♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 40♡︎

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3rd POV
"You'll fry your brain if you leave it always active" Shouko tells Gojo, but he already had an answer to that."I'm simultaneously running a self-recovery reverse jujutsu technique.This way, my brain will always stay fresh."

"I was already omitting the palm seals since before, and now it has been perfected.The multiple activations of both 'red' and 'blue' are also going well.What's next is creating my own territory and close-range teleportation, I guess."

"I think you can do that on the college grounds without any trouble...Shouko, lend him a lab rat for experiments" Gojo says."Eh..." Shouko sweat drops at the comment Gojo made."Satoru has become 'The Strongest' " Geto thought.

"Suguru did you lose weight?Are you okay?" Gojo had the slightest concern for his best friend.He didn't feel like...himself anymore.."He can complete any mission by himself.Shouko usually doesn't go out on dangerous missions anyway."

"So I've been spending more time alone.It can't be helped" Geto thought to himself stuck in thought."Its's just the summer stress.I'm fine" Geto says not looking into Gojo eyes."Did you eat too much soumen?" Gojo ask.

"It's been a busy summer.There must've been an influence of the constant calamities we had last year.Cursed spirits were crawling around like bugs.I just exorcised and ingested, again and again."

"Exorcised...Ingested...The taste of a cursed spirit that no-one else knows...like swallowing whole a cloth that was used to wipe up vomit...exorcised.Ingested.And for who?" Geto was in a too much of a deep thought to even pay attention to anyone or anything.

"Ever since that day...I've kept asking myselfWhat I saw them wasn't unusual at all.I was well aware of that ugliness.Already knew that...and I made the decision to be a shaman despite it.Don't falter" Geto was in the shower being all pissy.

"As one who is strong, you must fulfill your obligation" a voice said in his head."fucking monkeys..." Geto cursed underneath his breath.Geto dried himself off and put on some clothes.He went to sat in a room with two vending machines to the side.

"Ah!!Getou-san!!" Haibara happily says with a smile."Haibara..." Geto mumbles."Good work out there!" Haibara says with his arms behind him."Wanna drink something?" Geto ask Haibara.

"He?You don't have to...COLA, PLEASE!" Haibara couldn't resist to accept Geto gracious offer."Huhu..." Geto chuckles lightly.He put some money into the vending machine and got Haibara a drink.

He gave it to Haibara and they both sat down."My mission tomorrow is going to be pretty far out!" Haibara says."Really?Do being souvenirs" Geto had his eyes closed but he was smiling."Got it!!Do you prefer something sweet or salty?" Haibara says.

"I might share with Satoru, so something sweet" Geto says and opened his eyes."...Haibara.Do you think you can keep being an shaman?Is it not rough for you?" Geto questions and this perks Haibara thoughts.

"Hm...let's see.I'm not really the type to think deeply about anything, you see.It just feels nice to me...to do my best in the things that I can do!" Haibara answers Geto question.Geto eyes widen a little and relaxes a bit.

"I see.That makes sense" Geto says.A random mysterious girl appeared out of nowhere and was now standing right in front of Geto and Haibara."Are you Getou-kun?Whats your type of girl?Hm?" She said with her coat behind her.

"Who are you?" Geto was staying his distance away from the girl."I like girls who eat a lot!" Haibara answers truthfully."Hoh.." the girl said."Haibara..." Geto sweat drops at his sudden words to the girl.

"It's fine, she's not a bad person.I'm sure of that since I have a good eye for people!" Haibara says cheekily."...you say that while sitting next to me?" Geto says."?...Yes!" Haibara says."....." Geto said nothing."Ahaha!Boy he was being sarcastic" She laughs at his humor.

"Excuse me~!" Haibara excused himself from the two to a different location."Is he a Kouhai?He's so honest and cute.But he needs to be more careful if peole, since he's a shaman.So aren't you going to give me an answer, Getou-kun?" She says."You answer first.Who are you?" Geto questions the girl right next to him.

"Special Grade Shaman, Tsukumo Yuki.Have you heard of me?" She says."!!You're the one..." Geto eyes widen."Oh, so you've heard of me?" She says with a smug smile."The special grade who never goes on any mission...and just fucks around taking trips overseas..." Geto says.

"I hate the college"She leans back and sulk."She's sulking..." Geto thought."I'm just kidding.But it's true that my objective don't align with the college's.The people here want to treat the symptoms.I want to treat the cause" Tsukumo says with a serious face.

"Treat the cause?" Geto was confused."I don't want to hunt cursed spirits.I want to create a world where cursed spirits aren't born" Tsukumo says."!" Geto was still confused."I'll...give you a short lesson.What are cursed spirits, in the first place?" She told Geto and then continues.

"Excess cursed energy leaks from humans.That energy accumulated to form cursed spirits" Geto answers that question."Excellent.As such, there are two ways of creating a world where cursed spirits aren't born."

"1-Make all of humanity lose their cursed energy.2-Make all of humanity able to control their cursed energy.I think the first option is a pretty good route to take.There's even a model case!" Tsukumo explains.

"Model case?" Geto was now interested in what they are talking about."Someone you knew very well.Zen'in Touji.I've seen a bunch of cases where the Heaven Binding Curse gives shamans the same amount of cursed energy as a regular civilian..."

"but he was the only case of someone who had exactly zero cursed energy, ever.And that's not the only interesting thing...although he had absolutely no cursed energy, Zen'in Touji could sense cursed spirits with his five sense."

"By completely discarding cursed energy, his body crossed the line and somehow ended up gaining resistance to cursed instead.A true superhuman.There's no shame in you having lost to him.I wanted to research him, but he turned me down."

"It's too bad that he's gone now.Since there are too few samples of the heavenly binding curse...I'm chasing the second option for now.Did you know?Shamans don't actually create cursed spirits at all" Tsukumo was spitting information and lots of other important things to a low grade like him.

But he listened to everything that she had to say no matter what."!?" Geto never said anything but was kinda of surprised."Unless they leave behind vengeful spirits after dying, of course.When compared to a regular person, way less cursed energy leaks from a shaman."

"There's the difference in capacity and consumption due to Jujutsu techniques, but...what's important is The Flow!Shamans have their cursed energy flow within their own bodies.To put it bluntly, if all of humanity were shamans...no curses would be born" Tsukumo says with confidence in what she was saying to Geto.

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