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    Sukuna quietly gets out his car, grabbing the blanket and getting the entire back of his truck prepared for a romantic night. He's unfamiliar when it comes to such things but thanks to a little help from his friend, the internet, he thought this would be a good idea. Luckily, it wasn't as difficult to get Megumi to go with him as he would've thought.

The weather tonight is colder than he originally expected, on the positive side it'll only push Megumi to consider cuddling. Sukuna covers the back with blankets and pillows, bringing out snacks and numerous drink options. The woods around them are silent except for the soft cricket melody, the city past the cliff is giving a beautiful, glowing view.

Sukuna jumps down from the back, making his way to the passenger seat. Opening the door, he reaches out and unbuckles his seatbelt. Due to Megumi being a light sleeper and his senses keeping him on guard, he instantly wakes when Sukuna's arm brushes against his stomach and hip. He reaches out, firmly grabbing Sukuna's wrist as his eyes flutter open and set in a narrowed glare.

"Easy princess, we're here." Sukuna ignores Megumi's scowl, picking the boy up into his arms. At the suddenness, he yelps and wraps his arms around Sukuna's neck hurriedly. The rush of movement after just waking up makes him feel a bit lightheaded; Sukuna makes his way to the back and sets Megumi down on the edge of the truck.

His emerald green eyes focus on the view in front of him, widening in awe. The city appears so lively, it's far away enough to not burden them with the sound of people or cars... everything is calm and serene. Sukuna hoists himself into the back, sitting down in the far end. "Come on." Sukuna calls, holding his inviting arms open for Megumi who now looks his way.

"..." Megumi flushes, shyly scooting back. This is a new sight for Sukuna, how adorable. Megumi leans against Sukuna's body, allowing him to wrap a protective arm around his shoulders while Sukuna's other hand covers them with the blanket.

"Have I earned the right to call this a date?" Sukuna genuinely questions, hoping his efforts were not wasted. Megumi closes his eyes, his lashes seductively long, he lets out a shaky breath. When his eyes open, they feel like they're staring deep into Sukuna's soul. Megumi reaches his hand up, his slender fingers lightly caress the side of Sukuna's face before sliding down, his smooth thumb lightly rubs Sukuna's bottom lip.

"I'll never understand why you're so persistent." Megumi unexpectedly leans in, his light pink lips gently press against Sukuna's. Sukuna's heart his pounding, his greed almost gets the better of him but he fights off the urge to push Megumi down to deepen this, to push the boundary and see how far he can get before Megumi shuts him down.

Megumi pulls away, his gaze turning back to the scenery before them. "That was my first time initiating a kiss. I'll consider this to be a date so... you do the same."

Sukuna grins, wrapping his arms tighter around Megumi's supple body. He's warm and smells of lavender and rose scented soap... Sukuna likes it. Sukuna's ambitions for this date have already been successful so he doesn't want to push his luck, he won't come on too strong. He has the urge to, especially with how docile Megumi is currently being.

"What do you like to do on your free time?"

"...I don't particularly enjoy anything, I don't exactly do anything worth talking about on my free time anyway. I haven't found a hobby." Megumi shrugs, resting his head against Sukuna's chest. He didn't have a normal childhood, he didn't get to go to exciting places or even simple places. His parents were able to have full control of him, after all he was too young and too fearful to voice his desire. Once he turned seventeen and till now, he's had freedom although everything still feels... suffocating.

"I can say the same, nothing's fun." Sukuna agrees. Like the boy in his arms, Sukuna didn't have a suitable childhood either. An abusive household with one parent addicted to drugs and the other with alcohol, he ran away and was on the street for a long time till he began working as a fighter. Around that time, he was employed by Uraume's father although Uraume was the one around the most at the time, managing the place.

"Favorite color?"

"Are we five?"

Sukuna lightly laughs which makes Megumi smile softly, his tension long gone and now all he feels is secure and snug with this tattooed man. "I don't want to scare you off with deeper questions. Thought I'd start simple." Sukuna admits, nuzzling his face against Megumi. The younger shivers, a heat pooling in his lower stomach as the butterflies awaken. He's weak, vulnerable to Sukuna's touch and he despises feeling this way especially since he can't tell if there is genuine sincerity behind his actions or extremely fleeting infatuation linked to lust.

"I am adopted." Megumi starts off strong and it silences Sukuna immediately. The wind blows softly; Megumi turns Sukuna's hand over so it rests on his thigh. With the tip of his fingers, he affectionately caresses Sukuna's palm. "My parents couldn't have kids of their own, they both shared the burden of being sterile."

"That's terrible." Sukuna shows genuine concern. He's focused on Megumi and his story, patient with him and melting at his gentle touch. If he knew Megumi would've been so open and sweet like this, he would've done this much sooner.

"I can't tell if they became so overbearing due to the fact I'm the only child they'll ever have or if they've always been that way. They're stressful, they don't understand space and are constantly trying to fill my head with negative feelings so I'll come home and stay put as their obedient son. I love them and yet I want to be as far away as possible." Megumi's tone is soft, desolate.

He interlaces their fingers together, an action that is so pure and gentle that Sukuna feels overwhelmed, his heart bursting with needs and wants. "I like being alone, I also hate being alone. I can be indecisive when it comes to emotions, I never know what I truly want or if I wanted it at all." Megumi looks at Sukuna now, "Am I interested in you or am I simply curious?"

"Aren't they the same?"

"No, they're not." Megumi sighs in disappointment at the response although he doesn't pull away like Sukuna expects. "I tend to be blunt so... you're infuriating most of the time. You want things to go your way, you push and pull and it's exhausting. Little touches or actions leave me breathless, I like your smile. Not the cocky one that makes me want to do something that'll get me arrested but the guileless one."

"Do I really smile like that?" Sukuna dislikes the thought of it. Megumi lightly laughs, nodding his head up and down. He shifts his position so he's straddling Sukuna's lap and if it wasn't difficult enough to control his lustful urges, you might as well pour boiling water on Sukuna and tell him not to be in any pain.

"Mhm, I've seen it today. I really like that. I've never dated before, I don't think you're a good choice for a first experience. You're incredibly audacious and forceful and I'd bet my right arm you're a criminal—"

"Get back to complimenting me." Sukuna growls, his hands gripping Megumi's hips tightly. Megumi cracks a grin, tilting his head in the most adorable way.

"I want to... give it a try. I will try but I can't promise I'll be good at dating. Just... promise to communicate with me." Megumi pleads, his arm wrapping around Sukuna's neck while his other hand rests over Sukuna's pounding heart. Sealing the deal, Sukuna presses a deeper kiss to Megumi's inexperienced lips. The boy jolts, a flush settling on his pale cheeks as he relaxes into the kiss.

     "You're mine then?" Sukuna questions, a possessive growl in his tone. Megumi hums contently, running his fingers through the back of Sukuna's hair.

"Unfortunately it seems that way."

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