♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 19♡︎

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"Here's the chapter for making up at Wednesday!" A/n
3rd POV
Megumi tried to get up but his body ache of pain."Damn, my head hurts..." Megumi breathes out rolling onto his back."This Yasohachi Bridge curse was just overlapping the other one.I doubt that curse that out Tsumiki into a coma was undone" Megumi said and held the Sukuna finger up in the air."Now, how do I break the news about the finger...to...Itadori..." Megumi eyes got heavy and fell asleep.
Nobara and Eso gasps at the sudden huge presence dappearing."Did Megumi actually lost this match against the same cursed.I knew I shouldn't have left him there fighting it" Y/n thought.

"A huge presence suddenly appeared.Did Sukuna's finger leave the barrier?If a sorcerer exorcised the finger's host, they're quite good" Eso thought clearly amused."But even if the finger's..Even if the special/grade cursed spirit was defeated, they wouldn't come out unscathed.I hope they're okay" Nobara thought worried about Megumi.It was silent for a few seconds until Eso jumped to the side making Nobara gasp."Damnmit he's going after the Sukuna finger now" Y/n yelled in her thoughts."I misspoke.Please forget what I just said" Eso said jumping backwards away from Nobara and Y/n.

"Hold on!" Nobara yelled as she ran after Eso."He's going after the finger!" Nobara thought."You think you can mock me by running like that and still get away from me?" Nobara said."I'm a bit insecure about my back, you see.This is your warning.If you see my back, I'll kill-" Eso was then interrupted by Itadori."Oh, Kugisaki!Y/n!" Itadori said in the air while jumping after Kechizu."Oh, brother!" Kechizu said running away from Itadori in the air behind Eso."Y-Y-Y-You saw, didn't you?!" Eso making Nobara eyes widen and the other two dumb-folded while Y/n eyes also widen.Eso back had a face and out of its mouth spew blood out."Sorry, brother!" "Huh?!Who?!" "Sorry, I guess?" "It wasn't on purpose!" Kechizu and Itadori both said.

"I'll kill you!" Eso angrily said turning his back to Nobara towards Itadori and Kechizu.Nobara jump up into the air holding her hammer and hit Eso in the head making him fall forward and he flip into a landing sliding into the ground."Then why are you dressed like that?Is that the source of this weird smell?" Nobara smugly said putting her hammer on her shoulder."I was about to say the same thing" Y/n floats next to Nobara with her fingers clench onto her nose."Because it gets musty!Rot Technique, Supreme Art: Wing King!" Eso said and blood came out of of its eyes making wings out of blood.

"Death..." Eso finished making the three jujutsu sorcerers get ready for battle."by Wasp!" Eso finally finished his sentence.Blood drip from Eso wings as he was in the air.And it decayed the rock below it."Kugisaki!Y/n!Don't let that blood touch you!" Itadori yelled."You think I don't know that?!" Y/n and Nobara said.Nobara dodged the attack and she gasps."Run away, with your backs to me" Eso wings then attack the ground making rocks fly up into the air.Nobara and Itadori ran away from the attack and dodging it."Kugisaki, can you go any faster?Can you too Y/n?" Itadori yelled running."No way!" Nobara yells out groaning."I could flew!So I'm fine" Y/n yells as she flew behind the two.

And incoming attack was gonna hit Nobara but she dodged it making her fall into the ground.Itadori ran back and grab her before Eso could attack her again."I'll stay here and keep him occupied while you two run!Quick!" Y/n flys down sliding onto the floor and turned towards Eso."Thank you!" Itadori yelled."I've got your back then" Nobara said as she was carried by Itadori."Thanks" Itadori said and pressed onto the ground for more speed."Huh?" Nobara said shock."Release!" Y/n grab the sword and begins to slice the blood away as they kept coming towards her.

She continues to move at a very fast pace as Eso."She's stronger than she looks" Eso thought angrily as Nobara and Itadori is getting away from his clutch."And what speed this boy has...while carrying someone, too" Eso thought amused at the two surprises that were pulled."Tsk...They'll get away.Well, no matter" Eso thought and focus on his opponent in front of him."I'll just harm you first" Eso yells and threw all his attacks at Y/n.She continues to dodged and parry them but it was too much that she could handle.As she was occupied with the attacks in front of her one of Eso attack went underground and pop up behind her.It attacks Y/n right wing and it pulses in her body making her lose balance.

"I bought enough time" Y/n thought and she jumps backwards.She turned around and ran into the forest after Nobara and Itadori.Eso begins to follow after her as she continues to keep her eyes out for any tricks he might pull."Okay, we're out of range now" Itadori smugly said."Well done.You have my compliments" Nobara said getting up and walk forwards."Yeah, yeah" Itadori jokingly said."I'm kidding.Thank you" Nobara said and Kechizu crawled up behind Itadori making his eyes widen.He pushes Nobara out the way and Kechizu spits out a large amount of blood at Itadori who block it.The blood rose hot steam from it making Itadori having one of his eyes closed.

"It took the shortest route and got ahead of us?" Itadori thought."Itado-" Nobara was interrupted by Eso attack that landed on her left arm.Nobara body strained from the attack as steam rose up showing blood on her arm and she clench her hand."Kugisaki!" Itadori yelled worriedly."You don't need to worry.My younger brother's blood doesn't have the same quality as mine" Eso said making Itadori and Nobara turned their head to them."Has he already defeat Y/n in a short amount of time" Nobara thought.

"And even mine won't kill you unless your entire body's bathed in it.Though it would hurt like hell.This is where our technique starts" Eso said."Rot Technique: Decay" Eso thought picking his pick finger up activating his technique.Markings begin to appear on Itadori face, Nobara left arm up to her face, and Y/n right wing.

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