♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 7(𝐿𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑚)♡︎

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3rd POV
Everyone was now in their rooms since it was the evening.Y/n told her boss that she's going to take her husband on a "date".She didn't care and hang up after she heard her excuse.Sukuna was in the shower and Y/n wrote in her dairy for yesterday and today.Once she finished she heard the shower turned off.The bathroom door open upas Y/n did not look up from her phone."Do I just keep wearing my old clothes or do you just have any that fit me?" Sukuna said with a towel around his waist."No I don't have any, I'll go ask Megumi" Y/n said closing her phone and got off her chair.She walk towards the door and open it.She close it and then walk away from her room to Megumi.She knock on his door and he open up "do you need something y/n-san?" Megumi said.

"Mind if I borrow a shirt and pant for Sukuna, I've got to go shopping for him tomorrow" Y/n said."Sure I don't mind" Megumi shrugs and went to his cabinets searching through.He found a shirt and pants for him and gave it to Y/n.She graciously thanks him and walk away to her room.Once she arrived at her room she open the door and saw that Sukuna was lying on the bed."I got you clothes from Megumi I hope it at least fits" Y/n hold up Megumi clothes."Mhm thanks" Sukuna replied."Why it's no problem darling" Y/n giggled."Thanks for the meal" Sukuna appeared in front of Y/n with lust as he lick his lip.He grab Y/n and threw her over his shoulder causing her to yelp.Sukuna walk towards Y/n bed and threw her onto the bed."Ouch..." Y/n rub her head and see that Sukuna was on top of her causing her to blushed.

Sukuna had pinned Y/n down on her bed with eyes of lust.Sukuna lean down and kiss her roughly.They took breathes for a few second and went back to kissing.Sukuna pull back smirking at seeing the sight that Y/n was in.She was breathing heavily, a blush spread across her face, and she had her eyes half way close with tears.Sukuna took Y/n shirt off and put his hand under her hand touching her breast.She yelp and Sukuna took off her bra.He touch her nipple causing her to moan softly."Your pretty sensitive here hunny~" he teases."Because you kept playing with it every time" Y/n mumbled with her arm covering her eyes.Sukuna put his mouth on her nipple and play with the other one with his hand.

Y/n flinches and cover her hand from moaning loudly.Sukuna sees this and stops what he was doing.He grabs her arms and pin it to the bed "I want hear your sweet voice hunny~" Sukuna slurs.Sukuna went down her stomach and under her panties.Once he touch it Y/n flinches and arch her back making Sukuna smirk.Then he took off her pants and panties.He started to finger her with two fingers making her moan.Sukuna loves the noises Y/n would make for him no matter what.He let's go of Y/n arms and took off his towel that was around his waist.He press his dick around her hole and Y/n look down.He went in and Y/n arch her back gasping.When Sukuna and Y/n got married Y/n gave him her full consent to use her body for sex.Sukuna started to thrust into Y/n inside giving himself and Y/n pleasure.

Y/n moans every time Sukuna hits her sweet very rough.Y/n was nearing her limits as well as Sukuna himself.Sukuna gave one more thrust and he cream inside Y/n.He purposely gave Y/n too much and pull out his dick.He smiles as Y/n was smiling at him.He went to her cheek and kiss her making her chuckle."I love you" Sukuna said."I love you too..." Y/n said hugging his neck."Replenish!" Y/n said with a hand over her stomach.She got off the bed and Sukuna followed her to the bathroom.Y/n turn on the hot water and let it flow for awhile.Once it was done she turn it off and they both went inside the tub."Were you trying to get me pregnant again?!" Y/n shouts with anger.Y/n was currently on Sukuna lap with her legs close to her chest."Yea why not?" Sukuna scoffs.

"If you actually get me pregnant again I'll kill you" Y/n raise a fist up shaking with violence."Woah please calm down hunny" Sukuna said calming Y/n down.Y/n calm down a bit but still rage with anger.They both got out the shower and put on their clothes.
It was night time and Y/n and Sukuna was cuddling.Y/n was on her phone writing in her dairy to keep up with the updates.She close it after she finished writing and place her phone on her cabinet."Goodnight hunny" Sukuna yawns and fell asleep.Y/n quietly giggles and fell asleep as well.
It was a day before the 'Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event'.And Megumi plus Nobara was walking around talking.But they met Mai and Todo who happen to be there as well.They started to fight but Toge, Panda, and Maki interrupted their battle.Y/n came from the rooftop and hold onto the edge balancing herself to see the battle."I advise you to not hurt students before the event, either leave now or you'll face the consequences" Y/n voice in their ears.Y/n drop from the edge and landed on the ground.She had her uniform on and her hood up."Tch" Mai scoffs and they both walk away.When they were gone Y/n went to Megumi and Nobara to see their injuries."Are you two okay?" Y/n asked."Just scratches and bruises that's all" Nobara smiled making Megumi nod in agreement.

"Thank god" Y/n sighed in relief."Please go attend to your injuries before something else happens" Y/n said and they both walk to the nurse office."Your too soft on them" Maki lightly punch Y/n shoulder."I guess so, but that's fine" Y/n smiled gripping on her jacket.All the second years begins to walk back into their school and wait until the next day happens.

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