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Megumi's nose twitches at the lovely scent of freshly brewed coffee and...pancakes? He raises his head off of his pillow, wincing at the soreness between his legs from Sukuna. His face flushes and he pushes his face back into the pillow. Sukuna must've gone home, he doesn't seem like the type to stick around. Itadori must be here then, it's not unusual for him to just let himself in.

"Yuji!? What are you making?" Megumi questions loudly, raising his head from the pillow once more. Their's more noises from outside but no response which makes Megumi grunt in annoyance, his legs too weak to allow him to get out of his warm, spacious bed.

"I should make you go another round for calling out another man's name."

Megumi jolts up, emerald eyes wide in shock, as he sees Sukuna at his bedroom entrance with breakfast in hand. "I...Ahem, is that for me?" Megumi winces as he adjusts his position on bed, leaning his back against the wall as he sits properly up. Sukuna narrows his eyes slightly before masking up his slight irritation with a small smile.

"I'd only do this for you." While it might've sound cheesy from an outsiders perspective, Sukuna was being one hundred percent truthful and Megumi, of whom he expected a snarky remark from, simply nodded his head with a very slight smile forming on his ethereal face. Sukuna sits on the edge of the bed, his clothes fresh with the scent of Megumi's laundry detergent indicating he must've had them cleaned while Megumi slept. Maybe I can turn him into a domestic housewife, Megumi smiles in thought.

      "Well, thank you." Megumi mumbles as he takes the circular plate from him, picking up his fork with his dominant hand and tasting the pancake. It's absolutely delicious, the way the fluffy, warm pancake combines with the melting butter and sweet syrup is heavenly. He closes his eyes, savoring the bite as if it's a rare dish from a five star restaurant. Sukuna laughs at this but Megumi ignores him, continuing to eat the pancakes.

     "Lucky you, I'm all yours today." Sukuna adjusts himself, pulling the blanket down to show Megumi's pale, plush thighs and his sinfully short shorts he was wearing. Sukuna spreads his legs just enough so he can lay comfortably between. Megumi would've whacked him away if he wasn't so distracted by eating his pancakes and Sukuna takes advantage of this, lightly massaging his soft thighs. His fingers pressing in an oddly pleasurable way in Megumi's tender flesh.

    His boyfriend's words finally register and Megumi nearly groans at the fact he's stuck with Sukuna all day. He isn't use to the man's presence yet, not like he is with Yuji, Toge, or Yuuta. He can't help the urge to push Sukuna away as a self-protective reflex caused by his parents traumatizing words that inflicted a harmful visual of the entire world and the people in it.

      Change, it's what Megumi wants. He just wants a normal life full of adventure and risk taking, he doesn't want to feel the way he does. He wonders if the reason he allowed Sukuna into his life was due to the fact Sukuna is unreadable. He is a mystery, he isn't someone whose actions or thoughts can be figured out the way Megumi can figure out Itadori and nearly everyone he's come across. Is he genuinely affectionate with roaming hands? What is he thinking about?

     "I have to go to my doctor's office, then we can do whatever you want." Megumi decides to do his best not to push Sukuna away. He said he would try for this guy and he should keep up to his promise, especially since he just gave this guy his virginity he's been saving for 18 years. Megumi just hopes that he isn't making a mistake, this is the first real choice that could leave an emotional impact on him regarding romance.

"Sounds perfect." Sukuna replies but he bites Megumi's inner thigh. Not enough to draw blood or cause real pain, but enough to leave his mark. Megumi flinches instinctively but then simply rolls his lovely eyes, turning his attention back to his food. Sukuna pulls back and admires his mark, his thumb lightly runs over the imprint causing Megumi to flinch once more. "What do you have to go to the doctor's for?"

     "I need to..." Megumi trails off, suddenly feeling a mixture of embarrassment and a bit reluctant. Sukuna looks up at him questioningly and Megumi finds himself sighing, "Erm... I have to get on the pill, now that we're going to be doing this sort of thing."

     "Hmm, alright." Sukuna replies with a soothing tone to ease his discomfort, nuzzling against Megumi's thigh more. Megumi's eyes scrunch just for a moment, a flush on his cheeks. Sukuna can be oddly... comforting at times. Soft and warm, Sukuna could get use to this. The thought of becoming deeply attached to Megumi is both alarming and alluring to consider for Sukuna.

"Why are you being so...kind to me?" Megumi abruptly interrupts Sukuna's affectionate thoughts.

"I am deeply attracted to you, shouldn't I do my best to make you feel similarly?" Sukuna replies as if saying 'you should know this dumbass'. Sukuna sits up, taking the plate from Megumi who makes a pouting expression. "Let me feed you."

"Stop it, I'm not a baby." Megumi grunts in disinterest. Sukuna ignores his complaint, holding a bite up to his lips. Megumi's eyes narrow but he accepts the bite. Grumpily but still, progress.

After going to Megumi's doctor's office, they took a three hour train ride. Sukuna would've complained about how this was unnecessary if it weren't for the sudden realization this could be seen as a date. He was in no foul mood after that, his heart filling with warmth as his eyes couldn't focus on anything other than the beautiful boy who sat beside him.

"Do you have a staring problem?"

"I want to—"

"Quiet, Sukuna. Nobody on the train wants to hear chatter this early. You'll give me a headache." Megumi insults and Sukuna would've been offended if the boy didn't move his pinky, linking it with Sukuna's secretly. Away from any possibly prying eyes, not visible with Sukuna's leg in the way. Such a subtle touch and yet Sukuna can hear the pounding of his heart and the urge to smother him with all possible affection.

—Fall in love with you.

They step off the train, the college students agreed on going to a cat café for awhile. To relax before the long day of shopping and adventure. Sukuna wraps his muscular arm around Megumi's shoulders, his hand cupping his cheek and under his jaw to tilt his face in Sukuna's direction. The taller kisses the shocked boy whose eyes are widen, stunned and frozen in place.

Megumi pushes Sukuna's chest, raising the back of his hand against his lips as pink dusts his pale cheeks. "Idiot! Why would you..." He drifts off, conflicting emotions in his eyes.

"We took a three hour train ride because you wanted to avoid the possibility of running into your little friend with me. Right? I'm not ignorant to your complicated ways. Lets make this date feel real. Let me kiss you, do this too." Sukuna steps forward, slowly interlacing his fingers with Megumi's.

"...Fine." Megumi mumbles shyly, the two continuing their way to the cat café.

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