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     "Stop talking to me like that." Megumi replies as Sukuna opens the door before shoving Megumi in the car. He slams it behind him, getting into the driver seat. He starts up the vehicle, pressing on the gas and getting on the road. Megumi puts on his seatbelt with trembling hands.

     "Why'd you have to dance with some bastard anyway?" Sukuna angrily questions.

     "I just wanted to distract myself and what about you? Who was that woman you were talking to?" Megumi responds, noticing how Sukuna tenses up at the mention of her. Sukuna's expression hardens, his bloody hands gripping the stirring wheel.

     "Doesn't fucking matter."

     They arrive at their motel for the night, it's mostly quiet and no one is in sight. The moment the truck stops, Megumi is already getting out the car. "Where are you going?" Sukuna shouts as Megumi passes their room.

     "I need space." Megumi replies, jolting when Sukuna slams his fist on the front of his car. Megumi turns around, narrowing his eyes. "Look at you! You're behaving like a fucking psycho! I fucked up, you fucked up, we both fucked up but you can't treat me this way!"

     Sukuna isn't backing down and neither is Megumi but he sighs, running his fingers through his dark hair as he comes closer. He doesn't want this to get worse but he still believes he isn't at full fault here. Sukuna opens the door to the room and they both enter, Sukuna shutting and locking it behind them.

       "You really hurt that guy..." Megumi mumbles.

       "He deserved it!"

        "You ruined his face!" Megumi snaps back, facing his boyfriend. "What if he calls the cops?!"

         "You'll tell them he tried to rape you." Sukuna steps forward causing Megumi to take a step back, wide eyed. Sukuna grabs onto Megumi's wrist, pressing him against the wall.

      "What?" Wide emerald eyes stare at the possessive, cruel wine red ones. "That's not what—"

      "Lets assume he goes to the police and this gets way out of hand, you're going to say he tried to rape you after you pleaded for him to leave you alone. I was simply protecting you, protecting myself over the violent drunk." Sukuna says and Megumi can hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth.

      "You're insane..." Megumi is in pure disbelief. "It's like you're a completely different person."

      Sukuna's eyes are void of emotion making Megumi shiver fearfully, shrinking back a bit against the wall. "Megumi, I've always been this person."

      "Move." Megumi demands but Sukuna doesn't do so. "Sukuna, move...move!" Megumi pushes against his muscled chest but he doesn't even budge. "Are you listening to me?!"

     When Sukuna doesn't reply, Megumi's flight or fight kicks in as he is cornered. He slaps Sukuna's face and with much harder force, Sukuna slaps Megumi across the face back. His eyes are wide, too in shock to do anything. He can taste blood from his lip, it's unpleasant.

      Megumi is brought out of his daze as Sukuna moves closer. Megumi uses all the strength in his body to push against Sukuna, shoving past. He doesn't make it far as Sukuna grabs his by the waist, pushing him down on the bed. Megumi gasps, clawing at the blankets as he tries to kick Sukuna away with no luck.

      "Stop moving." Sukuna growls, his hand grabbing the back of Megumi's neck and pressing the side of his face down into the bed. Megumi can only hear the rapid pounding of his heart, becoming petrified, in refusal to move at all.

Megumi feels shuffling and tears bead in his eyes. "S-Sukuna... please don't..."

"I'm not going to hurt you," he lies, planting a kiss on Megumi's cheek as he pulls down Megumi's pants. "I love you, Megumi. You know this, I only want to make you feel good."

Those three words that made Megumi feel that all his suffering was worth it because it led him to the person who truly meant it, those words that made him cry of happiness...made him feel small, weak, and vulnerable.

"I'm scared." Megumi cries, his hands gripping the bed sheets. Sukuna's eyes... they aren't his Sukuna. Not the one that smiles at him, not the one that he took a picture with or that gave him a piggyback ride. Not the one that asked him stupid questions like if he prefers cats or dogs. No, these are the eyes of someone that wants power over Megumi. Just like his parents.

Sukuna flips Megumi around, placing one hand on Megumi's abdomen to keep him in place while he unbuttons his own jeans. "I love you, Megumi. I had to hurt that guy, I had to do it." Sukuna says as he aligns his cock at Megumi's entrance. Sukuna uses his other hand to gently wipe away his tears.

So brutal and yet so gentle, it hurts.

Megumi's voice feels lost, feeling like prey of a predator that can do whatever it pleases because they are stronger, because they are superior to the weak prey. Sukuna shoves in and Megumi silently cries, his dry walls being forcefully stretched. Sukuna grips under Megumi's knees, pushing them further apart and back till they're pressed against the bed.

"You're bleeding." Sukuna states calmly, pulling his cock out and pushing back in. Megumi whimpers, his eyes tightly closed in refusal to look at the person he foolishly gave his heart to. His slick begins to ease the pain, making the slide less uncomfortable.

"Megumi, look at me." Sukuna snaps making Megumi jolt, shrinking back as he opens his eyes. "Tell me you love me." Sukuna demands as he thrusts in and out unforgivingly.

"I-I...love...you." Megumi whimpers, slightly muffled as he covers his mouth with his hand while the other is raised above his head, clenching tightly onto the blanket. Megumi hates the way it feels pleasurable, Sukuna knows how to angle his thrusts in a way to make him feel good. This is his Sukuna, this is the body he's familiar with. His heart, his mind, and his body are all not on the same page.

Sukuna kisses Megumi's cheek, "Fuck, you're so tight." He growls, his pounding becoming rougher and with a whine from Megumi, he finds his sweet spot easily. Sukuna licks on Megumi's mouth wound making him whimper in pain, trying to push against Sukuna's chest.

"I want to take you away, far away." Sukuna growls, his hips smacking into Megumi making a loud skin slapping sound as he buries his cock deeper inside. "Only mine, right? I'll make you feel good, pleasure you all the time."

"Stop." Megumi pleads, not wanting to hear any more of Sukuna's sick thoughts.

"So stubborn, I should fuck a baby into you." Sukuna threatens making the tears Megumi's been trying to hold back slide down his cheeks.

"N-no—!" Megumi mewls as his walls spasm around Sukuna's cock, his body shaking as Sukuna continues to roughly fuck into him till his hips sputter and with one final thrust, he buries as deep as possible. Hot, white cum shoots inside Megumi's exhausted, fertile body.

"You don't want to have my baby? Rather be some slut and fuck random bastards at the club?" Sukuna glares.

"Stop, I'm not like that." Megumi pleads, covering his face with his hands to hide his flushed face from crying. He's humiliated and doesn't want to feel this way, especially not from Sukuna. Sukuna isn't behaving normally and despite every logical thought in Megumi's mind, his heart tries to come up with an excuse for Sukuna.

He's drunk. Overwhelmed. That's all this is.

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