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      "What are you doing?" Megumi groans in annoyance at all the noise Sukuna is making. Sukuna sets the last of the folded clothes into the suitcase, closing and zipping it up. "Ughhh!" Megumi clenches his hand into a fist, hitting the side of the pillow. Sukuna grins slightly, setting the suitcase down and pulling the handle up till he hears a click.

     He exits the closet, "I hear you, Megumi. I told you we were going somewhere. Remember?"

     Megumi raises his head, face a mixture of confusion and irritation. "What part of maybe did your pea size brain not comprehend? I'm still sick, that hasn't just changed over night."

      "It hasn't but your usual sass is back, seems to me you're getting better already. My dick has officially become your source of health. You should be praising me as your god." Sukuna smirks while Megumi looks at him in mocking disbelief.

     "Wow, you truly are full of yourself. I'm amazed, actually."

     Sukuna chuckles, bending down and kissing Megumi's lips slowly. Megumi closes his eyes, relaxing into his boyfriend, his lips tingling at the feeling. Pulling back, Sukuna licks his lips. "Come on your Royal highness, we have a vacation to take."

   "I can't just ditch class and the things I have to do to take a vacation—"

   "Sh sh sh, you're sick anyway so you wouldn't be going either way." Sukuna replies, exiting the bedroom with the suitcase and going down the stairs. Megumi sighs, knowing it's pointless to fight with Sukuna when it seems he's so intent on going.

   Sukuna takes a trip down to his truck, putting their suitcase in the back where 2 other bags already are.

     "I want to speak with you."

   Sukuna looks and his relaxed, giddy behavior vanishes immediately. Standing in front of him is two of Megumi's meddling friends. Yuji and Yuuta, the two friends who are incredibly worried about Megumi and this guy being around him.

   "What is your relationship with him?" Yuuta questions, anxiously. He's been troubled since he's seen Megumi interact with Sukuna, concerned with the abnormal behavior of his friend.

   "That's none of your business." Sukuna replies emotionlessly, already figuring out where this is going. They're going to tell him to keep clear of their friend or something of that sort. These two pipsqueaks probably don't have the balls to threaten him and if they do, he wonders how they can follow through.

     "I can't forgive you for hurting my best friend." Itadori states firmly.

     "I wasn't looking for your forgiveness brat." Sukuna grins sideways making Itadori clench his jaw angrily.

     "Tch! How can you—" Okkotsu places his hand on Yuji's shoulder to keep him at bay. Yuji takes a deep breath, relaxing himself.

     "We respect Megumi's decision to keep you as part of his life, it isn't our place to demand you to keep away. But keep in mind, if you do something to Megumi we won't stay silent. We'll go to the police." Okkotsu's confidence takes Sukuna by surprise for a quick moment.

     "Megumi won't cooperate with you." Sukuna replies calmly.

      "Even if he doesn't, I'll take you down another way. Don't underestimate us, Sukuna. Things will get severely complicated if we have to find information on you you don't want getting out. Not to mention if we were to bring this situation to Megumi's parents, they'd make sure you're behind bars. Either for a crime you truly committed or we'll put the blame on you."

     "Heh, I underestimated you. Looks like you do have balls." Sukuna smirks angrily at Okkotsu whose face is stoic, nothing to be detected in his eyes.

     "We care about our friends." Yuji reminds Sukuna.

      "Friendship is fleeting, I'm not scared of two brats. Get lost." Sukuna passes the two, thinking it might be best to lay low for awhile.

   "Fucker, I feel like shit." Megumi complains with Sukuna's hoodie on and a blanket wrapped around him. His nose is red and his ears feel cold. The sun is beginning to set and all he wants to do is snuggle in his bed and get some much needed rest.

   "I know you do princess but we are going on vacation." Sukuna opens the door for him. Megumi narrows his eyes, getting into the seat.

   "Call me princess again and I'll crash this car." Megumi threatens making Sukuna laugh, shutting the door. He walks around to the other side of the car, getting inside.

   "Should I sing every song on the radio like the people in the driver's seat do in the vacation movies?" Sukuna grins.

   "I'll jump out of this truck."

     Sukuna laughs, reaching and interlacing his fingers with Megumi's. The dark haired boy glances at their hands, his heart hammering and this sort of homey feeling settling in his relaxing body.

     "Trust me, we're going to have a memorable trip." Sukuna looks at Megumi softly and before he realized it, he had already nodded his head in agreement.

      Despite being clueless about the destination or quite literally having any useful information about their plans, Megumi doesn't feel too worried. He isn't worried about a single thing, throwing all concerns out the window and focusing on getting the vacation he hasn't had since elementary school.

   He ignores the fact he could've been at home and doing what he can to get better sooner to practice his routine for the competition. He certainly doesn't want to stress about any of that right now.

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