♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 44♡︎

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3rd POV
"...So you've come" Muta says.
Itadori cursed energy emanate from his body as he was preparing for a punch.He punched the door and noticed the condition of the room."Um..." Itadori says as a sweat drops from his head.

"He got us" Iori sighs knowing she fail a part of her mission.The whole room was reck, the walls cracking, the tub crushed and the chair almost falling apart."So this means..." Megumi says with a monotone.

"It's confirmed.Mechamaru's the mole" Nobara says.
"You sure took your time.I was beginning to think you forgot about me" Muta says."We wouldn't dare" Geto says walking in the room with Mahito."The consequences of cursed restriction are something you know better than anyone" Geto says.

"Yeesh!As always...it stinks of mold.He's our enemy now.Let's just kill him already" Mahito impatiently says."Not yet, Mahito.We agreed to heal his body with your idle transfiguration...in exchange for co-operation and information."

"We've made this binding vow with him.The killing part comes after you fix him up" Geto says to Mahito."It would've been great to have used him in Shibuya...oh well..." Geto says.

" 'Don't lay a finger in anyone from Kyoto Jujutsu High.'You're the ones who broke the binding vow first" Muta says."But that was Hanami...don't pin that on us!" Mahito says without a care.

"I'm not here to argue over details with a curse.Hurry up and heal me, you...scum" Muta says and this pushed Mahito button."Don't blame me if I turn you into a caterpillar" Mahito chuckles at his own little joke.

"Mahito" Geto voice had a warning."A binding vow made with another person...is a whole different beast than a binding vow imposed on oneself."

"One of the differences...is that the 'penalty' is unknown.When breaki n a binding vow with oneself...the worst that can happen is losing what is gained.We can't take that risk."

"If we break the binding vow now, who knows when and what sort of retribution might come our way" Geto explains to Mahito."Yeah, yeah" Mahito groans.He walked towards Muta and placed his hand on his head.

"You better be thankful.You're even lower than scum" Mahito says using his idle transfiguration.Muta body changed into a healthy looking body.He moved his hand and fingers to see if they can move more freely.

He the did the same thing to his leg and was relieved it worked out just fine."Boooring.How about showing some enthusiasm?" Mahito grumbles."That,comes after we settle our business" Muta says."...true.Well, then..." Mahito says and got into a fighting position.

"Let's begin!" Mahito says with a grin.Muta did as well came prepared and some of his dolls came forward."Should I help?" Geto ask with his arms crossed."Hell no.He's my toy" Mahito says as cursed energy rises to his hand.

A ton of Mechamaru came forward and went to attack Mahito.He expand his arm and bashed all the Mechamaru.Once he broke them all he noticed Muta wasn't there anymore and assumed he ran away.

"He ran away.Well, it's not like he needs to kill us" Mahito thought."Boring.Right now, I want to fight more than go hunting,th...ough!?" Mahito was cut off as the ground beneath him collapsing.

The whole building collapsed but Mahito was able to survive it.He jumped into the huge damp and smile evilly."Haha!Oh hell yes!" Mahito yells now looking at a huge and newly version of Mechamaru.

As it rose from the water, Mahito was happy that Muta didn't run away from him.Ultimate Mechamaru, Mode: Absolute "Armored Puppet Ultimate Mechamaru Prototype #0".

"You were making this in secret?I guess you're not a shut-in for nothing" Mahito shouts with a smile."You're inside, I bet.Makes sense,since you don't want me to touch you.The cockpit...the throne of the soul...is the head!" Mahito thought with a plan to get rid of him.

Inside the ultimate Mechamaru, Muta was checking the system."All systems normal.Perception feedback blocked" Mechamaru says."Tsk!" Muta scoffs annoyed." A 'screen' is up...Geto, huh.It's not just to let me out.It's also blocking radio waves..." Muta thought.

"It's not easy without Gojo Satoru" Muta says with a sweat dropping down his face."Yes, I need Gojo Satoru so I can win.It doesn't matter how, as long as I get in touch with Gojo Satoru...I can let him know about the Shibuya plan."

"And I can get him to protect me.But trying to concentrate on Geto to get rid of the 'screen'...is way too dangerous with Mahito here.I have to exorcise him first" Muta thought finalizing his plan.Muta spotted Geto on the cliff to his right and Geto felt a stare on him.

He saw Muta staring at him and he kindly smiled."Go on.Don't mind me" Geto gestured towards Mahito."....." Muta was silent for a few seconds."I'm at a disadvantage, but I can win.I've seen everything."

"All these years I spent bound...and the cursed energy I earned from it.I don't have enough to be frugal" Muta thought and a scene played in his mind.It was Miwa smiling happily, maybe it was a time where they was spending time with each other or something."

"The activity limit dinged indicating that a year/month/day is either gone."Charged: 1 year!Burn then to ashes, Mechamaru!!!" Muta yells as a blast came out of its hand and hit towards Mahito.

Mahito eyes widen and the damn bridge broke into tons of pieces."Ultra Cannon!" but sadly Mahito was able to dodged it quicker.He used his idle transfiguration on his legs to run off faster to dodge.

"Is he planning to run my cursed energy out by burning me?" Mahito thought with a smile as half his face was burned."I'll drag you outta there" Mahito says."Mechamaru's attacks won't be enough to hurt Mahito.Mahito knows that too now" Muta thought.

Mechamaru did a barrage of punches toward Mahito but he dodged it by jumping into the water.He transformed himself into a fish and swam away from Muta."Two-Year Charge..." The Mechamaru charging itself for the next attack.

"Miracle Cannon!" Muta attack the water exploding all the water.Mahito jump up into the air and transform himself back into his normal self.

His arm stretch onto one of Mechamaru pipe with a smile."Mahito won't back down.The curses paying no attention to my attacks."

"So now it's finally time for...this!" Muta through holding a big vial of something.
"Short chapter but please do enjoy!" A/n

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