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All day, Sukuna's thoughts were consumed by Megumi. He was frustrated, thinking the boy was purposely blowing him off —which isn't too far from the truth— and it made him try to think about what he did wrong. He didn't force Megumi to do anything, he took him home to keep him safe and was honest, so why is Megumi ignoring him? It feels humiliating, as if he's being belittled.

Sukuna stands in the caged ring of the underground club, looking at his opponent with disappointment, this guy is hardly competition. The bets were made and the fight began, the man bravely charging ahead towards the direction of Sukuna. Sukuna could easily take this guy out, the man is leaving parts of himself open, but Sukuna knows better than that. Nobody pays for an —illegal— fight just for it to end before it's even begun. Fifteen minutes, that's how long he has to draw this out and quite frankly he finds it demeaning, not for him but for this guy.

Sukuna has always been temperamental, ever since he was a little boy. He was easily enraged, even by small, insignificant things. Of course, as he grew up he learned some self control, to a certain extent. He doesn't take kindly to threats nor does he accept disrespect, he is the kind of man who will get away with murder. Especially with all the dangerous connections he's made over the years.

Fights are easily won, money is frequently made, and one-nights flock towards him like moths to a flame. He indulged himself in selfish pleasures for the reasoning being a means of distraction. The curiosity he felt for what was new faded. He found no true enjoyment in anything outside the ring, nothing entertained him enough to catch his interest longer than a few days. He learned to accept that, maybe all he'll ever truly love is fighting and he doesn't see that as a negative thing.

Then, Megumi Fushiguro just had to pass by while looking so bewitchingly beautiful and for the first time... he found something that felt out of reach. It felt like a struggle, like he was drowning and couldn't reach Megumi who was in his line of sight and yet so...far. Megumi doesn't know of him, doesn't know what he does or is capable of... Megumi is confident in himself and so damn cruel with his words that it stings a little. Both out of pleasure and hurt. Sukuna would never have let anyone speak that way to him, he'd correct them of their insolent behavior either with threatening words and if he feels it to be necessary, with his fists that'll be stained with their blood.

Sukuna dodges the punch, hitting the man straight up into his jaw which ached his teeth at such brutal force.

The same cheeky and graceful, inky haired student is also so lonely appearing, Sukuna wants to know why that is. Why is he so intrigued? What is it? Why? Why? Why? It's so vexing, why can't Megumi just accept all of him?

The noise in the crowd seems distant, drowned out by nothingness. Sweat glistens on both mens nicely sculpted bodies, their breaths coming out hot as they don't hold anything back. The club's aroma is of alcohol, sweet scents, sex, and faintly, blood.

Megumi, Megumi, Megumi, I want to see him. I want to see him smile, I want to hear his laugh and I want him to hold onto me with so much love that he feels his heart might just melt from the inside at all the warmth he feels for me. I want him to depend and lean on me, I want him to cry but I don't at the same time. I'm not good for him, I can't promise it'll be happiness and rainbows like in the fairytales they portray as reality to susceptible children. I don't think it'll be pointless either, I want him to experience everything with me. Knowing I feel this way, I still am unable to figure out if what I feel desires to lead me in the direction of gentle touches and sweet, promising words or something much more unpleasant.

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