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        "Let's get you to a hospital." Sukuna whispers gently, holding his boyfriend even after the tears have stopped. Megumi's grip on Sukuna tightens, shaking his head side to side. "Let's get you checked up. I'm worried about you right now." He confesses, planting a gentle kiss to Megumi's cheek. He didn't want to scream at Megumi, he might have managed to keep himself from hitting his boyfriend but he still hurt his feelings. He didn't approach the situation right, he accepts that blame. "We'll stop at the hospital, get you checked, then we'll go get something light to eat." 

       "Okay..." Megumi sniffles, nodding his head. "Okay, let me brush my teeth then we can go."

        "Alright." Sukuna gently keeps his hands on Megumi's waist and lower back, being there as his support. He grabs his toothbrush, putting the paste on, and begins to brush his teeth. Megumi feels repulsed at the idea of eating food right now, he doesn't know if he just wants to go to bed in Sukuna's arms or if he wants to see Yuuta and ask him directly to know the truth. Remembering all the bad things his mother would put in his head has him feeling extremely overwhelmed and sick, he doesn't want to go but Sukuna looks worried about him. He rinses his mouth, nodding to Sukuna that he's ready.

       There's knocking on the door when the two head towards it. Sukuna opens it to reveal an anxious looking duo of Itadori and Junpei. "We were coming to invite you guys out but we heard some commotion. Megumi, are you okay?" Itadori questions, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. 

       "We're going to the hospital." Sukuna answers. He doesn't particularly like Itadori but he doesn't feel that he looks at Megumi in a certain way. He leads Megumi to the elevator, Itadori and Junpei following. They make their way out, calling for a taxi. None of the four talk to each other, Itadori and Junpei sharing worried glances while Sukuna continues to soothingly rub Megumi's back. Itadori hands the driver money, thanking him, and hurries out to catch up with Sukuna and Megumi.

      "What happened?" Itadori questions. 

      "We were arguing, he had a panic attack, and vomited. I want him to be checked out just in case. He doesn't look good right now." Sukuna responds, even though he'd prefer to ignore Itadori all together. The lady at the front desk tells him that they'll see him in a moment since it isn't technically an emergency but she understands he's concerned it could be. They sit down in the waiting room and Megumi feels sick again. He wants to go home, he feels overwhelmed and stressed. 

        "Megumi, are you okay?" Itadori questions with a frown. 

         "I'm okay." Megumi forces a smile but Itadori can tell it's fake. When Megumi is called, he tells Sukuna to wait in the waiting room with everyone else. They draw some blood and do all the usual to check on him. Megumi is patient, his body feeling the effects of all the movement he's been doing without even eating anything. He knows that is his fault, he tends to forget to take good care of himself. 

      The doctor comes back, sitting down in his seat. "Hello, how are you feeling right now?"

       "Tired, mainly. I'm not dying or anything, right?" Megumi lightly jokes and from the light chuckle he receives from the doctor, he's off to a good start. 

        "No, nothing like that. Fatigue and malnourishment mainly, neither of that is good for you or for the baby." The doctor says making Megumi tense, his face turning pale.


         "I apologize, I thought you knew. Your results showed that you're over two weeks pregnant. I suggest making an appointment to do any check ups and discuss your options-"

          "I-I'm sorry. I need to go." Megumi hurriedly exits the room, feeling his heart racing. This is going to ruin everything, everything he's had planned. He can't let anyone know about this yet, especially not right now. He traveled this far to win a competition, not quit before it's even begun. Sukuna can't know about this and Megumi doesn't want to tell Itadori either. He forces himself to calm down, trying not to look distressed to alarm anyone. He walks out, the three of them standing up and rushing over.

        "I wish you let us come back there with you." Itadori frowns.

        "Are you alright?" Sukuna questions worriedly.

        "Megumi?" Junpei takes Megumi's hand, giving a gentle squeeze. 

        "They said i'm just tired and need some food, that's all." Megumi partly lies. 

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