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      The next day, Megumi wasn't at school. Sukuna knows this since he waited patiently at the beginning and end of each class only for the boy to never show. Megumi didn't show up today because he has training, he has a competition coming up soon and his current weakness is completing the triple axel that is part of his routine for the competition.

     "Take a deep breath, try again." Yuji Itadori, Megumi's friend since preschool, supportively suggests as he gives him a thumbs up. Megumi glides over, resting forward. Yuji hands over the dark hair's water bottle which Megumi takes. "I think the problem is you're thinking too hard about it. Take a deep breath, feel the music and the moves. Do what you always do."

     "I am doing what I always do, I just can't fucking do it. My ankle hurts too much when I hit the landing and ruins the whole thing, especially because for some reason I can't get the balance right." Megumi complains, handing the bottle back to Itadori who securely places it back into the bag. Yuji leans forward with a cheeky grin, "You're Megumi Fushiguro, the best skater there is. Like I said, you're stressing too much about the upcoming competition."

     "Tch, how can I not be? Inumaki-Senpai is my biggest threat. He's amazing, he makes it look like it comes fucking naturally to him and that makes me feel intimidated. It's not like I can hate him and channel that rage into my performance since I actually enjoy his presence." Megumi grumbles, leaning forward so his forehead can rest against Itadori's shoulder. The pink haired boy laughs, patting Megumi's back supportively.

      Megumi and Toge met years ago at a training course. Megumi was eleven and Toge was thirteen, instantly he felt intimidated by the white haired boy whose movements seemed so graceful in his eyes. He had went up to talk to Toge and when the boy didn't reply, he genuinely believed it was because he was stuck up and didn't care about what Megumi had to say.

     Apparently, Toge grew up in an abusive household. His mother would continuously beat him if he said anything at all, he had to be silent or he'd be brutally punished. Eventually his school called the authorities and he was adopted by a caring, gentle family when he was six. Unfortunately, that trauma stuck around making it difficult for him to speak so sign language was the best way he could comfortably communicate.

     Megumi bought a sign language book after the training course, determined to have a proper conversation with the patient boy who would quietly write down his responses to all Megumi had to say or question. They became close friends but even they both understand that when it comes to competitions, they will never hold back.

      "You really don't see what everyone else sees? Your movements are more graceful than Inumaki-Senpai! I've been coming to see you practice and compete since I could remember! You feel the music in your heart, I can see it in your eyes. Your body moves in such an unbelievable way as if this was natural for you just like breathing and blinking. That's how I know you're not practicing like usual, stop overthinking. To me, you're better than Inumaki-Senpai." He wholeheartedly compliments making Megumi chuckle and pull away from him.

     "Don't get all charming on me, Yuji." Megumi ruffles the boy's hair making him laugh and wave his friend's hand away. The two part, Megumi returns to the center of the rink.

      Megumi lets out a shaky breath, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. The music starts once more and Yuji gives Megumi a thumbs up. A small smile forms on his face, his nerves finally becoming soothed. Itadori is right, he shouldn't stress so much about the competition. It's normal to be but certainly not to this extent, it could damage his performance.

      This is important to his family, it's important to them for them to have the perfect son. Although, in the beginning it wasn't easy. See, Megumi Fushiguro, born December 22nd was not a boy but in fact, a healthy little girl. His adoptive parents both had the same problem, they couldn't have kids. So, they found this woman who was going to give her baby away but before she could, they offered to take the child off the woman's hands.

      Megumi grew up showered with gifts but it wasn't a dream. They were overly bearing and strict to the point he felt suffocated for as long as he could remember. When Megumi decided he wanted to be a boy, he was probably around eleven when he told his parents. Supportive as they were, they were also even more protective in a way that is incredibly toxic. His mother wanted to install fear, saying that the people in the world are cruel, vile, sinful, and would only want to hurt him. They'll abuse him, manipulate him, rape him, and say terrible things.

     His father didn't let him go anywhere, he wanted to keep Megumi inside the gates of their home but luckily after a well formed guilt tripping plan Megumi concocted, he was allowed to go to school and of course, anything that involved his figure skating. The fact he was female before doesn't bother him, nor does the fact he still has his feminine body. He isn't insecure nor does he hate his bodily appearance, he loves every part of his body even if it isn't considered to be masculine. All he asks is that his male pronouns are respected and not be insulted for the way he is. To Megumi, that's all he feels necessary.

      Yuji watched in awe as Megumi practices, he was there through all of Megumi's transformation. He saw the pretty, long haired Megumi who wore girly clothing and was incredibly bossy. Well, the bossy part hasn't changed much. So when Megumi told him that he didn't like being called a 'she', Yuji was respectful of his wishes. For a little kid, it was a bit new for him to have to change the pronouns and slightly confusing but he didn't judge Megumi, not once. That might be why Megumi feels so much love towards Yuji, he feels more like family than his adoptive parents.

   "Fushiguro, I know this is uncomfortable for you and if you don't want to answer, you don't have to!" Fourteen year old Yuji flails his hands around as his face becomes as red as a tomato. They were in Megumi's bedroom having yet another sleepover which was basically the norm, it was more unusual if Itadori wasn't sleeping over.

     Megumi looks up from his homework, setting his pen down and spinning around in the black chair to properly face Itadori. "What is wrong with you? Just ask before you seriously annoy me." The expressionless boy sighs, shaking his head.

"Does it... bother you?"

"Does what bother me?"

"Agh! Nevermind! I don't know what I was thinking!" Itadori screeches suddenly making Megumi's eyebrow twitch in frustration. Itadori suddenly felt guilty, as if he was about to ask something he wasn't meant to. He started to overthink and fear that if he asked Fushiguro this question, he'd only hurt his feelings. That's the last thing Itadori wanted to do, Megumi is his best friend.

Megumi rolls his eyes, turning around in his chair. He picks up his pen and continues solving the equations. "Itadori, you're my best friend. You know that, right? If you have a question, just ask me. I won't be mad or upset, I'm not a child, I promise."

"Right... okay. You promised so remember that! I wanted to ask... does it bother you that you have... err... woman parts?" Itadori whispers his sensitive question lowly. There's a silence in the room which makes Itadori instantly jump to his feet. "I'm sorry—!"

"It's fine, Itadori." Megumi replies, calm and composed as always which is something that Itadori is so jealous of. "No, it doesn't bother me. I just felt that...me being referred to as 'she' and a girl in general was... wrong. I want to be 'him' and not 'her'. As for my body, I don't want to change it because surprisingly enough, I love it the way it is. I don't mind that I have a vag—"

     "Ah! Don't say it!" Itadori shouts, embarrassed. This makes Megumi smile but since his back is to Itadori, the flustered, pink haired boy doesn't see it.

     "Hmm, but you're right. If it was anyone else, don't even think about asking such a personal question. It could be really offensive or harmful. But... since it's you and well, i'm me, it isn't a problem if you ask. I'm a boy even if I have a feminine boy, i'm a boy even if I still have a v—...lady part, because that's what makes me comfortable."

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