♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 21♡︎

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3rd POV
"Itadori Yuji..." Nobara thought as Itadori kept punching Kechizu."won't stop!" Nobara finished her thought as Eso eyes widen."Y/n may look human at first but she's an angel, of course poison won't affect her.She may also feel pain abut with the little time she was given but I know she's strong living all these years" Nobara thought as her eyes gazed on Y/n figure."Kechizu!" Eso yelled.Y/n threw one last punch making a big crack underneath him and Nobara stab another nail into her wrist."Shut up already!Resonance!" Nobara yells.

Eso got up and ran towards Nobara to finish her off."That's nothing!" Eso yells and his eyes widen.Itadori and Nobara switch places going after their opponents like they planned it."He switched!With the woman close to death,putting her against my brother, who's closer to death!Does she think she can stop my movement forever?!" Eso thought angrily.Y/n slumps to the railing as the pain started to get to her."A few more minutes would've been appreciated.." Y/n slurs out and she raise her head up into the sky.

Nobara was smirking as her head turned to Eso in a taunting way."Woman!" Eso yells at Nobara at which Itadori was running towards Itadori."Do I release the technique or not?I can't go and save my brother like this!I can't unleash Wing King while Decay is active.But does that woman have enough strength to kill my brother?" Eso thought as everything was in slow motion."Even with her interference, this man won't be able to kill me before she dies, so I cannot release the technique!" Eso thought smugly."B-Brother!" Kechizu weakly said as blood dripped down his mouth making Eso eyes widen.

"We three are one" Choso said in Eso memory in resulting that he sub consciously undid Decay.Itadori, Nobara, and Y/n eyes widen at the certain pain that is gone.Itadori spun in the air and landed a kick to Eso arm.They begin to attack and block each other movements.The last punch made Eso fly into the wall creating a crack behind him.Itadori flew towards Eso punching the wall behind him as he almost finished him off."I was already releasing it before I even knew it" Eso thought as his head rose up.Itadori went in for another punch but Eso dodged it by rolling to the other side.

That happen three more time before he ran away from the wall."Wing King!" Eso said and he flew up into the air.His blood attacks his only opponent was Itadori and he slide against the wall.Then ran around the attack going under the railing resulting in a boarding way of going up.As he was in the air he dodges all the attacks by flipping and turning.Kechizu weakly got up and ran towards Nobara who jump backwards and slide a bit.She grab another nail from her pocket bag and was ready to attack Kechizu with it.Eso landed down on the ground as for Itadori who landed behind him.Itadori right hand was engulfed in cursed energy and Eso turned around.

Kechizu was running towards Nobara who had her nail infused with cursed energy.Nobara was the first to land her attack on Kechizu and Itadori did the same to Eso.Resulting that they both defeat the two cursed beings.Kechizu screams in pain as he fell backwards."What was that black light just now?" Eso eyes were wide as his right arm plus shoulder was cut off making him have a blood loss."I know J reinforced my arm with cursed energy before taking his punch!" Eso thought and held his bleeding right side."But the next thing I knew, my whole arm and shoulder had been blown away." Eso thought.

"Ahh, younger brother!Don't die, my brother!" Eso weakly said.Nobara rise up wobbling a bit in the process and then Kechizu got up screaming."Elder Brother!" Kechizu yells as blood spurted out from his head making Itadori turn around gasping.Eso sighs in relief knowing that his younger brother was okay and alive.Nobara raised her right hand up into the air and made a snap position."I haven't shown you this one yet, have I?" Nobara snaps her fingers making the nail that she hit with Kechizu blasting into that same spot.Blood spurt from behind Nobara who wasn't even dazed by it.

"Hairpin" Nobara said and Kechizu body landed onto the ground bleeding."Don't worry.I'll be sending your older brother to join you soon" Nobara grins.Eso slowly walks towards Kechizu while his right side was still bleeding."Kechizu..." Eso said."We three are one" Choso words rang into Eso ears."I'm sorry, Elder Brother.Even though I was with him..." Eso eyes brimmed with tears as they fell down making Itadori eyes widen in shock.Nobara was shock that Kechizu body wasn't vanishing like every cursed spirits."Why isn't this thing vanishing?Is it still alive?" Nobara thought with wide eyes and then gasps at realization.

"No!Its not a cursed spirit!It has a physical body!" Nobara thought and a truck pass through making Nobara dodge in time.Sawamura head pop out the window from the truck with a scowl face."Watch it!Christ" he scoffs.Eso grab Sawamura shirt and brought him outside the truck."S-Sawamura-san?!" His co-worker said scared."Speed up" Eso said making the co-worker choke on his words."Hit the brakes and you're dead.Both you and him.Got it?" Eso said and his co-worker turned to face the road ahead of him and nodded.Once they turned to the left they speed up.

Eso turned back around to see Itadori chasing after him.Eso raised Sawamura up by his neck and placed his in process of regenerating right arm onto his face making Sawamura scream in pain."Don't follow me, jujutsu sorcerer.Once I heal my wounds, I'll make sure to kill these two, especially those woman's" Eso said."I'm sorry, Kechizu...I wasn't able to mourn you.But I will get revenge for—" Eso thought and he stop his words as he saw Nobara and Y/n in the same place."What is that woman doing?" Eso said."Kugisaki!" Itadori yells signaling it's ready.A straw figure lands on top of Eso chop off right side.

She threw the nail up into the air and it was infused with cursed energy and grab her nail."Don't rush me!" Nobara yells angrily."Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!" Nobara yells slamming the nail right into Eso chop off arm and straw figure.Eso left chest grew two spikes making him bleed destroying his heart.He fell off the truck with pain throughout his whole body.

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