♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 24(𝐿𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛)♡︎

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3rd POV
Itadori tag along with Y/n and Sukuna to food shopping.Of course Y/n wasn't gonna get food and some new clothing for her closet.She only focuses on what she needs for her and others.The whole day was fun after they got the sloppy things out the way.Y/n, Sukuna, and Itadori were all currently sitting on a table eating food for lunch."I didn't know that food shopping takes this long" Itadori sighs as he was exhausted.

"Food shopping depends on the amount of people living in one house.For example, a couple with a child and a couple with a few kids.The couple with a child would spend less money then the couple with few kids.Sometimes that analogy is reversed" Y/n said and Itadori understood it."So are we the couple with a child?" Itadori questioned."Of course, unless you want a little sibling" Sukuna slurred happily.Y/n spits out her drink to the side with a red face."I will kill you if we have another child!Birth is painful!If I was a human pregnant with a cursed baby then I'll be dead in the first few days!Be lucky I'm not a human but an angel!" Y/n yells angrily.

"I don't think I want a younger sibling" Itadori wave in reassurance."That's too bad I really wanted another me running around" Sukuna said ignoring Y/n."Not a chance!" Y/n yells."Mom, dad your embarrassing me" Itadori said with a red face embarrass that people was looking at them."Ehem sorry" Y/n clears her throat."It's fine" Itadori chuckles lightly."Let's go back to the dorm now!" Itadori exclaimed happily getting up from his seat."Let's get going" Sukuna said getting up as well.

"Waiter our check please!" Y/n waves her hand up in the air."Coming!" The waiter said and went to go get the check."Mom is not bad as Nobara when she shops" Itadori said looking at the bags he was carrying and Sukuna's."She's responsible of course unlike your friend" Sukuna said."Let's go now" Y/n said grabbing some of the bags from Sukuna."You really gonna let mom take the bags from you" Itadori said looking at Sukuna."Your not a man at all, letting a woman hold some bag that she bought with her own money" Itadori said.

"Shut it kid" Sukuna growls."No fighting you two" Y/n glares at the two making them stop.Sukuna slip his right arm around Y/n waist and she yelp from the sudden movement."Don't scare me darling" Y/n whispers."Sorry I just wanted you on me" Sukuna grins.Y/n face blushed red as she knows what he means.So she played the game along with him."Aww so do I" Y/n flirts."Damn your making me horny darling" Sukuna whispers into Y/n ear."You started this darling" Y/n whispers back."Your just playing a dangerous game now" Sukuna said.

They all arrived at Jujutsu High and went to the kitchen to place the food back into the fridge and cabinets.Once they finished Y/n thanks Itadori and he politely said it was nothing and was just helping out."I'll be going now" Itadori said walking away."Bye bye!" Y/n waves happily.Sukuna picks Y/n up onto his shoulder and started to walk away."Now it's you and me alone time" Sukuna lick his lips."Your horny-hey!" Y/n yells at Sukuna when he grab her ass."Oops" Sukuna said.They arrived at the room and he lock the door behind him.

Y/n was pinned onto the bed by Sukuna and stares at her body with lust."It's been awhile since I had the taste of your body" Sukuna slurs devilishly.His free hand roam around her body making her shiver.His touch was gentle even though he wants to fuck Y/n hard.His free hand lands on her breast and he lightly squeezed it making her moan softly."Your also horny darling" Sukuna whispers into her ear.His breath making her shiver even more and wanting him.He release her arms and took off her pant throwing it on the ground.He then took off her hoodie and threw it on the ground.

She was now in her undergarments looking like a real treat for Sukuna.He smirks and begins to leave marks on her body from neck to stomach.She covered her mouth at the satisfaction she was given."That's not nice darling, I want to hear your voice" He said and she could feel his smirk on her skin.Without any hesitation he took off the last remaining piece of clothing and threw it on the ground hungry.He dives right into her womanhood and she grips the blanket underneath her."Ahh~" Y/n moaned sweetly.Sukuna was swirling his tongue around inside her womanhood.

Y/n became wet enough for him to put his dick right into her.Y/n push herself onto Sukuna surprising him.She begins to laugh as tears fall down seeing his reaction."Oh you've done it now darling~" Sukuna sweetly said."Oh fuck.." Y/n thought as she gulp down her saliva.Sukuna revealed his dick and pushed inside of Y/n womanhood slamming inside.He begins to thrust inside of her with hunger and lust.Skins slapping, soft moans, grunts, and bed creaking could have been heard if anyone was near the door or anywhere close."Your tightening around me" Sukuna breathes out as he thrust into Y/n.

The two were both near to let it out and Sukuna gave one last thrust and cums in her insides.And Y/n cums onto Sukuna dick.He gave her little kisses on her face and she smiles."Darling stop I'm tired.." Y/n said."Mmm no" Sukuna said resting his head on her chest."We got to take a shower or do you want a bath?" Y/n asked the pink hair man."Let's go with shower, I might fall asleep in the bath" Sukuna groggily said making Y/n let out a tiny laugh.

The two went into the shower and clean their bodies off and hair.Once they finished, they put on some clothes and dried their hair.They finished drying their hair and went into bed tired."Goodnight" Sukuna whispers."Night" Y/n happily said while tired.
"Somehow I express how tired I was- I'm not okay with my sleep schedule anymore.I kept sleeping late and I wake up early for school like an hour before school at least" A/n

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