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        The next day, Megumi decides he's feeling well enough to go to campus instead of exclusively online. He throws on some jeans and a hoodie, a simple and comfortable outfit for the day. "Where are you going?" Sukuna questions when Megumi comes speed walking down the stairs. 

       "School." Megumi replies simply, his eyes looking for the bag he had packed the night before. Before Sukuna had come home and woke Megumi up to an impending orgasm. As Megumi reaches out to grab his bag, Sukuna takes his hand and leans in, kissing him. Megumi chuckles in bewilderment, kissing Sukuna back. "What was that for?"

        "Why was Okkotsu here?" Sukuna abruptly inquires, startling Megumi from the unexpected question.

        "They were helping me study...." Megumi pauses, slipping his hand out of Sukuna's hold. Megumi knows for a fact he didn't tell Sukuna that he had friends over, the same way that Sukuna didn't tell Megumi what he did all day. Sukuna didn't get home till very late so how did he even know that Okkotsu was here? "How did you know he was here?"

      Sukuna could probably figure out a lie and say that Uraume was in the area and saw him. Except if Megumi were to talk to Uraume again, Uraume would deny that and that would end up being another argument. "I put cameras everywhere before I left."

        "You did what?!" Megumi shouts in disbelief and in complete horror that he was being watched without even knowing. The thought makes him feel extremely uneasy and now he's certain he's going to be paranoid about everything. "How could you do something so insane!"

       "You were going to keep it a secret from me?" Sukuna glares. 

        "I didn't keep anything from you! If you had asked what I did I would have told you they were here. Sukuna, this is a major invasion of privacy. Get rid of the cameras now." Megumi demands, standing his ground. He had no idea that cameras were placed in his own home and now he has so many questions. 

       How many cameras? Where did you put them all? How much of my privacy did you invade?

        Megumi nearly turns as white as a ghost when he realizes he could've accidentally given away the fact he's pregnant. "Sukuna... get rid of the fucking cameras!" Megumi shouts, his body trembling because he's so overcome with both fury and fear. 

         "No, I won't." Sukuna refuses. He would put a tracker on Megumi too if he had one on him. He stresses too much when Megumi isn't with him, he hates not knowing where he is and what he's doing. Sukuna doesn't feel he's in the wrong at all, he only did this to protect Megumi, how could he be the one in the wrong here?

        "I'm not asking you, I am telling you to get rid of them. That's fucking crazy!" 

          "I'm not fucking going to so get over it." Sukuna refuses in a blustered tone. 

          "Fine, then don't. I'm not coming back." Megumi doesn't get far when Sukuna roughly grabs his upper arm. Why would Megumi leave him when he promised to stay? "Let go of me, I don't want to talk to you right now." Megumi tries to wiggle his arm free. 

         "What is wrong with you?!" Sukuna snaps, not at all fazed by Megumi's struggle. "I'm just looking out for you, why are you always so fucking difficult?!"

           "You always ruin everything! You're a ruiner! Do you want me to love or hate you because I can't tell anymore! Let go of me, don't touch me! I don't want you to touch me!" Megumi manages to get out of his hold. "I need time to think, just leave me alone right now. I swear if you don't get rid of the cameras you're going to wish you had." Megumi snatches his bag, shoving past Sukuna and into the elevator. 

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