♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 30♡︎

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3rd POV
"And so it begins.We, the Star Religious group, don't have power to fight.But we have plenty of money I assure you of that.How about it, Zen'in?How's a little Star plasma vessel assassination sound to you?" A man said to Toji."I don't go by Zen'in anymore.I got married and took my wife's name.I go by Fushiguro now.Sounds good.I accept your offer" Toji smiles.
"Sorry!I said I'm sorry!I'll withdraw from the mission!I'll be quit being a curse user too!Q as well, of course!Thats right!I'll go back to the countryside and grow some rice!" Kokun yells as he is slowly getting eaten by the cursed spirit Geto summoned.

"C'mon, let's smooch...a kiss, right?Here..." the cursed said while Geto was on his phone.He got off his phone and turned around to Kokun."Hm?" Geto places his hand on his ear as if he didn't hear Kokun the first time."I know you can hear me!" Kokun furiously yells."A curse user rice farmer?As if..." Geto massage his head with one hand while the other was on his phone.

"What can brats like you do?!We have Bayer!Q's strongest soldier!You're all." Kokun got interrupted by Geto who saw that Gojo sent him a photo."Hey.Is this Bayer?" Geto shows the photo to Kokun."Huh?" Kokun was looking at the photo and was absolutely shocked."Yea that's Bayer..." Kokun said.


"Got anything else's to say.Maybe about your leader?" Geto said."Our leader-!" Kokun frozen when he saw Y/n on the crouching on the couch next to Geto.She has a mask on and her hair was shoulder short.She wore a tight black sleeveless shirt with gloves, her belt dark brown warp around her waist, and baggy gray pants with sneakers.

"Who are you-" Geto was cut off by Y/n jumping over him.She went towards Kokun with an intent to kill and he was scared to move.She summoned a cursed spirit from her hand and ate Kokun and Geto cursed spirit whole in one bite.She retract the cursed spirit back into her hand and Geto quickly stood up."Stop right there!" Geto yells.

Y/n ran towards the broken window and jump off.Geto look out the window and saw her flying away with a cursed spirit."Damn it" Geto slams his fist into the ground.
"I was wondering where your went off to.What are you doing here?" The man said."I'm making money" Toji said with his leg corded over an seat."I've never seen you win before" the man said.

"What's going on with work?" The man said."Man!You're annoying, treating me like a homeless bum" Toji said."Well, you are jobless.As a mediator, I have to give the clients a progress report" the man said again."We're talking about the Gojo family's boy here.Can't just nonchalantly walk in.I'm gone use those idiots first to wear him down for a bit.I can't help noticing you're not working" Toji said smiling.

"I did you idiot.Whaddaya think you're doing giving up all that money we gave you?" The man said again staring at Toji."That what I mean by wear down.Don't worry.We'll get a return on that money.Just like this race here" Toji smirks holding a number horse ticket."Number 6, Hatano finishes in first, followed by number 1 Doguchi!" The announcer said."..." silence fell onto Toji just as he lost the bet.

"He must have lost" The man thought."Going for a quick buck doesn't suit you" The man said standing up as Toji crushes the paper."I'm counting on you...sorcerer killer.Oh, right...how's Megumi doing?" The man asked Toji."...Who's that again?" Toji said with his leg on top of the other and his head leaning on his hand.
"Should we take her to a doctor?" Gojo ask Geto."If only Shoko was here..." Geto mumbles.

Aiko eyes opened and noticed herself in the arms of Gojo."Oh, you're awake" Gojo said.Aiko slaps Gojo in the face and got away from him."You jerk!If you want to kill so badly...why don't you go first?!" Aiko yells at Gojo who was pissed off and Geto was was secretly snickering behind Gojo back."Hey Riko, don't worry.We're not here to abduct you" Geto friendly assured her."Liar!You look like a liar!And what's with those bangs?!" Aiko yells at Geto and he was pissed off but didn't show it.

Gojo and Geto both grab onto Aiko arms and legs.Gojo took the legs and Geto took her arms, she was off the ground with the two of them holding her with an annoyed angry face."P-Please stop!" Kuro yells at the two male."Kuroi!" Aiko happily yells with relief and tears in her eyes."My lady.They are our friends" Kuroi said on top of the cursed spirit Geto summoned.

"What are you riding?" Aiko questioned."This?Its the bangs guys cursed technique!" Kuroi smiles sweetly."Could you not call me that?!(Geto)" Geto shouts."Cursed spirit manipulation.Like how it implies, I can control cursed spirit I take in" Geto explained."She's spunkier than I thought.Aren't you gonna get all sad because of the merger?And here I was, worried about ya" Gojo said pointing at Aiko.

"Ridiculous!A simple comment from a simpleton" Aiko had her arms crossed."Wha-?!" Gojo was cut off by Aiko."Listen up.Master Tengen is me...and I am Master Tengen!!You talk about merger and death as if they are one and the same...but you're gravely mistaken!With the merger, I will become Master Tengen...but Master Tengen will also become me!My will!Heart!Spirit!All will live on after merging!" Aiko yells.

"Did you change your wallpaper?" Geto was looking at Gojo new wallpaper."It's the model-waka Inoue" Gojo said holding his phone."Are you listening?!" Aiko yells angrily at them."She prolly has no friends with the way she speaks" Gojo said to Geto while pointing at Aiko."I'm thinkin' it'll be a cinch to spend her packing" Geto said to Gojo agreeing.

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