♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 35(𝐿𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛)♡︎

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"Since it's been a while I've done a lemon, why not let this chapter be a lemon before Gojo and Toji have their big upcoming battle.Sounds good to me to be honest" your favorite lazy Author<3
3rd POV
"Sukuna, Sukuna" Y/n chant trying to annoy Sukuna.But sadly it didn't work."Is there something you need" Sukuna looks at her confused."I'm hungry" Y/n said."Why didn't you say so, was trying to annoy me a way to get my attention or something" Sukuna says.

Y/n nodded her head fast answering Sukuna questioned."But get dress, your still in your pj" Sukuna said eyeing her."Hmm, sure!" Y/n smiles.She got out the bed and went to change her clothes."I mean it's almost dinner time, so why not take her to a restaurant or something" Sukuna thought.

"Ah man..this looks amazing!" Y/n happily says."I'm ready!" Y/n walks out the bathroom.She saw Sukuna and Sukuna saw Y/n.He was wearing a suit, to be more exact this fitted his hair color.A darkish pink suit in which he got from Gojo.Y/n herself was wearing a red dress with a cut on the two sides and fabric connecting it.It suited her body, making her the perfect girl ever(remember you are perfect the way you are, don't change yourself to someone taste P.S Author)."W-Wow, you look handsome.." Y/n says with an low voice.

She was blushing heavily at the sight."Well you look like the most beautiful girl I've laid my eyes on" Sukuna kiss Y/n on the lips."I love you" he says with an blush."Aww I love you too" Y/n giggles at the man confession."Shall we get going now" Sukuna hold her hand."Sure" Y/n smiles.

They both jump out the window and Y/n fall her wings holding onto Sukuna hand."The city looks nice above" Sukuna whistled."It does, doesn't it" Y/n smiles happily.Sukuna told the direction of where he'll be taking Y/n at and she followed his directions.
They arrived and Y/n put her wings together."There" Y/n happily thought.Sukuna hold her hand and they walk inside."Do you have a table reserved?" The lady said with an smile."Under the name of Sukuna" Sukuna says."Well right this way Mr.Sukuna" the lady said and grab two menus.

She lead the two to their table and Sukuna pulled the chair for Y/n."Why thank you" Y/n smiles and sat down.He push the chair in and went to his seat.He sat down and they both look at the menu."Well anything you want" Sukuna says."Is there a special today?" Y/n ask the waiter."Yes, today special is lobster with spicy vegetables soup with bread" the waiter said.

"May I have the special and water" Y/n says and the waiter wrote it down."For you sir" the waiter says."I'll take the rare steak and water" Sukuna said.The waiter wrote it down and click his pen."Your order will be ready soon" the waiter says and left the table to drop the note off at the kitchen.

"Surprisingly everything on this menu is low but everything is so fancy here" Y/n looks around with her eyes wandering around."I can't wait for the things I want to do to you right now" Sukuna thought and Y/n blush."You okay?" Sukuna smirks."Yes.." Y/n covered her face with her hand."Embarrassed?I know you can read my thoughts, like what you heard darling" Sukuna said with an smirk.

"Whatever" Y/n says with a blush.After a few minutes of talking their food came and they ate.Of course Sukuna had one more surprised in his head.But that was after dinner of course.Sukuna paid for the food and they left the restaurant."Hands off" Y/n hit his shoulder softly."I touch whatever mines" Sukuna says still holding onto her ass.

"Why out in public though" Y/n was embarrassed enough already.She didn't want to add anything else to the embarrassment she's felling right now.Sukuna have a peck on her check and snap out of it."That was for zoning out on me" Sukuna smirks."So now your finding ways to kiss me, goodness" Y/n almost face palmed herself in the forehead."Two can play that game" Y/n thought and she snicker.

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