♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5♡︎

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3rd POV
Megumi got fix up as Nobara and Y/n sat on a chair next to his bed."Your telling me that Itadori died?!" Nobara yelled with tears.Y/n and Megumi reluctantly nodded as Nobara couldn't believe it."I've...got to go" Y/n stood up and walk out the room.She walk to her room with her hands in her pocket."I know Sukuna is probably gonna do something about this so I just need to hope so" Y/n thought smiling to herself.She arrived at her room and lock the door.She open her phone and wrote down her day in her dairy.
Y/n was out of the shower and currently sitting in her bed.Her phone ringed and she open her phone seeing a text message from Gojo.
"Hey Y/n-chan how are you feeling about Itadori's death?"- Gojo

"I still can't believe that he actually died...I'm doing a bit better though"- Y/n

"I see, how about the others?"- Gojo

"Nobara took a pretty big hit about it, Megumi I guess he's actually really sad about it seeing that Itadori died in front of his eyes"- Y/n

"Make sure to cheer them up for me!I got a mission at the moment😁👍"- Gojo

"Alright"- Y/n
Real Life
Y/n close her phone and wipe her hair down.Then she blow dry her hair and comb it after.She had a casual outfit and her hair tied up as it was in the evening.She grab her bag and place it over her shoulder.She open the door and shut it behind her.Itadori was currently at an underground place that only Gojo knows.He was training with a stuff bear that he has to keep giving a constant amount of curse energy or else he would get hit in the face while watching a movie.Itadori got hit in the face by the bear and he groaned in pain."Ouch..." he spoke with pain.Y/n arrived at her work place and put on her waitress uniform.

Y/n arrived at her work place and put on her waitress uniform

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Y/n work at a famous cafe which needed more workers."Start working we're more busy then ever everyone!" A short pink hair girl yelled.This short pink hair girl was actually the boss of the place, and some people mistreats her as a child.Y/n took an order and wrote it down."Waitress!Another glass of water please!" A man yelled the table next to her."Coming!" She yelled.She poured more water in the cup and smiled.She left to get more orders and hang them up."Wahh I'm sorry I didn't mean to spill it on you" a girl screeched.Y/n ran over and help with the mess "I'm super sorry she's new here" Y/n bowed apologetically."No no it's fine" the man wave his hand in reassurance."I'm sorry I didn't mean to Y/n-senpai..." the girl said with tears."It's fine Sō just make sure not to spill anything again" Y/n spoke with a soft tone giving Sō more confidence.

"Okay I will!" She exclaimed and continued on her work.Y/n smiled and someone called her over to their table.She walk over and stood at their table "is there anything you need?" Y/n asked the three teenagers."Our check and...you beautiful" the black hair teenager winked at her."You could have a check but having me you can't...why?Because I'm married" Y/n voice turn low with an unhappy face.The teenagers had shivers down their spine and agreed for the pay check.Y/n gave a happy smile and gave them a pay check.
Y/n was finished with her work and in the changing room with her co-workers."Are you actually married!" Yuri exclaimed with her bra and pants on."Yea what was that about" Moe smirked."W-Well it's true I'm married...but let's say that work keeps us apart" Y/n fidgets with her fingers with a sad smile."You should go on a date with him, you know to make your relationship better" Coco your boss said."You think I should?I think that's a great idea" Y/n smiled genuinely."Now go!Hurry I got to close the cafe down!" Coco yelled angrily causing the tigers to yelp and finish changing their clothes.They grab their stuff and left the cafe.Everyone said their goodbyes and left in separate ways.Y/n was walking back to Jujutsu High with her bag.
She open her room door and lock it when she went inside.She drop her bag down next to her closet and sat down on her bed.She took off her shoes and cross her leg.She then place her hand together and close her eyes.She begins to mediate and got transfer to Sukuna domain.

Sukuna Domain
Y/n open her eyes seeing the pool of blood on the floor.She walk down the giant skeleton with her hands behind her back.She was looking around until she came to the end of the giant skeleton.She saw Sukuna on his throne that was on top of dozens of bones."Well look who it is my hunny has come to see me" he smirked.Y/n outfit reappeared into the kimono that she wore 3,000 years ago as she walk towards Sukuna."I see you haven't change as well darling" she smile and stop in front of the bones.Sukuna walk down the bones and gave a kiss on Y/n cheek.She giggled with her hand covering her mouth."You missed" she taunt Sukuna."Oh did I?" Sukuna smirked and gave her a kiss on the lips."I miss you darling" Y/n whispered into his chest.

"I miss you too,glad to know that you didn't leave me alone in this world..." he said with his arms warp around Y/n."Remember when I was pregnant?" Y/n said looking into his eyes."Yea the saddest day that I see my hunny and kid dying" He spoke with a sad tone."Well I think that..." Y/n pause knowing what she was gonna say."What is it?You know I don't like you keeping secrets from me" He look at her eyes."Itadori looks exactly like you...like father like son..." Y/n smiled."Are you indicating that Itadori might be our son but a reincarnated version?" Sukuna said quite shock.Y/n nodded her head with tears in her eyes.Sukuna couldn't believe, his wife still alive and finding out that Itadori might be his reincarnated son.Sukuna couldn't help but be really happy hearing the news.He hug Y/n tight and Y/n did the same."We found you son" they said happy.

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