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Megumi sees Sukuna who stands at the entrance, his back against the wall with a dark aura surrounding him. Megumi clutches his bag tighter, letting out a exhale as he knows there is no getting around him. He moves closer, stopping directly beside Sukuna as Megumi quirks an eyebrow. Sukuna's crimson eyes snap to him, his hands reaching out instantly. He wraps his arms around Megumi's lithe form, pulling him tightly into an embrace.

"W-what are you-!"

"Where have you been?" Sukuna pulls back, examining Megumi's body with his intense, wandering gaze. The attention he's getting from not only Sukuna but those around is responsible for the intense heat rising in his cheeks. "You've been avoiding my texts and calls, you better have a good explanation—"

Megumi grasps Sukuna's hand, urgently pulling him away from the gawking college students. Once they are a good distance, he lets go of Sukuna's hand and places his hand against his muscular, firm chest. Megumi uses force and pushes the man against the wall, "Stop acting like we're a couple. You're pissing me off and going to send the wrong signals to everyone. I have no obligation to reply to you so do me a favor and fuck off."

"You're so pretty when you're pissed at me." Sukuna flirts, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his cheek. Megumi's whole body tenses as a shiver runs down his spine. Without thinking, he raises his hand to slap Sukuna only to have his wrist grasped by the man himself.

"Tsk tsk, don't do something I'll make you regret." Sukuna hums in delight at whatever thought just crossed his mind. Megumi sighs, pushing some of his shiny, inky hair back. "Where were you? Doing something? Doing someone?" He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, smacking the end against his palm before opening it up. Megumi watches the action, his nose scrunching as he remembers the horrid smell of it.

"Hardly your business, keep a distance from me in public. I don't want people to think—"

"Megumi! Haha!" Both their heads snap over to see Itadori who is jogging their way, he's waving joyously with a bright smile on his face. Sukuna cups the end of the cigarette, lighting it before inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs. Megumi doesn't want these two to interact with one another, Itadori is too pure and Sukuna is...to put it kindly, an asshole.

"Tch, fucking phenomenal timing. Take my warning seriously." Megumi storms away from Sukuna, going to Itadori who stops in his tracks. "You're awfully chipper, let's go to the cafeteria. I want a coffee from the vending machine."

     "Huh? Wait—Megumi! Who were you talking too?!" Yuji whines, looking over his shoulder as Megumi keeps a firm grip onto his upper arm, dragging him away from Sukuna who calmly continues to smoke his cigarette. Sukuna has noticed that Itadori and Megumi always seem to be together, frankly, it's irritating. Sukuna is struggling to form some kind of relationship with Megumi while those two seem like two peas in a pod.

"Just telling that guy he shouldn't smoke near the building. Cigarette smell is horrid, now come on." Megumi lets go of Itadori, continuing his way towards to cafeteria. Suspicious of Megumi's behavior, Yuji glances back in the direction where Sukuna is, although he's out of sight now. With a huff, he hurriedly jogs after his beloved friend as to not be left behind.

Itadori catches up, wrapping his arm loosely around Megumi's shoulders while he holds his phone in his other hand, scrolling on social media. Megumi doesn't pay much mind, pulling some money from his pocket for the vending machine. "Next time you should be careful, he could've been a bad guy." Itadori sighs, resting his head against Megumi's once they stop in front of the machine. He inserts the money, pressing the buttons for what he wants.

"You're being oddly suspicious for someone who is usually so positive and accepting. What's the reason?" Megumi questions, bending down to collect the drinks and snacks. Itadori huffs, running his hand through his pink hair.

"I'm just looking out for you, you're too reckless sometimes." He pouts making Megumi roll his eyes, standing back up. Megumi pokes his puffed out cheek, snickering slightly before turning around and making his way in the direction of the baseball field. Itadori follows —of course— and has a bright smile on his face. "Are you going to watch me practice?"

      "Hm? Yeah, I don't have class for another hour and a half. I'm going to relax and watch you fail miserably—"

      "Fushiguro!" Itadori whines, wrapping his arms around the other. He nuzzles his cheek against Megumi's, ignoring his friend's embarrassed expression, "You're so mean to me, don't you love me?"

     "Ugh, you're suffocating. Get off." Megumi grumbles while Itadori simply laughs, separating himself from the other.

      "I'm gonna go change! Wait for me! I'll see you from the bleachers, route for me! Make sure to shout how much you love me! How awesome I am! How cool I look!" Itadori rambles while he jogs towards the changing rooms.

     "Weirdo, it's just practice." Megumi mumbles while shaking his head, making his way to the bleachers.

      When class ended, Megumi felt exhausted from the day... from the endless practicing that aches all his muscles since he refuses to take the required breaks. He's pushing himself so strongly to become better than the rest. He'll make it, he'll win as number one during his very first national competition.

      "Why are you just standing there?" Megumi questions in slight confusion as he sees Sukuna who's leaning against the entrance wall, a serious expression resting on his face. At the gentle tone from Megumi, he turns his head and truly smiles when he sees the familiar, special face. He rises up, no longer leaning against the wall. "You shouldn't block the entrance, most classes will be ending around this time. Don't be a nuisance."

      "Rude as ever." Sukuna laughs sweetly. Megumi tries to ignore the heat in his chest and the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach. Sukuna's smile... and his laugh... it's become clear that despite Megumi's patent vexation... he can't deny that at moments he finds himself wanting to appreciate the man in front of him. "I want to go somewhere with you, let's go."

     Sukuna reaches out, gently grasping Megumi's soft hand in his. Sukuna's hand is warm and rough, yet it fits just right in Megumi's smaller hand. "You can't expect me to just go. I'm exhausted, I don't feel like playing your games." Megumi tugs back, keeping his feet firmly planted on the ground. Sukuna is becoming use to Megumi's unnecessary stubbornness to resist him.

      "We can stand around and argue... if we do that then your little friend you left with will run into us."

     That was all it took and Sukuna was the one being led away by Megumi. "What am I? Your dirty little secret—"

     "I can't tell if you want me to hate you or not. Let's get to your car, my legs are weak." With a huff, Megumi slows down his pace so Sukuna can bring him to wherever his car is parked. When they get into his car, Megumi buckles his seatbelt and relaxes into the familiar seat he's sat in a few times before. Sukuna wastes no time starting his car and beginning to drive where he wishes to take Megumi.

"If you're tired, you can go to sleep. It's a long drive, you don't have to worry. I'll wake you when we arrive." Sukuna suggests, noticing how Megumi is practically struggling to keep himself awake. He had to avoid Sukuna and Itadori from meeting, even if it meant he couldn't return home to his bed and melt under the warmth of his covers.

"Fine, don't disturb me or else I'll kill you."

"Whatever my baby wants." Sukuna smirks teasingly although Megumi is already asleep, ignoring that sweet term he most likely would've said was revolting.

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