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"I'm your fighter, not your fucking drug dealer." Sukuna growls as he shoves the packs of cocaine back in Uraume's direction, they slide back on the table. The androgynous-looking male lets out a desperate sigh, rising from his seat. He pushes the drugs back in Sukuna's direction. The two share a disagreeing expression, Sukuna's is more slightly agitated. 

"I need this done, you're my only option at the moment. I know it's sudden so I won't hold you responsible for your anger. Some words were exchanged and secrets were exposed so to be safe of threat, I had my usual drug worker's legs snapped into two." Uraume shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal. Sukuna hesitates, glancing back at the drugs and back at Uraume who has desperation written all over his face. If he gets caught with this amount by the wrong cop, it'll be out of Uraume's control. His family owns most of fuzz but there will always be cops who are traitors. Sukuna's gotten caught before and Uraume has gotten him out but as business gets riskier, the unknown of who is trustworthy and who is a rat increases.

"Fuck, Uraume!" Sukuna huffs, grabbing his hair tightly as he starts to think about the pros of doing this. Money. The payment for doing this... "How much?"

"If delivered successfully, I'll pay you whatever you want." Uraume nonchalantly promises while making his way towards the bar. The strong scent of booze wafts off his body when he passes causing Sukuna to scrunch his nose. Uraume leans over the counter, grabbing the liquor and a shot glass for himself. Sukuna clicks his tongue, pushing the packs into the designated duffel bag in defeat. Uraume quickly downs the shot, a disgusted expression crossing his face before it returns to it's usual stoic look.

"Anything for the money, at this point I could convince you to become a prostitute for me." Uraume looks over his shoulder at Sukuna, a bored expression on his faze with slightly dazed eyes. Sukuna takes his seriousness as a joke, smirking with a slight chuckle. Uraume is under a lot of stress and Sukuna notices this, he only drinks and gets mouthy when things are too heavy on his shoulders.

"Ah, if only you recruited me before boss. I have a cute little lover now who wouldn't be pleased if I was whoring around." Sukuna hums, shrugging his shoulders with a dramatic sigh. Uraume narrows his eyes in disbelief, arching a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Not once has Sukuna been in a serious relationship so Uraume is skeptical if he's telling the truth. His mind is a bit fumbled, his body feels heavy and a little sluggish from the alcohol in my system.

"Who would be so mentally damaged to date you? Who's the top? Can't be you, you cave too easily like a whore. Is this lover rich? You have no genuine bone in your lying body." Uraume insults although Sukuna doesn't take it to heart. The fact he is a man whore has never bothered him, sex feels amazing with the right partner so he sees no problem that he use to indulge in that lustful behavior. Sukuna takes a seat at the bar beside Uraume, reaching over and grabbing the liquor bottle for himself.

"Someone's had one too many drinks. We haven't fucked yet but he's bratty. I'll have to top to keep him relaxed. You should hook up with someone too, you won't be so tense and irritating." Sukuna returns an insult before taking a shot himself. The familiar drink runs down his throat, not nearly enough for what he feels he needs before doing the job. "I'll have the shit delivered, remember your promise."

"You're killing my mood. Get lost." Uraume sleepily huffs, reaching and grasping the liquor bottle. He pulls it back over, pouring more into his shot glass. Sukuna can't be bothered with it, making his way out the empty club to deliver the goods where needed.

His cute little lover hadn't responded to him all day, his cat-like behavior is starting to really piss Sukuna off. One minute he's a cuddly angel and the next he's distant and cold. Sukuna gets into his black car, starting it up. A ringtone he set up specifically for Megumi rings and he nearly crashes the car trying to get to his phone. He grabs it quickly, pressing harder than necessary on the answer button.


     "Why do you sound so breathless?" A sweet laughter blesses Sukuna's ears. Megumi sounds carefree and Sukuna can imagine the breathtaking small smile on his face right now. The vexation he felt just moments ago vanished entirely, Megumi sure does have a way with Sukuna that no one else has.

      "Haven't heard from you all day. What have you been up to?" Sukuna questions, glancing at the paper where the address is to deliver the cocaine.

     Megumi hums, plopping down onto his bed. He wore an oversized white button up with black boxers along with black knee-high socks. He rolls over onto his back, a genuinely bright smile on his face as he fiddles with the collar of the shirt. "I went out today with some friends... I really enjoyed myself today but I think something's wrong with me." Megumi groans making Sukuna cock an eyebrow with a grin.

     "I wouldn't make such an erotic sound baby, I'd think you were teasing me. What's wrong, feeling sick?" Sukuna questions, starting out teasing but ending with concern. Megumi bites his bottom lip, inhaling deeply while he works up the courage to continue with what's on his mind. "Don't stop now, you have my full attention."

     "...I had a few moments where you popped to mind. I have some stuff to take care of so I won't be at school as often."

     "Just started dating and you're already ghosting me? You're breaking my heart." Sukuna is being both playful and serious at the same time, he doesn't want to be apart for too long. He'll overthinks, he'll spiral with jealousy and wrath which will only cause problems.

     "Don't pretend to be so broken hearted. We'll get a nice amount of space, it'll be good for my focus. There's a lot I'll tell you eventually but the reason I called wasn't just for that..." Megumi trails off, glancing at his window where the curtains are pulled back giving him a beautiful view of the city. "Sukuna?" He calls softly, barley above a whisper.


     "Before I change my mind... come see me."

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