♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10♡︎

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"I hate routines you know?Every year we put the competition methods into this box and then open it on the day off" Gojo pass it to Itadori.Gojo gave a nod to Itadori and then he put his hand in shuffling around then he got a paper out.Once Itadori pulled it out it revealed "Baseball"."Huh?Huh?!" Itadori said confused."Oh" Gakuganji said looking at the paper next to Itadori."Baseball?!" Yaga said shock next to the other side of Gakuganji."Wait your also here too?!" Itadori surprisingly said."What's going on here, Yaga?Did you put this in here!" Gakuganji said."No, I remember that I put the individual battles in—" Yaga said then it hit him."Get back here Satoru!" Yaga yelled making Gojo run away happy.
Everyone got ready for the game as Miwa was the first one up and Maki was the pitcher.Maki threw the ball towards Miwa and she hit the ball making it go up into the sky."Fly ball!" Mai got up her seat looking at the ball.Momo took this chance to run from her base to the next not knowing the rules."Nishimiya, don't run yet!" Mai shouts as Momo was running.But Inumaki caught the ball and then threw it to Panda who caught it "Out!" Gojo said."Huh?Why?" Momo said confused."If ya don't know the rules you could have said so and we could explain it to you!" Mai yelled."I know them!When the ball gets hit, I run!Right!" Momo yelled back.Mai then told Momo about the types of baseball hits and their name plus meaning.

"Sacrifice fly?!What is that?!A type of torture or something?!" Momo shouts."You're just plain stupid like Todo!" Mai shouts back.As they both were yelling Kamo was getting ready for his turn."I heard that you fend off a special grade" Kamo said making Itadori look at him."Yea I guess I did" Itadori said."Good job, but that's the only praise that you will get from me" Kamo said.Maki threw the ball and he hit it making it into the sky high.He ran and Itadori thought about what he said."Woo goo!" Y/n cheered from the sidelines."Eh why is Y/n not playing Gojo-sensei?" Itadori looks at Gojo with confusion."She doesn't want to play, she said she wants to cheer the team on!" Gojo smiles bubbly.

"Oh...thank you Y/n!" Itadori shouts at Y/n."No problem!" Y/n put a thumbs up smiling."I wish I could tell you..but that's soon" Y/n thought smiling as she watch the game go on.In the end Gojo team won and it was the end of it.The Kyoto students left and everyone else went back to their dorms.When Y/n open her door she saw Sukuna on her desk looking at her books."I'm back" Y/n said closing her door."Welcome back hunny" Sukuna turn his chair towards Y/n."What are you trying to be?A CEO boss or something?" Y/n chuckles."Did it look like it?Well Damn..." Sukuna groans."It's fine" Y/n place her hand on his cheek and kiss him on the lips."I heard you and the others had to do a baseball game to decide who was the winner" Sukuna said.

"Oh our team won but I sat on the sidelines cheering them on" Y/n made a peace sign smiling."That's nice" Sukuna said."You took a shower already?" Y/n asked as she could smell his aroma."Yea?Why you want to take a shower with me?" Sukuna smirked."No...but I'm quite surprise actually, you never really took a shower without me" Y/n states."Well I need to learn how to grow from a baby to a man" Sukuna wipe his hair down drying it."Aww you actually don't like me calling you a baby that's why" Y/n chuckles walking to the bathroom."I do not!" Sukuna yelled back.Y/n lock the bathroom door and took a shower.
Y/n finished taking a shower and got her clothes on.She open the door and hang her towel up.She walk up to the bed and Sukuna was already sleeping."Well he is taking this serious about being a man" Y/n thought pulling the blanket off and got inside.She put the blanket down and she was faced towards Sukuna."Aww" Y/n whispers as she touch his cheek."I wish I could tell him he's so cute when he's asleep" Y/n squealed in her thoughts.She stops and Sukuna hand went onto her waist pulling her towards him."Eh" Y/n said dumbfounded."Is he asleep or awake?!" Y/n mind raced as she had a blush coated her cheeks.She close her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.
"Sorry this is a bit short!I apologize though" A/n

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