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"Become mine and I'll help you." Sukuna takes a step forward, placing his hand against the brick wall in the alleyway. Megumi avoids eye contact, feeling intimidated by the larger man. Sukuna has been persistently pestering Megumi about the same thing, he's interested and him and yet... Megumi can't figure out why that is. Is this some fleeting fascination and if it is... why does it have to be him?

"It's late... I need to—"

"Just hear me out, okay? I'm not going to force you to stay so just... listen?" Sukuna pleads while his other hand grasps onto Megumi's slender upper arm. The younger boy of eighteen lets out a defeated sigh, leaning his back against the wall. He looks up at the older boy of twenty one through his dark, seductively long lashes. Megumi is unaware of the beauty he was born with, of how his face alone is enough for him to be gifted anything and everything by any man or woman he desires. What's most alluring to Sukuna is this longing... this desperate plea for help that shades his eyes that resemble emeralds with their lovely, vibrant color.

"Give me a chance at least, Megumi. I'll be real good to you, you won't have to worry about anything as long as I'm right here and I promise to be. You fascinate me and for the first time... I am incapable of self control with another person. You're always so cold to me, it doesn't feel great when the one you have feelings for treats you in such a way." Sukuna leans down, lust swirling in his crimson eyes. Megumi's legs tremble, his strength threatening to give out, nobody had ever looked at him the way Sukuna does and if they did, he's never noticed before. Not like this. He's not as oblivious as he pretends to be, he knows Sukuna is incredibly obsessed with him but even if he finds Sukuna to be attractive in appearance, he doesn't want to be caught up in something that'll only lead to his suffering.

"Don't make promises you idiot." Megumi grumbles, refusing to believe Sukuna's affectionate words. "You don't even know me, why are you doing this? So I'll sleep with you?"

"If I was just trying to spread your legs, I would've already done so. You're smart not to be so easily trusting yet you're still here. That tells me somewhere..." Sukuna trails his hand along Megumi's side, his fingers hooking under his shirt before his fingers glide up his bare abdomen causing Megumi to gasp. "...you want me too."

Sukuna had been watching Megumi much longer than he realized. At first he was just attracted to this cute little freshman with this innocence someone as vile and sinful as him could detect, it was intriguing. They didn't share any classes, Megumi is currently finding himself by taking a variety of different classes while Sukuna is taking some random mandatory classes that he couldn't care less for which unfortunately aren't the same as Megumi's. It's not that Sukuna is indecisive like Megumi, his future is already planned out and it doesn't involve following some shit laws.

Then, Sukuna found himself thinking about the boy with pretty eyes more and more. He'd begin to wonder if the boy ever smiles, he's never seen it whenever they pass by which unfortunately isn't often enough to satisfy his hunger. Megumi doesn't seem social at all and yet people naturally flock to him only to be consistently pushed away by the boy.

Thoughts turned to invasion of Sukuna's dreams. Sometimes they'd be so sweet, he'd see Megumi as he pulled his hand towards the beach while he appeared to be laughing. Sukuna has never heard Megumi laugh before so in his dream... all he could hear was the ocean water. Sometimes the dreams would be anything but wholesome, Megumi would cling to him with the most erotic face that men would kill just to see. Sukuna felt incredibly blessed to see such a debauched face in his dreams.

"You're going to be mine Megumi, I don't want anyone else to touch you. Do you understand?" Sukuna's voice becomes deadly causing a sweet whimper in response from Megumi. Sukuna's hand feels so hot against Megumi's cold skin, nobody has ever touched him like this before.

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