♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4♡︎

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3rd POV
Megumi, Gojo, and Y/n both sat on the bench that was outside the abandoned warehouse.Megumi was about to go inside but Gojo told him not to and this is their test.Y/n was meditating next to Gojo having a bit of peace.

Inside of Y/n Mind + POV
I open my eyes and a beautiful flower field with sunlight.I stood up and walk around a bit with my wings on my back.I pat my wing that was suppose to be broken but somehow still live."Ah it's so peaceful in here" I smiled with a warm voice."Nice place you got here...darling" a mysterious male voice spoke.I jolted and look at the big tree seeing a man with pink hair and markings.

Outside of Y/n Mind + POV
I open my eyes shock of seeing Sukuna in there and sweat coming down my face."You okay Y/n-Chan?" Gojo said peeping his head from my hoodie."Ah...no!Something just enter my state of peace and I kinda lost control" I chuckled softly."Hmm okay!" Gojo smiled."God why did I have to see him" I thought putting my legs down.

Sukuna POV
"That brat!How dare she leave me!I'll give you a punishment when she comes back" I said angrily and think a punishment for her.

3rd POV
The wall exploded and a curse was flying out.The curse exploded and everyone saw Nobara and Itadori with a kid coming out injured.Everyone got up went to them, they took the kid home and clean their wounds."Yosh I'll treat everyone to a meal!" Gojo exclaimed happily.The two idiots begins to chant food and other things while Gojo laughs at them."So what do you two want?" Gojo pointed at Y/n and Megumi."Nothing really" Y/n spoke for the both of them and Megumi agreed."Okay" Gojo said.
Everyone was in their dorm room about to go to sleep.Megumi already got into bed as for Itadori who recently finished a shower.Nobara pulling the blanket over her body and fell asleep when she hit the pillow.Y/n was updating her dairy onto her phone about the whole day.She finished typing and grab a book from her shelf.She brought the book with her into bed and started to read.This went on for an hour and she yawned tired."Another day" she spoke lightly and place a bookmark in the book.She place it down on the drawer and shut the light off falling into sleep.
Everyone woke up one by one by their time and did their morning routine.Someone knock on Y/n door and she told them they can come in.When they walk in they saw Y/n typing on their phone then she look up."Ah morning Itadori" Y/n smiled softly."Morning Y/n!Breakfast is ready by the way" Itadori exclaimed."Well I'll be coming" she stood up closing her phone.She walk with Itadori to the dinning room as they talk about animals.They came into the dinning room and sat down.They started to eat as Nobara chat with Y/n.Everyone was having their moments of talking until they finished every piece of their breakfast.They clean the plates and were called to do a mission.
"So we have to go inside to check if there's any surviving people" Itadori questioned."Yes please" Ijichi spoke."Sounds easy enough" Nobara smiled confidently."But the thing is the whole factory is a domain expansion and I covered the place with a coat" Ijichi spoke again."What's a domain expansion and coat?" Itadori said confused."A domain expansion is a space where the space is created by the user and can be use.A coat is an invisible barrier to cover any curse domain expansion from the user" Y/n explained in the easiest way possible."I kinda get it" Itadori rubs the back of his neck sweat-dropping."No need to explain it to the idiot" Nobara poked her head from Itadori back."Hey!" Itadori yelled as he quickly turned to Nobara."Hey let's go in now Megumi" Y/n pointed to the factory and Megumi agreed.

"Please save my son!He's in there!He works at that factory!" A woman yelled causing all everyone to turn around."Alright we'll save him!Don't worry!" Itadori smiled reassuring her.Everyone went inside the factory and the landscape changed."What happen!" Itadori yelled shock.Megumi turned around and see the door gone."We're trap damn it" Megumi grumbles.Everyone continued to walk ahead and they saw light.They arrived where the light was at and there were some dead bodies.Itadori ran up to one and found the woman's son."I'm gonna bring his body with me" Itadori said."Who in the hell would bring a woman son dead body to her?!" Megumi yelled.They started to argue about the woman son dead body and stuff until a curse appeared.Everyone turned their heads towards the curse and Megumi was looking for his demon dog.

His demon dog was in the wall butchered up.Nobara fell in a hole and no one can reach her in time.Y/n got teleported into the curse arm and he snickered."Y/n!" Itadori yelled.Y/n raise her right leg in the air and kick the curse forward as she leaned forward.The curse hit the ground face first and Y/n jump back distancing herself from the curse."Wha..." Itadori gawked in shock."Y/n-san is pretty strong herself, don't doubt her" Megumi spoke."Megumi go find Nobara!Use your frog to croak loud enough for us to hear!Itadori can turn into Sukuna and fight the curse, and leave the place" Y/n yelled and Megumi nodded.He left and Y/n block the curse attack with her arms.Y/n put her hand on top of her breast and a mysterious source appeared."Release!" She yelled and pull out a sword slowly.

"Release!" She yelled and pull out a sword slowly

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"Wow" Itadori thought with amazement.Y/n dashed forward and did a barrage of slices.The curse was able to dodge almost all of them but left with some cuts that healed.Sukuna eyes and mouth appeared and look at the battle that was happening."It is her, I knew it" Sukuna smirked speaking."Huh how do you know Y/n" Itadori asked confused."Long story brat, and like I would tell you about that" Sukuna scoffed."Geez your mean to me" Itadori pouted.Y/n flew back into a wall but she use her arms to bounce her body off of it.She kick the curse towards Itadori by accident.She sweat-drops with a weak smile and Itadori eyes grew wide seeing the curse flying towards him.Itadori punch the curse into the ground and back away slowly."You could have killed me Y/n!" Itadori yelled."Hey at least help me!" She yell back."She has a point brat" Sukuna scoffed."Fine!" Itadori yelled.Y/n and Itadori heard a frog croak and it was Megumi."Go Itadori!" Y/n yelled and Itadori nodded.Itadori turned his body to Sukuna and he open his eyes.Y/n was running away towards the exit to get away as soon as possible before seeing HIM again.She yelped as she was grab by the waist by Sukuna."Hey let me go!" She shouted with a hood over her head.

"What are you gonna do about it hunny?" he spoke taking off her hood."Damn it" she whispered looking away."Now then what about this low level curse" Sukuna spoke out loud.The curse threw a blast at Sukuna and Y/n but Sukuna regrew Itadori hand blocking it.The battle was intense and there was rubbles everywhere."Heh all done" Sukuna said and ate the finger it hold."Now you owe me something hunny" he hummed."I don't owe anything to you" she spoke with a harsh tone."Yes you do, a kiss would help right now" he warp his arm around Y/n shoulder.She smack his face away and walk towards the exit with Sukuna.They arrived and he teleported behind Megumi.They started to fight and Y/n arrived to see a dead Itadori on the ground with Megumi."Megumi!Ijichi we need help over here!" She yelled as loud she could while panicking.He rushed over and called the ambulance and waited for their arrival.They arrived and took Itadori into the car and left."Hey let's take you, Megumi, and Nobara back to Jujutsu high" Ijichi said and Y/n nodded.She grabs onto Megumi arms and warp it around her shoulder carrying him into the car.

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