♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 39♡︎

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3rd POV
Toji pulled his arms back and crack his bones.His bones hurt like hell from that shockwave Gojo sent him."My bones hurt like hell.That shockwave was 'red', the reverse rotation of the infinity jujutsu, huh..." Toji thought.

"1:The power to stop.The neutral infinity jujutsu.2:The power to attract.The reinforced infinity jujutsu 'blue'.And 3:The power to repel.The reverse jujutsu 'red'."

"None of that..." Toji hook a chain to the end of inverted spear of heaven handle and begins to spin it."Will stop me" Toji finished his sentence with a smirk.

"1:He had the power to stop from the start.2:The power to attract, I can either negative it from afar with the spear, since I've increased its ranged...or I can outrun it.3:The power to repel can be blocked with the spear, as long as I get the timing right" Toji thought with plans flooding his head.

UNEASE.Gojo was still upside down floating with the same crazy look he had.Gojo eyes turned to Toji and his eyes widen.UNEASE."...no It'll work" Toji says."I'll kill you!" Toji yells swinging the chains around hitting the ground.

Gojo wasn't upside down anymore, he's now up floating still."I'm really sorry, Amanai.I'm not angry on your behalf.I don't hate anyone.All I'm feeling right now...is the pleasantness of this world" Gojo thought.

"Throughout the heavens and earth, I alone am the honored one" Gojo says with a smile."I mean he isn't wrong" Y/n chuckles."The honored one throughout the heavens and earth, what a great title" Y/n sighs.

Toji smacks the chains on the ground causing the rubbles and dust flying towards Gojo.Toji hits upwards and went forward to hit Gojo.Luckily Gojo dodges it and made a different hand sign then before.

"The good thing about jujutsu techniques that have been passed down over generations is that the instructions on their usage are clarified by the predecessors.The bad thing...is that information about the technique...can be leaked much more easily."

"You're from one of the three great clans...the Zen'in clan, am I right?You know about 'blue' and 'red'...and everything about my infinity, I'll bet.But this...even among the Gojo clan...only select few know about."

"When the infinity collided with the forward and reverse rotation techniques...this is born.The expulsion of imaginary mass...IMAGINARY TECHNIQUE" Gojo thought.

"Purple" Gojo puts another finger down and in a flash his attack hit Toji.UNEASE." 'I don't wanna work for free'.I'd usually just say that and run away.But the person in front of me was a user of the infinity jujutsu, who probably just became the strongest shaman in our generation."

"I wanted to deny it.To go against it.Against the Zen'in clan that denied me, against the apex of the jujutsu world.I'm order to reaffirm my identity...I warped my usual self.I had already lost at that point" Toji thought.

"I thought I had discarded that pride" Toji says."I had decided to not respect myself or anyone else.I thought I had chosen to live like that..." Toji thought as he pictured his wife and his child.

"Do you have...any last words?" Gojo ask."...nah" Toji says.Then a picture of Megumi appeared in his head and his eyes widen."In 2 or 3 years, my kid will get sold to the Zen'in clan...do whatever you want" Toji says.

What broke then...was the heart.Gojo finished off Toji and went to go get Amanai body.Meanwhile the cursed spirit that Toji was carrying was in front of Geto.
Geto had arrived somewhere underground in some pet of building.He saw Gojo with Amanai corpse in his arms with people clapping.

"You're late, Suguru.No I think you're early.Tha Star cult owns many buildings in this city, after all" Gojo says not even looking at Geto.".....You're Satoru...right?" Geto looks at Gojo again like he was different than usual.

"What the hell happened...!?" Geto thought."You went to Shouko already, right?" Gojo question as Geto walks toward him."Yeah, she fixed me up.I'm fine" Geto says.

He see's Amanai corpse in Gojo hand and felt so much guilt."No it doesn't matter that I'm fine" Geto softly says."I messed up...it's not your fault" Gojo had no feelings at the moment, it was like everything had stop in one place.

"...Let's go back" Geto turned around and was about to walk away when Gojo said something."Suguru.Should we kill...these guys?" Gojo ask with people who seems to be in their middle age or even older.

"Nah.There's no meaning in doing that.As far as I can tell, there's only non-shaman cultists here.The main offenders who know our side should have run away already.They can't escape from the current situation, unlike with the bounty case."

"They were a problematic organization to begin with...so they'll be dismantled soon enough" Geto told Gojo." 'Meaning'...is that...really necessary?" Gojo effortlessly said."It's very important...especially for shamans" Geto said.

[•AUGUST OF 2007•]

In the middle of a box looking area laid Geto, Gojo, and Shoko."Here we go~" Shoko held an eraser in her hand.Meanwhile Geto was holding onto a pen swinging his sore limb, Gojo was ready whenever they were.

They hold it up and threw it at Gojo.The pen Geto threw froze and the eraser Shoko threw bounced off."Yep, it's working" Gojo grab the pen and caught the eraser that was falling.

"What the heck was that?" Shoko shouts."The targets for the technique were selected automatically?" Geto asked."Yep.The target is me to be precise though..."Gojo answered Geto question."What I was doing manually is automatic now."

"I was able to sort the objects into danger levels but the amount of cursed energy...but now I can also sort them by mass, speed and shape" Gojo had a cocky smile as he continued to explain more.

"I'd like it if I could also pick up on poisonous things, but that's still too hard.With this, I'll be able to leave the infinity technique basically always active with minimal resources" Gojo says.

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