♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 18♡︎

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"I didn't get to post on Wednesday and I felt really bad so I decided to post this!And I'll be posting another chapter probably today to make up for last week Wednesday! ;)" A/n
"Hey, come on, fatty!I'm changing the line!I'll tell them this fatty is my replacement starting today!" Aida points at his other friend angrily as Megumi and Y/n walk by hearing their conversation."You'd sell your friend out, Aida-shi?!" His other friend said shock and betrayed."Shut up!" Aida said."Megumi and Y/n" a mysterious girl voice said.Megumi and Y/n stop walking and turned their head."Huh?Isn't that Ikezawa and his buddies piled up over there?" Aida and his two friends jog down to them."You both said you wouldn't fight anymore" she said."Don't act like your my guardian" Megumi said.

"I hate bad people" Megumi said.A man was in the middle of an black pitch and suddenly it turned into people circling him."They act so damn superior when their empathy and imagination are as empty as a vacant lot" Megumi said as the people laughs historically."I can't deal with good people.They forgive the bad people way too easily.Then they vows it as the act of forgiveness as an noble thing.Makes me want to vomit" Megumi said.
"Tsumiki's a model of a good person" Megumi thought."people disgust me too much, that's one thing me and Megumi-kun has in common" Y/n thought.

"They threatened others when they fell like it.They be treated like trash" Y/n said as there were three boys beating up a girl."Treated like nothing until they died, that's when they would feel bad" Y/n said and the scene was pitch black.A light shined on one spot that had concrete and blood."Do they forgive themself?Find another target and do the same thing?Why so they get treated the best while the goods stay weak and useless.Why does the strong have to protect them?" Y/n said as she looks at the three boys who beat up the girl ran away laughing.
"You disgust me" Megumi and Y/n said.Megumi turned away and walk as Y/n followed behind.

A strawberry milk carton was gonna hit Megumi but Y/n blocked it with her head.The milk carton hit the ground with a soft clank and Y/n was soaking with strawberry milk.She stop walking and Megumi turned around to see Y/n soaked."Oh, sorry.I didn't think it would spill" Tsumiki apologize.
"When I was in first grade, my mother, Megumi-kun father, and Tsumiki's mother, both Megumi-kun and Tsumiki-chan parents hooked up...and vanish without a trace.My mother left me along right their parents leaving me behind.

Then a suspicious white hair man told us..."you know your dad...he's from the Zen'in Clan, a big clan among jujutsu sorcerers,but they're such good for nothings, it freaks even me out" young Gojo raised his hand in the air."Your father left the clan to have you.Megumi-kun,your father was saving you against as the ultimate card to use against the Zen'in clan.Pisses you off, doesn't it?" young Gojo said."That solved the mystery of how they got the funds to disappeared.Apparently I have been sold to the Zen'in clan.Yeah, it pisses me off.Especially your lack of tact about it" Megumi thought as young Gojo fingers were wiggling around with an smile.

"Plus, that irritating man stopped my sale to the Zen'in clan, and use the promise that I could work as a jujutsu sorcerer as collateral to get financial aid from Jujutsu High to support three of us" Megumi thought while Gojo was still wiggling his fingers with an dumb look."Megumi-kun is gonna go with this man for the three of us...I want to help him too!" young Y/n thought.
"What's with all this jujutsu sorcerer crap I keep thinking about, anyway?Its really just bullshit" Y/n turned around to Tsumiki.She was looking at Tsumiki with a deadly glare."Who the hell would I ever save?" Y/n and Megumi thought."Hey, Tsumiki!What are you doing?Megumi-kun, ciao!" A classmate said and blew a kiss at Megumi.

"Nothing" Tsumiki said and walk away."Hey, hold on.So did you give any thoughts to the test of courage?" She said walking away with Tsumiki."I don't want to go, but I'll go because I'm worried about you" she said."Shortly after I started ninth grade,Tsumiki was cursed.The identity was unknown.The origin was unknown.But apparently there were several victims of the same curse nationwide" Megumi thought as Y/n wipe her face off with her handkerchief."Man now I smell like strawberry milk and uniform is stench in it" Y/n mumbles angrily.
Tsumiki was laying on the floor with black flowers underneath her while she had her hands together and eyes closed like she was sleeping.

Her hair was in all different direction as she had her school uniform on."All I found out was that nobody knew anything, and Tsumiki was left bedridden" Megumi said."If I had time to curse someone, I'd rather spend it thinking about those precious to me" Tsumiki said warmly."She always smiled and spouted pretty ideals" Megumi said."She's always so nice to everyone and treat them the same way" Y/n said."Not forgiving people isn't a bad thing.That's just part of your kindness, isn't it?" Tsumiki said."She even accepted my disposition and Y/n" Megumi said."Yet Tsumiki would get genuinely angry whenever I and Y/n hurt someone, too" Megumi said and Tsumiki smiled warmly with white flowers behind her.

"That irrrtated both of us because I thought it was hypocritical in light of leave-others-be policy,but now I realize I had the wrong idea" Megumi said and Tsumiki did a closed eye smile as her hair flip up."Just as I chose who I save, she was choosing me to worry about" Megumi said as his hands were in the light."Just as I chose who I save, she chose to take care of me whenever I was upset or when I'm lonely" Y/n said as her hands were reaching into the light ahead of her.
"I'm sorry.I was just a kid.I'll apologize" Megumi and Y/n thought.."So wake up already, stupid sister" Megumi thought."Wake up and don't leave us here, Tsumiki-chan" Y/n thought.

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