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3rd POV
Nobara decided to go shopping last minute late.Luckily everyone agreed to shop.Y/n wore a a noodle string shirt with baggy pants reaching down to her ankle and sneakers.She put a jacket on and smile to herself in the mirror.

She put her hair into two ponytails and grab her dorm keys and walked out.She saw Toge, Panda, and Maki outside waiting for everyone else.She rushed down and greeted them and they did the same.

"You look nice" Maki says."Salmon" Toge agreed."I wonder where everyone is, they are taking their time" Panda says.

"Nobara is probably picking an outfit right now, I have a feeling that Itadori and Megumi is coming down right now, Gojo-sensei is probably out to get something as an souvenir" Y/n says.

Megumi and Itadori came down before Nobara did.Then soon later Nobara came rushing down panting."Sorry I took too long!I was just picking an outfit!" Nobara says.

Y/n phone ranged and she saw the number."Moshi moshi" Y/n says picking up the number."Eh, alright we'll meet you there" Y/n says and hanged up the phone."Who was that?" Itadori questioned.

"Oh it was Gojo-sensei, he wanted to meet us at the mall" Y/n says."Yosh let's get going!" Nobara says with a smile.They all walk to the mall talking to each other about things.
They all arrived and it was the time of Easter already."Wow time passed pretty fast" Y/n gasp looking at the new decorated mall."EVERYONE!!OVER HERE!!" Gojo yells with a cheeky smile.

They all felt embarrassed to have him as a teacher.They all walk to him and he was smiling with treats in his hand."I got treats for everyone here" Gojo says.He hand out a treat to everyone and they all thank him."Is Sukuna gonna join us today?" Nobara asked Y/n.

"Hm?I think so" Y/n says.Then a car pulled up and it was Sukuna in it."Baby, I'm here" Sukuna says waving in his car."Hey!Gojo-sensei brought treats for all of us" Y/n walked up to him."Oh really?Thats nice to know" Sukuna says.

Y/n placed the treat she had to his mouth and he took a bite."It's good" Sukuna chews."Of course" Y/n smiles."Go park your car, I'll wait for you" Y/n says."Alright" Sukuna nods his head and drove to park his car.Y/n told the others to go and have fun while she waits for Sukuna.

She waited for Sukuna and he finally arrived after a few minutes."Let's go" Y/n says holding onto his arm.They walk in and went to a few stores.But there was one particular store that caught Sukuna eyes."Lets go there" Sukuna points at the store.

"Ok?" Y/n was kinda of surprised, Sukuna actually never picked a store before.They walk into the store and turns out it was for adults only.Y/n mouth opened a bit at the sight.Sukuna hand swarm to her waist and pulled her in closer to him."Let's look around together" Sukuna smirks at her.Y/n gulps and nod her head slowly.

They look around a bit and decided to go to the clothes section.They had many explicit outfits for males and females."Since it's Easter...why not get a bunny outfit?" Sukuna whispers in her ear.

Y/n grip onto his shirt as she had a blush covering her cheeks.He pick out the outfit for her and paid for it.The cashier was fanning for Sukuna as he looked handsome."I'd like to buy this" Sukuna says handing the cashier the clothes and a certain thing."Y-Yes!" The cashier says and scan the price.

"That'll be $29.99" she said with a blush.He pulled out a black card and insert it to the machine."Thank you!Have a great day!" She bowed with a blush.Y/n to be exact was jealous but she didn't show it.It was lingering out of her body and Sukuna noticed the lingering aura.

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