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"Hey Megumi, you sure you wanna wear that? It's cold in here but it's going to be really hot today." Itadori says as Megumi comes out of the changing room with a black turtle neck on. It's one of his warm sweaters he usually wears during winter but he didn't have many options on his way out. The foundation was barley helping the situation.

"I'm pretty cold." He shrugs, brushing the topic off. Itadori decides to do the same as they leave the skating rink. Something was clearly off with his best friend although he couldn't figure out what it is.

When they arrive at the school which is just down the street from the skating rink, they're surprised to see Yuuta Okkotsu waiting for them... more specifically, Megumi. "Hey!" Itadori waves with a welcoming smile. "What're you doing here Okkotsu-Senpai?"

"Hi, Itadori. Sorry, but can I have a minute with Fushiguro?" Yuuta questions and Itadori nods, telling Megumi he'll wait for him by the tree. When they're left alone, they both open their mouths to speak but Megumi lets Yuuta go first. "Are you okay? I've been worried and you haven't called since that happened."

"Yeah, sorry about that Yuuta-Senpai. A lot happened so suddenly but you're right, I should've called." Megumi fakes a smile, his eyes closed as he tilts his head. Yuuta frowns, his concern only increasing. "Do me a favor please, don't tell anyone about this or him. I'd appreciate it."

Megumi's emerald eyes are pleading and despite Yuuta knowing he shouldn't, he caves in. It's hard to resist when the person you deeply care for asks something of you. "I promise but are you okay?" He reaches forward to check Megumi's temperature but the younger flinches back, trembling slightly. "Megumi?"

"...I-I have to go. Later, Yuuta-Senpai." Megumi hurries off, trying to calm his racing heart. What is this dreading feeling? His stomach is twisted in knots, his body trembling, and his vision feels blurred along with his hearing. He's terrified, but why?

He passes by a concerned Itadori who is talking but Megumi doesn't hear him. He enters the bathroom and enters a stall, locking the door behind him. His breathing is rapidly increasing, his chest heaving and he feels like he might just pass out. There's a fretful banging on the stall door but it fades away as all Megumi can hear is his own rapid, uneven breathing.

Itadori enters the neighboring stall, stepping onto the toilet and hoisting himself over into Megumi's stall. He instantly bends down in front of Megumi, cautiously reaching out to him. "Don't touch me!" He shouts between quick breaths and Itadori's face scrunches in alarm but he reaches out anyway and gently holds his friend's trembling hands.

"Megumi, look at me. It's going to be okay, you're not alone. I'm here, okay? It's alright, I'm right here." Itadori reassures with a soft tone as he sees tears stream down Megumi's face. Leaning between Itadori's spread legs, he wraps his arms around Itadori's waist, crying into his friend's chest.

Itadori holds onto Megumi, gently petting his fluffy hair. "Shh, it's alright. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

His suspicion something was wrong was right. He couldn't hear the conversation from the distance but something felt off, especially when Megumi flinched away like that from Yuuta's touch. Could this have to do with Yuuta? Did he do something? Itadori shakes off that idea, there's no way Yuuta would do something to harm Megumi.

Itadori needs to figure this out, he's never seen Megumi look so... afraid. He's seen him cry, seen him absolutely break down for different reasons but not out of fear. He tries to come up with logical reasons for this, perhaps he's too stressed? Overworking? Unwell? Parents? School? All of thee above?

"Yuji..." His voice sounds weak, a bit hoarse. Itadori instantly looks down, raising his hand to lightly grip under his chin and tilt his head up. His eyes seem dull and reddened, his nose reddened as well while the rest of him seems paler. "Please... take me home."

Itadori's heart clenches and he nods his head, already wrapping his arms around Megumi to pick him up. Megumi's legs are on both sides of Itadori's waist, chest to chest while he rests his head on his shoulder. Itadori holds onto him securely, protectively. "I got you, don't worry about anything. Get some rest, okay?"

"Don't go..."

"I won't, I promise."

      "You strangled him?" Uraume's face scrunches in disgust. Sukuna and Uraume are currently at a restaurant in a private V.I.P room. Sukuna had said he needed to get some things off his chest and Uraume was hungry so it worked out in both their favors. He'd just finished explaining the events that took place with Megumi and Megumi's friend whose name Sukuna had already forgotten.

     "That's what I said." Sukuna grumbles.

     Uraume sighs, "You're lucky he even forgave you. Your temper has always been problematic." He says before taking a bite of his sandwich. He chews the bite before continuing. "I guess this is what matters most, do you feel guilty for what you did?"

     The correct answer should be yes and part of Sukuna says that but the other part is... greedier. Uraume waits patiently for his reply, curious as to the answer. "I don't like him being in pain, I don't like seeing him cry like that."

"You said you enjoy making people cry. That's changed?" Uraume questions, half teasing.

Sukuna sighs, a slow grin on his face. "I do, you know better than anyone how much I enjoy hurting others. There are moments where Megumi cries and he looks so... beautiful. But not now, not last night. I hated seeing him like that, I hated that I was the cause of it. The one I really wanted to hurt was that bastard."

Uraume shrugs, "You said that guy is his friend, right? Won't you hurt him by hurting his friends too?"

"What? How does that work?" Sukuna huffs.

"You really have no life outside of your job. People care about their friends and you're dating someone from the normal world. Apologize, make up for it. Control your temper before you push him away, it's obvious you care about him." Uraume suggests. Sukuna thinks about his words and decides to give it a try.

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