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   "You can't be both, you're either a cat or dog person." Sukuna complains much like a child. Megumi huffs, thinking about the simple question that somehow feels so complicated to answer. Why can't he like both? Why does he have to pick one or the other?

   "I'll say cats, then." Megumi sighs.

   "Why? Dogs are much better." Sukuna grunts which makes Megumi smile slightly. Conversations like this are nice too, perhaps idle chatter isn't as bad as he makes it out to be.

   "Well, it's not dogs that I like. I mean, I do but I prefer wolves. They're much... more intriguing than a normal dog. With cats, I like pet-like felines. Not that I dislike larger felines, I simply would be content with a house kitten." Megumi explains his reasoning. Sukuna listens and then hums in approval.

   "You really did think about the question. Your speech is intriguing as well." Sukuna laughs making Megumi look at him with a flummoxed expression. "One minute you're fuck that and bitch this but then you speak like that. Normal people don't talk like that."

   "What? I don't say bitch this or fuck that. I talk normally, you're the one who has a horridly short vocabulary when conversing. Not my problem." Megumi retorts making Sukuna smirk, giving his hand a little squeeze.

   "Aww baby, I wasn't insulting you. I love everything about you." Sukuna plants a loving kiss on the top of his hand. Megumi rolls his eyes, still a bit embarrassed.

   "Tsk, whatever. You're obnoxious."

   "Despite that I'm still yours, guess I'm doing something right." Sukuna replies causing Megumi's cheeks to flush.

   They pull over at a gas station, the two hopping out the truck. Megumi stretches his limbs, letting out a little groan as his bones feel relieved. "Hey, sick people don't get to wander around." Sukuna says, wrapping his arms around Megumi's waist and pulling his body against his. Megumi places his hands on Sukuna's upper arms, face expressionless yet his eyes can't hide his love.

   "Should've thought about that before you dragged this sick person out of his house. Plus, what is a vacation with no snacks?" He smiles as Sukuna leans down, capturing his lips in his. Megumi feels himself falling, and not psychically. His heart swells and this just feels so good. To be in warm arms, to feel the embrace of another person who cares for you in a way no one can ever compare.

   Pulling back, Sukuna holds Megumi's hand as they enter the store. "30 on 5." Sukuna tells the cashier who nods, ringing them up. Sukuna plants a kiss on Megumi's cheek. "I'll get the gas in the tank, get whatever you want." Sukuna slips some money into his hand.

"Yes sir." Megumi smiles, turning and walking down one of the aisles. Sukuna exits, the door's bell dinging.

   Megumi hums comfortably, collecting some basics. Chips, pocky, drinks, and his favorite, Chex mix. He brings it to the counter and he receives a dirty look from the cashier. "25.86." He says rather rudely.

   He hands him the money, looking at him confusedly. "Is there a problem?"

   "I don't care if you're homos but don't make everyone have to see that disgusting display."

   "What the fuck did you say to me?" Megumi's eyes widen, completely baffled.

    "What display are you even talking about? You homophobes are pathetic. Find a new hobby, you keep this up and someone will ruin your face worse than your genetics already have." Megumi takes the bag with the goodies inside, using his other hand to flip the guy off as he exits.

   Sukuna notices, cocking an eyebrow. "What has you so pissed off?"

   "Just some homophobe. Hurry up 'Kuna, I want to get back on the road." Megumi yawns, getting into the car seemingly unbothered even though what occurred was anything but alright.

  "I'm gonna get a pack of smokes before we go. Get the car started and turn the heater on, keep warm." Sukuna tells Megumi who nods, nibbling on a chocolate pocky stick. He enters the store, glancing back towards his truck to make sure Megumi isn't watching and luckily enough, he's distracted.

   "Let me make this clear." Sukuna grabs the guy's shirt, punching his face with much intended force. The guy shouts, his nose making a horrid cracking noise as blood comes pouring out his nose. "Insignificant people like you don't have the right to talk to my boyfriend. Remember your place, fool."

   Sukuna lets go of his shirt, exiting the store and returning back to the car. "Where are your cigarettes?" Megumi questions.

   "Forgot I had a pack in the car." Sukuna half lies and Megumi just simply nods, not suspicious. Sukuna does have a pack in the car, the 'forgetting' part was the lie. A lie like that doesn't hurt anybody so it shouldn't matter he said it. Right?

   "I'm going to take a nap, wake me whenever, I guess." Megumi yawns, curling up with the blanket. He rests his cheek against the top of Sukuna's hand, the same hand he still holds gently yet firmly.

   Sukuna knows it to be true, he's a sucker for this pretty emerald eyed boy.

        After Sukuna carries the sleepy boy into their motel room for the night, he brings their bags inside too. Megumi lays in the bed with a tight grip on his blanket. The sky is dark and there is slight drizzling. Sukuna said there might be a storm tonight from what he heard on the radio.

      Sukuna comes in with the final suitcase, letting out a sigh. Megumi gets off the bed, leaving the blanket behind. He comes closer and Sukuna watches, eyes focused as Megumi's hands grip the bottom of his wet shirt.

      Without saying a word, Megumi pulls the shirt up and Sukuna assists, letting it get taken off. "Should I shut the door?" He questions, cupping Megumi's cheek to gather his attention. Megumi leans into the touch, closing his eyes. He shakes his head side to side a bit before he runs his hands slowly over Sukuna's abs.

     He feels the muscles, counting each one. Megumi's hands are so soft, no roughness to them. Sukuna watches Megumi's face, his emerald eyes focused on Sukuna's skin. He runs the tip of his fingers along his black tattoos that run from just below his pectorals to right above his underwear line.

      "Beautiful." Sukuna mutters under his breath. The rain begins to pound down now, a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder.

      "I like... storms. They're delightfully chaotic." Megumi expresses his interest, looking up at Sukuna. He runs his hands up and over his pectorals slowly, to savor the feeling. He wraps his arms around Sukuna's neck, getting on his tip toes so he can reach the man.

     He presses his lips softly against Sukuna's. "Can I be in control? Just for tonight?" He hesitantly asks Sukuna. Sukuna picks Megumi up by his waist and instinctively he wraps his legs around Sukuna's waist.

      "Anything you want." Sukuna replies.

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