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      "Hey, why are you still sleeping?" Itadori's voice sounds distant to Megumi who lays sprawled underneath the heat of his covers. He only wore an oversized T-shirt with boxers, his coal black hair messier than usual. Megumi mumbles incoherently, nuzzling his face into his fluffy pillows. Hickeys of different shades and sizes lay scattered across his neck and collarbone from Sukuna's possessive and experimental curiosity before he drove Megumi back home. Megumi didn't mind, the touches were firm and the kisses were soft... the way his  hot tongue would run over his tender skin is unforgettable, it's enough to turn Megumi into a blushing, fumbling mess.

     "Come on, we're meeting Inumaki-Senpai and Okkotsu-Senpai today! Our train leaves in an hour, get up." Itadori opens Megumi's curtains, allowing the bright light of the sun to beam into the room. Megumi grumpily groans, pulling the covers over him more to allow his slumber to continue. "Jeez, why are you so tired? By the way... where were you after school? I was looking for you but you weren't in class."

     This alerts Megumi, images of what happened flood his mind leaving him unable to continue his rest. With a grunt, he pushes himself up from the bed and sluggishly gets to his feet. "Yuji, please shut up." Megumi mumbles with a yawn, making his way to the bathroom. Itadori squints his eyes, swearing he just saw a bruise on Megumi. Before he can question, Megumi slams the door behind him.

    Itadori rolls his eyes, sitting down on Megumi's bed with a tired expression. He has a suspicion that the reason for Megumi's odd behavior has to do with that criminal looking guy. He never use to see that guy around till recently and every time he does, Fushiguro happens to be near. Yuji admits this might sound far fetched but it's the only change in their daily routine so it seems logical to Itadori.

    Megumi exits the bathroom, refreshed and changed. "You look good." Yuji compliments with a toothy grin but Megumi ignores it, exiting the bedroom and descending downstairs. Itadori eagerly jumps up, jogging after his oddly quiet friend. "Hey! Are you okay? Still groggy?"

"I'm happy to see Yuuta-Senpai. Feels like it's been too long." Megumi says as they both step simultaneously into the elevator. Itadori playfully pouts with puppy eyes. The action causes Megumi to have a suspicious expression, "What?"

"Aren't you happy to see me too? I'm your best friend!"

"It'll be good to see Toge-Senpai too."

"You bully!"

The two get off the train where two eager boys are waving to gather their attention. Megumi steps off first, followed by Itadori. There's a bright, joyous smile on Megumi's face as he rushes over and excitedly jumps into Yuuta's arms. Okkotsu wraps his arms around Fushiguro's waist while Fushiguro wraps his slender arms around Okkotsu's neck. Itadori and Toge wave happily to each other when he comes up. "Megumi, I missed you." Okkotsu breaths out with a chuckle, his eyes closed tightly while he affectionately embraces Megumi.

"𝐻𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐼𝑡𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑖?" Toge signs.

"Doing good, Inumaki-Senpai. Baseball has been taking up most of my time. How about you? I'm guessing practicing for the competition." Itadori chuckles.

"I missed you." Megumi mumbles into Okkotsu's shoulder which makes the boy's heart tighten in happiness. Megumi greatly admires his beloved senpais, especially Yuuta Okkotsu. A secret about Yuuta that only Toge is aware of is his quite obvious romantic affections for Megumi. Okkotsu feels relief in hearing those words, greedily wishing there was a deeper meaning to them.

Toge lightly taps Megumi's shoulder, waving his hand slightly to gather their attention. The two realize their getting peered at by the people around which makes them laugh with slight flushes, pulling apart from each other. "Toge-Senpai, it's good to see you." He smiles brightly. His behavior changes when his Senpais are around, he spreads a calm and positive aura that Itadori misses.

     Toge gives Okkotsu a knowing look which makes him quickly avoid his judgmental gaze. Inumaki had given Okkotsu advice, signing that he should be honest about his feelings otherwise he should be more cautious if he doesn't want to be caught. Yuuta had decided to be patient, to wait till the time feels right to confess. For now, he's content with being close friends with Megumi and he wants to be someone Megumi can count on, as a friend.

"𝙻𝚎𝚝'𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚊 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎!"

"Ooh, I like the sound of that." Megumi happily agrees, the four of them make their way out of the train station. To avoid disturbances, Megumi made the decision to shut his phone off again. No calls from his parents, no random notifications he could care less about on social media... and especially no disturbances from his new boyfriend, Sukuna.

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