♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 42♡︎

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3rd POV
"Again, just to be sure: why?" Shoko ask."I'll create a world where only shamans exist" Geto closed his eyes as he smiled."Haha!Thats hilarious~" Shoko took her phone out and was doing something.

"I'm not a child.It's not like I need everyone to understand me" Geto opened his eyes."Just assuming that nobody will understand you...already sounds pretty childish to me!Ah, Gojo?" Shoko called Gojo before saying what she needed to say to Geto.

"I met Geto in Shinjuku.No way, I don't wanna die" Shoko says.Geto already walk away and was wandering around in the city.Geto was just walking around in a crowd of people and lift his head up to see Gojo standing there."Explain yourself...Suguru" Gojo said with a stern voice.

"Didn't you hear from Shoko?Theres not much else to it" Geto said to Gojo."So you'll just kill everyone who's not a shaman?Even your own parents!?" Gojo yells."I can't go making exceptions for my parents, right?And those people aren't my only family" Geto says.

"That's not what I'm asking.I thought you were against killing if there was no meaning to it!?" Gojo couldn't believe what was going on at the moment but he was trying his best to get Geto to give up.

"Ah, but there's a meaning.A significance, too.There's even a purpose to it" Geto said."No there isn't!!!You wanna make a world of shamans by killing every non-shamans...!?No fucking way that's gonna work!" Gojo yells.

Nvm"Trying dumb stuff that you know doesn't work...is as meaningless as it gets!!!" Gojo yells once again."....That's pretty arrogant" Geto says."What?" Gojo questions angrily.

"Its possible for you, right?Satoru.If it's possible for you...can you really go around telling people that's 'it's impossible'?Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru?Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?" Geto questions.

"The hell are you saying?" Gojo asked angrily and confused at the same time."If I could become you...then even this foolish ideal would be perfectly plausible, don't you think?" Geto turned around and walk away from Gojo.

"I've decided how I want to live to live.So now I'll just do what I can for the sake of it" Geto says and Gojo was ready to kill him right there."Kill me if you want.There's a meaning to that" Geto said and left in the crowd leaving Gojo alone.

Gojo froze and didn't have the heart to kill his own best friend after everything they've done together.He walked away and sat on some stairs waiting for Yaga."Why did you not chase him?" Yaga questions walking down the stairs.

"....Are you really asking me that?" Gojo coldly says with his hand on his neck."...never mind.Sorry I asked" Yaga says."Sensei, I'm strong, right?" Gojo ask."Yes.And you're full of yourself, too" Yaga says answering his question.

"But...apparently it's not enough for me alone to be strong.I can only save...those who are already prepared to be saved by others"Gojo says.
"I thought the Star Globe Cult was already dismantled?" Geto questions."It's a different organization now, but basically the same thing.To the public, it looks like it's getting rebranded, but do you mind that?" the man who Toji work for was there with Geto.

"Nah, as long as I get to gather more money and curses" Geto says."Are you really going out looking like that?" Shiu ask."Doesn't it look good?Appearances are important for this stuff" Geto says.

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