♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 8♡︎

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3rd POV
The next day
Everyone was waiting for Gojo to arrive at the top of the stairs where the event will be held at.Gojo came up the stairs with a giant crate smiling."Hello everyone!I came back with some souvenirs!" Gojo exclaimed handing it out to everyone.Y/n got a teddy bear keychain and look at it, she thought it was cute."And I got an big surprise for my students!" Gojo went to the crate.A person pop up and it was Itadori.The Kyoto people weren't looking because they were busy looking at the souvenirs they got."Uh..." Itadori said."You think you can show up at the event?!" Nobara shouts angrily."I agree, why now all of sudden" Megumi said next to Nobara."Well it was my idea of course!" Gojo smiled cheerfully."Keeping Itadori hidden from us?Lets hope he at least train during those times" Nobara scoffs.

"And we have to change the plan too" Megumi said."Why do they hate me" Itadori sobs."Don't worry they were really sad about you dying.But seeing you now they're really happy to see you...I guess it's their way of showing it" Y/n pats Itadori back."Thank you Y/n!" Itadori smiles."No problem, but shouldn't we get going now it's about to start" Y/n said and everyone to their rooms."A change of plans we should replace Megumi place with Itadori" Maki said."I agree it would be more effective that way" Y/n agreed."But there could also be a chance that they would attack Itadori directly..." Y/n mumbled."What was that Y/n?" Panda said."Oh nothing just thinking to myself!" Y/n smiles."Salmon" Inumaki said."Why is he talking about food?And how is that panda talking!" Itadori shout confused.

"Inumaki has to limit his words to sushi ingredients because of his curse.And panda-senpai is a doll like the vice-principal, he made panda-senpai" Megumi explained to Itadori."Oh that doll that I got hit by" Itadori nodded."Eh should I be worried" Panda sweat-drops making Inumaki agree with him."Heyo everyone!Welcome to the Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event!Lets have a word with Iori!" Gojo spoke in the microphone."Eh?!Really?!Well...um...all deaths will not be counted...and good luck.." Iori spoke in the microphone unsure."Alright!Let the event start!" Gojo took the microphone back."Hey give me the microphone back I didn't finished!" Iori yelled and the microphone cut off."Let's go!" Itadori yelled with his fist up in the air walking to the event entrance.

"Your not the leader!" Nobara yelled."Calm down Nobara" Y/n pull Nobara back before she attacks Itadori.Everyone got ready until the alarm rang and they ran into the forest.Once they were at checkpoint "split!" Everyone thought running off in different direction.Y/n and Itadori both ran in the same direction and stop when Todo punch a curse sending it to fly into a tree."Oh you two look strong" Todo grins."I got a question for you two" Todo crack his knuckles."What type of girl and boy you like" Todo said causing Y/n mouth to drop."Hmm I like girls who are tall with big butts...like Jennifer Lawrence!" Itadori answered truthfully."Itadori you just answer straightforward like that!I don't get boys any more..." Y/n hold her hands together blushing.

Todo was spacing out thinking that Itadori was his brother in a high school."What about yours?" Todo point at Y/n."Why should I tell you that!" Y/n yelled blushing.An arrow came from behind Y/n and Itadori.Y/n push Itadori to avoid the arrow and grab the arrow by her hand.She breaks it and look behind her."Damn not one but all the Kyoto students are here" Y/n thought smiles sweating."Hmm you caught my arrow" Kamo said interested."Back off these are my preys" Todo said angrily."Are you gonna say anything Mai-san?" Mira whisper to Mai."No he just do whatever he wants, but he's also strong when he fights" Mai said."Fine then we'll fine the other weaklings" Mai scoffs and they ran away finding the others.Todo rush towards Y/n holding a fist out and Y/n crouch sliding her foot to the side.

Todo falls to the side and Y/n kick him in the stomach."Woah Y/n is super cool!" Itadori smiles admiring Y/n.Todo got up quick and went in for a barrage of punches.Y/n use the palm of her hands to deflect the attack as quick as Todo."Tell me what's your ideal man girl" Todo yelled over the barrage of punches."Why should I tell a man about my ideals?" Y/n shout annoying Todo.He kicks Y/n in the stomach and she slides backward holding her stomach.She stood up and smiles "good kick there buddy".Todo sprinted towards Y/n with an intent of annoyance.Y/n kick Todo in the jawline and he fell backwards.His leg lift up going in for a kick as Y/n was having a late reaction.A shadow jump out the tree and save Y/n.

They landed carrying Y/n and she knew this touch from anywhere."Darling!" Y/n said smiling."Sukuna?!" Itadori yelled shock."Oh s- I mean Itadori" Sukuna said."Huh?" Itadori said confuse.Y/n hit Sukuna head quick but lightly angrily."Ow ow ow" Sukuna said sarcastically but with a bit of pain."You better not ruin it" Y/n glares at him."So that's your ideal man...seems reasonable" Todo said standing up."Surprise" Y/n grins."I say you teach Itadori here some things" Y/n said."I see...well then how about it Itadori" Todo smirks."Sure!" He yells confidently.Sukuna put Y/n down and they both walk away."Do you think you should help your friends?" Sukuna said."No they're fine...all that training we did wasn't for nothing at least" Y/n smirks.

"The hell!Thats the Sukuna from the past 3,000 years!What the hell are you doing Gojo!" Iori yelled at Gojo."He couldn't cause a harm if Y/n-chan is there!" Gojo shrugs."Are you crazy you're gonna get us killed!" Gakuganji shouts."Like I said Y/n can keep Sukuna in check,as you see earlier he save Y/n from an attack.They also have nicknames for each other so what makes Sukuna dangerous?" Gojo grins."Damn you bastard..." Iori and Gakuganji thought.

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