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       "My mother betrayed me." Sukuna starts off with. He didn't know what to do, he is still trembling with rage from his fight with Megumi. He wanted to hurt him, he wanted to do bad things and it was so hard to resist. He didn't know what to do and before he knew it, he ended up here, sitting across from Higuruma. "She abused me and molested me. My father hated me too, he would say that I was just like her. To them, I was worthless and a cursed child. When I was a kid, I didn't understand why two people would be together when they can't even stand to be in the same room."

        Higuruma has a sympathetic look in his eyes, many of his patients come from troubled homes. Broken homes that have damaged them and given them a warped view of the world and how to treat people.  "Has your opinion changed?"

       "I love him. I guess my parents were right. I am a curse. I hurt the only person I love just like they did to each other. I hurt him because that is love to me. Abuse and forceful command is how I love, that's how I was taught. Even when I ran away that's all I saw, people hurting the people they love. It doesn't have to be physical, it can be emotional or mental, the amount of cheating I saw and arguments. The one who was wronged forgives because they love the abuser. Megumi forgives me."

         "What will you do if one day he stops forgiving you?" Higuruma inquires despite knowing the answer could be a troublesome one. 

       "I won't let him go. I'll do whatever I have to in order to keep him with me. I refuse to be without him."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         Megumi didn't return home that night. He stayed at his parents home and that was unpleasant, he had nightmares all night long. Still, he couldn't stand being around Sukuna  when he's still upset over the situation. He needs to calm down before having a conversation with Sukuna, a conversation clearly needed.

           "Megumi darling, you've barely touched your food. Aren't you hungry?" His mother expresses her concern. When Megumi showed up looking drained and overwhelmed, she couldn't stop fretting over him. Megumi pushes his food around, finding that he has no appetite. There is an ugly bruise from where Sukuna grabbed him by his upper arm and there seems to be a distance he feels in his heart.

        "Not really." Megumi mumbles.

        "Honey, why don't you take Megumi out? Give him an enjoyable day." Vincent suggests, knowing his wife will be eager to spend a day spending money on Megumi. Vincent excuses himself from the table, making his way into his office. he makes a call to ensure the plan will follow through. He hired a private investigator to keep an eye on Sukuna.

         Vincent knows it's true that you can't help a person that doesn't want help but Megumi is his child and he won't let Sukuna get away with what he's done. He was stupefied to find out that Sukuna is working in an illegal underground fighting ring, the plan couldn't be any more perfect. It's as if Sukuna handed over his weakness. When the cops bust into that place late at night when he is said to be having a fight, it'll just be a very unlucky surprise. 

       "We can go shopping, get you lots of new clothing! It'll be great, it'll put you in a better mood—Megumi?! Why are you crying? What's wrong?" She hurriedly gets out of her seat, rushing over to him. She grabs a napkin, dabbing his face. 

        "I don't know what to do." He tells her, feeling at a loss. "I said something really mean to him, I didn't mean it. I don't want to fight, I just want us to get along. Mother, I'm pregnant."

        She drops the napkin but hurriedly picks it up. "I... Megumi, darling, is this what you want?"

         "It is, it really is. I'm scared and I don't know what's going to happen with Sukuna but I really want this baby. Mom, please don't be mad at me."

          "Oh darling, I could never be mad at you." She hugs him and for the first time in a long time, he feels safe and relieved from her embrace. It used to scare him because it was a reminder he was trapped in this home but knowing she isn't disappointed in him really helps him feel much better. "I don't remember the last time you called me mom like that."

         "I'm sorry." He apologizes, holding onto her a little tighter. 

        "Don't apologize, darling, you haven't done anything wrong. Wipe your tears, let's go shopping and spend the day together. Okay?"

          "Okay, mom."

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