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     "I'm exhausted." Yuji yawns, stretching his sore arms over his head. "Let's get something to eat!" He eagerly suggests as Megumi checks his phone to see he has 46 missed messages and 15 missed calls from Sukuna. His eyebrows narrow before he puts his phone back into his bag, nodding his head in agreement which makes Itadori beam with joy.

     The two catch the bus to a restaurant near Megumi's place so it's more convenient. "I heard Maki Zen'In is going to be at the competition, she's going to be one of the judges. Isn't that exciting? I know you admire her." Itadori casually informs his friend, making Megumi's eyes widen in surprise. He wasn't aware of who will be the judges this year, he certainly didn't expect his idol Maki to be there. His cheeks flush as his eyes seem to sparkle in excitement which makes Itadori give him a suspicious look. "You sure you're into men?"

"It's not like that! I admire her, I'm not in love with her or anything and yes you dumbass, I'm into men." Megumi playfully glares at Itadori who quietly laughs. The manager of the restaurant greets the two, placing down their orders that Megumi had texted him to prepare before they got their. They consider themselves to be regulars, good friends with the owner with how frequent they come.

"Thank you." The boys say in unison.

"I can't believe you knew that before me." Megumi groans in embarrassment, breaking apart his chopsticks to eat his noodles. Itadori copies the action, already slurping his noddles hungrily. They'd been at the rink all day and Itadori, being the stubborn friend he is, refused to leave and get actual food while Megumi continued to practice. He also knew he would be unsuccessful in convincing the emerald eyed boy to take a break long enough to fill his empty stomach.

Maki Zen'In, one of the best female figure skaters who always won her competitions with poised grace. Unfortunately, she was in an accident during training that left her unable to continue in her career. Still, Maki has said she refuses to give up hope and will continue to train to become accustomed to the change till she overcomes her weakness. Megumi couldn't help but admire this strong, passionate woman who refuses to give up.

He would feel so honored to receive the trophy by the famous Maki Zen'In, he might even faint at such a dream. He is more determined than ever to win this competition, he can't afford to have distractions. Especially Sukuna, who is the biggest distraction of them all. "Woah, one minute you looked like you won the lottery and now you look like you could murder someone!" Yuji states dramatically making Megumi take deep breaths to calm himself.

      "Just... a lot of thoughts." Megumi replies honestly, his appetite disappearing. Yuji slurps his noodle rather loudly, narrowing his eyes and pointing his chopsticks accusingly at Megumi.

     "You're not thinking about Inumaki-Senpai, are you?"

     "No—well, not entirely. I was thinking about how happy it would make me if I won the competition and Maki-San was the one to give me the trophy. I think I might just faint. Then, I realized I can't have too much distractions and while I need to practice to perfect the triple axel, I can't overwork myself too hard and damage my body. Inumaki-Senpai is the only competitor I deem worthy to be worried about so of course I'm thinking about him. It's a lot and I have a headache."

     Itadori puts down his bowl and chopsticks, smiling cheekily at Megumi. "I admire you, Fushiguro. You work so hard to achieve what you want, you never give up either."

This unexpected compliment makes Megumi tense up, his cheeks heating up at the praise. Receiving genuine praise from others feels so foreign and when it occurs, he can't help but feel embarrassed. His parents would compliment him but... it's nowhere near the same.

      "Now you're just unintentionally flattering yourself. If anything, that sounds more like you than me." He grins with a playful twinkle in his eyes. He picks up his chopsticks, deciding he shouldn't self-harm his body any longer. He's only had some tea this morning and of course, water. Other than that, he's lacking the necessities.

     "Haha, I'm not as perfect as one may think." Itadori says with a playfully cocky look making Megumi chuckle lightly. The playfulness disappears from Itadori's face, "I'm having a lot of doubts lately."

"Hm? About baseball?" Megumi questions after swallowing his bite. His tongue peaks out, lightly licking his lips while his eyes are bright and curious for Itadori's response.

"All of it, I think. I'm worried I'm not as good as I think, I'm always positive but right now, I'm seeing people who are just as good, if not then they're better and it makes me wonder if I even have a chance. I know I want to go pro, I'm working just as hard but it doesn't feel like I am once I get out there. Megumi, I'm suffering." Itadori pouts, propping his elbow on the table and resting his chin against the palm of his hand. His fingers cupping the side of his cheek as his light brown eyes look at his best friend, a desperate need of advice.

"Looks like we're both overdoing it." Megumi sighs, leaning back in his seat. They sat comfortably in their usual booth, glum expressions settling upon their attractive faces.

"You're amazing, Itadori. It's hard, trust me, I understand you. You see these other people who are so... intimidating. They feel better in every way, superior and more accomplished and while it could be taken in a positive way to have us work harder... I'm worried that you will over do it. Itadori, take care of yourself and don't harm your body, please." Megumi reaches across the table, grabbing Itadori's hands in his soft ones.

Itadori gives him a side smile, "When I go pro and the reporters ask me who helped me along the way, I'm going to say my amazing lover, Megumi Fushi—ow! Hey!" Itadori whines, rubbing the top of his head where Megumi had clenched his hand into a fist and whacked him.

"Dummy, you can't say things like that. People won't understand you the way I do." Megumi rolls his eyes, eating more of his perfectly flavored noodles with a mouthwatering aroma. Itadori laughs, ignoring Megumi's irritated expression.

"Lover doesn't just have to be romantic! You're my lover! The one I love, my best friend, my number one fan—"

"I can't tell if you're being sweet, confessing hidden feelings, or just trying to boost your self esteem." Megumi huffs, looking out the window to the darkened street. Other small businesses have their lights on, a comforting and calming aura around this area at this time of night. It feels at home, even if these people are complete strangers... the feeling this place brings makes Megumi feel like he's at home. Cozy and safe by the familiar loving energy.

"You're gorgeous, but.... You're more like a cute little cat I keep as a pet—ow!" Yuji cries out as Megumi kicks him from under the table. No longer able to keep his blank expression, Megumi erupts into giggles and Itadori does the same, laughing happily.

Once it dies down, they are smiling warmly at one another. "What I mean is, you're the most important person in my life. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, so, take care of yourself too. I worry when you train all day without breaks, it isn't good for you." Itadori expresses his concerns.

"Hmm, yeah, you're right. I'll do better, I apologize for worrying you like this, Yuji. I'll..." Megumi's cheeks heat up, darkening to a crimson color which makes Yuji tilt his head with a lost puppy expression. "Ehem... I'll be a better... l-lover." Megumi cringes, embarrassed while Itadori is suddenly dying of laughter. "Shut up! Agh! You can sleep outside!"

"Haha! No! I-haha! I'm sorry! You-haha!" He hugs his body, his ribs pained by his unstoppable laughter. The manager smiles, shaking his head but says nothing since there are no other costumers at the moment. "That—haha! Was so funny! Do it again!" He wipes away his tears.

"I hate you." Megumi huffs, setting down the money for their meal before hurriedly getting out of the booth. Itadori scuffles to get out the booth, chasing after the fast walking boy. "Goodnight, sir. Thank you for the meal." He avoids eye contact as he thanks the manager who chuckles and nods his head.

"Megumi! Haha! Don't leave me!"

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