♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 43♡︎

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3rd POV
"Damn it, I can't see shit" Y/n thought and the light disappeared.Her vision begins to regain its normal vision and saw what was in front of her."What is a Angel guardian doing here?!" Y/n mouth opened seeing one of the 4 guardians here on earth.

It was a big eye Angel with eyes all over it, like on its body and wings and weapons.It had tentacles as well catching their opponents."Why are they here" Y/n thought."I know what you must be thinking lady Y/n."

"What is one of the 4 Angel guardians doing here on earth.Well I could answer that simply.We are here to cleansed the earth of its impurity" he said."Well I'll stop you from all of that" Y/n says.

"Someone who is weak like you had no right against this plan.You'll died anyways" he says and threw Y/n at the wall.She crashed harshly and she spat out blood."Not a great idea but I've got no choice" Y/n thought and got up.

She stood up wobbling a bit and spits her blood to the side.She felt a presence coming closer in one of the tunnels and know it was Nanami.She clasp her hand together and her wings fully sprouted.

"Regain" a lot of little light particles went into Y/n body and her body glowed."I summon thee, come blessed to one again with the lord in vain.Rose Mary come back again to my will" Y/n says and pulled a sword out of her chest.

She swings it a few times and look at the shiny blade."Multiple my beautiful rose" Y/n says and her sword multiple into 6 copies."Now shall we get started?" Y/n eyes glowed with a smirk."Let's see if your still the weak little girl you are" he said.

All of his 6 tentacles attacked the copy swords and she was moving it all of them with her finger."Just like a beautiful melody" she says.

Her outfit changed completely, a white and gold cape with black stripes, a white and gold shirt reaching halfway her torso, a white short pant, her boots reaching up to her knees and it was white and gold, her arm covered with ancient languages in gold coloring, and a veil warp around her waist.

Nanami came in and saw the things he was never meant to see.Y/n as an Angel and an giant figure who looks to be an Angel."Y/n?What is all of this?" Nanami says."I'll explain later with the others" Y/n said calmly."Now I'd like to finish this now" Y/n snaps.

"O Light gather to me and follow my command" Y/n says as light gathered in one spot."Light!" Y/n says and a full on blast directly hits the head and kills the guardian easily.

"As the daughter of the first in command of Belrinet, I advise you to rethink that decision of me" Y/n spins her sword around and points it at the almost dead Angel."Tell it to everyone" Y/n says.

"Curses we were incorrect about her strength...wait did she said.." the eyes widen and stared at Y/n."Looking at the materials and color of her clothing, I see that she is the first commander of Blerinet" he thought."I see how I have to end.." he slowly talks.

"I may have underestimated you commander ReHound" he said as his last words."You can take your rest now my beloved" Y/n says and her swords disappeared.She turned around and landed on her feet.Her outfit changed back into her Jujutsu uniform and she looks up.

"Shall we get going now" Y/n ask like nothing just happened."Yes" Nanami says."We make a great teamwork, well I'd say a bit at least" Y/n says."Mm" Nanami answers."Is there a reason why you hate overtime?" Y/n questions.

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