well then, pardon me" Eso said and then he suddenly went into attractive mode at the last two words.Nobara face went from disgusted to a "huh?" face."We brothers have an errand to run" Eso said and lick his thumb."But killing jujitsu sorcerers wasn't part of it.If you withdraw, we'll let you escape freely and unharm, young lady" Eso said."Errand" Nobara said."Wahh!" Y/n yelled falling from the substance."oomp!" She said landing on the ground face first."Ehh?!Y/n!" Nobara yelled shock.

"Hello Nobara how are you" Y/n wave casually."Hmm two ladies" Eso thought."One's with full potential, and the other is finding it" Eso thought again."A cursed..." Y/n groan."I assume you know why were here or not" Eso crossed his arm."Your after the Sukuna finger aren't you" Y/n said getting up from the ground."Correct we are here for the Sukuna finger" Eso snap his fingers.
"Ahhhcooo!" Sukuna sneezed and he wipe his nose."Who's talking about me now" Sukuna scoffs.
"Curse?Or sorcerer?I can't tell which one he is.And what's with that awful sleep too?" Y/n and Nobara thought.
A few of the tiny curses pop from the ground and Megumi sliced them.He landed on the ground harshly and jump to his right slashing all the tiny curses."Last one!" Megumi said and turned to his back side to see another tiny curse."Your sneak attacks are too simple" Megymi said and slash the curse.Another pop up from a different hole from Megumi back."I've told you that it's too simple" Megumi said as the curse was laughing.

A giant wolf appeared behind it with its claw raise up and squash the last tiny curse.Megumi breathes out as he was exhausted from the moving and using his curse energy a lot."Did I exorcise them all?" Megumi said exhausted."That take care of Tsumiki at least for now.Now to..." Megumi thought and he heard dripping sounds.He opened his eyes and look up to see a bigger cocoon in front of him."One survived?" Megumi thought as it opened."That wasn't just the main body?The barrier hasn't even collapsed, either.What?" Megumi thought and then gasp as the cursed main body jumped down.

"I shouldn't try too hard to find the logic in a cursed spirit's behavioral patterns, but the fact it had been nagging me the whole time.Why did it just start killing humans it had marked now?" Megumi thought as his hair flowed gracefully."The first one was killed in June.And in June..." Megumi thought as he saw the curse from before."Your friend here is correct, we are here to retrieve the Sukuna finger" Eso said.The cursed laugh in a mocking way at Megumi.
"I'm late behind schedule, usually I would post a chapter before school(ps my school is catholic and they don't allow us to have phones in class so they take it away 🥲)" A/n

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