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        "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Okkotsu questions as they load the last box into Megumi's car. "I might not like him but I don't want you to suddenly change your mind halfway through and feel guilty about everything."

        "If it was just me then I probably would stay but it's not and I have to do the right thing. Sukuna and I aren't good for each other, we can't keep forcing this to work." Megumi explains, his heart aching from distress. 

       "Everything's ready to go, let's get some food on the way to wherever we're going." Itadori tries to keep his bubbly, positive personality to help Megumi feel better. Not even Itadori can make Megumi feel better about the situation. If he talks to Sukuna, he'll only end up forgiving and staying in the end. Megumi loves him with all his heart but he can't take the pain and unhappiness he has to be put through, all the unnecessary violence, the lies, and the secrecy between them is too damaging. It's killing Megumi and draining him. 

       "Give me a minute." Megumi heads back inside the building, getting into the elevator and going back up to what was his home that now will be just an old place filled with past memories. 

       He left Sukuna's things, of course, but he also is going to leave a note for him to find. Megumi doesn't want to know who that woman was or who she is to Sukuna, he's drained and needs to focus on himself. Megumi doesn't want to, he wants to be here and be embraced by Sukuna. To smell his masculine scent and feel the passion in the touch he gives to Megumi. 

       His child doesn't deserve to be born into a world where his parents have this kind of relationship. Megumi doesn't want his child to suffer and, truthfully, Megumi feels like he's beginning to lose hope. Sukuna promises to get better only to do something that makes Megumi wonder if promises are just meaningless words. 

       Sukuna was Megumi's first experience for practically everything. Dating, sex, eating fast food and trying a candy apple, all these memories that Megumi will remember fondly. He wishes they had that sweet romance, one where they live in La La Land and everything is sickeningly sweet for outsiders to witness. Now, Megumi isn't sure he'll know how to handle it if he were to find someone like that after his experiences with Sukuna. 

       Tears well up in his eyes, he wants to see Sukuna so badly but he knows he has to stay strong and not be weak. Megumi takes a deep breath, looking at the letter as he places it down. He wonders if he should take it back and leave nothing but he changes his mind, leaving it behind as he leaves. Megumi thought he knew Sukuna, but he was clearly the fool in their relationship.

        "We were talking about places to eat, what do you feel like?" Junpei questions with a caring smile once he notices Megumi coming their way. He has all these important friends that care about him, he shouldn't have to feel so lonely. 

        "Fast food."

          "Since when do you eat fast food?" Okkotsu inquires confusedly. 

          "I've never seen you eat fast food before. It's decided! McDonalds!" Itadori exclaims. 

         "We didn't agree with that, it's Megumi's decision." Junpei rolls his eyes, smiling at Itadori's adorable behavior. 

          Megumi shouldn't feel lonely, he has these wonderful people in his life. Sukuna doesn't need him, they're wrong for each other. He has to convince himself of that or else he'll turn back and wait pathetically for when Sukuna gets home. "McDonalds is fine." Megumi agrees. "Let's go." 

         Megumi would do everything over again if he could. He'd fall in love with Sukuna, avoid the situations that caused their worst fights, and he hopes that in another dimension he is happy with Sukuna and their baby.

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