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        Wealthy people are capable of making what they want happen with a flick of their wrists. Due to that, Toji and Maki we're both escorted outside of the hospital once Sera found out they were here. "He says he's Megumi's biological father. Vincent, what do we do? From the rumors I heard years ago he's an avaricious, egocentric man. Perhaps we can convince him to keep clear if we flash money at him?"

      "If we take legal action it'll eventually become public, we can not let Megumi find out." Vincent paces back and forth, considering their options. Vincent feels his position as Megumi's father is being threatened and he feels perturbed knowing Toji is here and won't quit till he sees Megumi. They're filthy rich but so is the Zen'In family. Some of the wealthiest are the Fushiguro, Zen'In, Kamo, and Gojo families.

      "We should've kept Megumi inside, we never should've let him see other people." Sera wraps her arms around herself, visibly becoming more distressed.

       "I understand how you feel but that isn't a way to live." Vincent sighs, stopping with his pacing. He's getting a headache and a little dizzy from everything. He's kept all that Megumi's told him a secret from his wife and hasn't talked to her about Megumi's pregnancy either. Vincent is planning on how to handle the situation involving Sukuna, it'll be unethical and involve pulling strings but when you're ridiculously wealthy, you're used to doing things in such a way.

       "If he was kept inside and away from others his entire life then he won't know anything outside of that! He wouldn't want to have anything else!"

      "Then we'd get rid of all the books? Barricade all the windows so he doesn't see a bird and question where it's going? We tried to keep him as sheltered as we could, Sera. What would we have done when is body started going through changes and he wanted psychical touch?"

       "I don't know, we would've figured something out. He's our only child, the only one I've ever wanted. It was love at first sight for us, Vincent, he was ours. The world has only hurt him like I said it would. You have to fix this, our son is hurting." At this point she is sobbing, clutching onto her husband's clothing. She's so frightened at the prospect of Megumi being murdered or something like this happening again. She wants to bring him home right this second and keep him inside their home where she knows he'll be safe but both Megumi and Vincent won't accept it that easily. Vincent used to be on her side but now it feels like he's taken Megumi's side and she hates that. "I love him so much, we can't let him go back there by himself. He needs to come home with us, you agree with me don't you, honey?"

    "Love of my life, my sun and my stars, let me handle the situation." He tells her, cupping her face and gently kissing her lips.

       "...I'm not your moon?"

        Vincent laughs, wrapping an arm around her. "Megumi is my moon."

        She smiles through her tears, "That works for me."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

           "If the world went to shit and the zombie apocalypse happened, who would you want to survive with and who would you not want to?" Itadori comes up with yet another hypothetical question for Megumi to think about. 

        "𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚞𝚙 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜?" Inumaki cocks an eyebrow, wondering how Megumi manages to deal with Itadori on a daily basis. 

        "I would not want to survive with Gojo because I don't think he'd take the situation seriously. I would like to survive with Okkotsu because he'd be a logical thinker ." Megumi's smile disappears once what he said registers. There's an uncomfortable silence as Megumi has a solemn expression. Itadori told Megumi that Okkotsu hasn't left his spot in the lobby but Megumi didn't say anything at the time. Megumi feels lonely, he wants to see Okkotsu but he doesn't want to have Sukuna feel betrayed. 

      Junpei, Inumaki, and Itadori share uncertain glances at once another. "Well um, I have a baseball game in a couple weeks. I really want you to be there." Itadori tells Megumi, trying to change the topic to something lighter. He wants to ask about what happened but Junpei suggested he wait till Megumi is feeling better to bring up something so serious.

        "You do? That's exciting, I will be there." Megumi answers before having a hesitant, disquieted expression. He looks at Sukuna expectantly, feeling like he did something wrong. He wonders if he should've asked Sukuna before confirming he'd be there. "Sukuna...?" 

       "I don't think we have any plans." Sukuna answers simply instead of getting into it in this hospital room with too many people inside.

        "Okay... okay, yeah." Megumi nods, looking at Itadori. "You better win."

        "Obviously, nobody is better than me." 

        Itadori smiles and continues the conversation, wanting to ensure Megumi is smiling and happy. Itadori is not happy, there is something very wrong between Sukuna and Megumi. His best friend seems like a completely different person, he's hesitant and takes a minute before he speaks, he is diffident which is not like how the confident, rude Megumi is. He is always looking towards Sukuna for confirmation or answers, this change is abnormal. Megumi is a very special person to Itadori, they're best friends and have always been connected. Megumi is drifting away from him and everyone else, Itadori won't let it happen. If Megumi was in a good place and decided on his own he didn't want to be Itadori's friend anymore, it would severely hurt his heart but he would accept that because it was Megumi's decision. This Megumi is unstable, broken, distressed, and suffering the aftermath of being assaulted from the club and the abusive behavior of his boyfriend. He's pejorative of Sukuna but also conflicted because it isn't really his place to tell Megumi to break up with him but Itadori feels he has no choice. When they make it home, Itadori wants to have a heart-to-heart conversation about Sukuna because Itadori thinks it would be healthier right now if they at least had some distance.

       He just hopes Megumi won't be mad at him for saying that. 

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