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     "Where is this? I've never been here before... or even heard about it." Megumi questions as he's led down to a private location that appears to be a club or bar of some sort but then that doesn't explain the massive platform in the middle of it all. He's becoming a bit overwhelmed with all his thoughts coming at him at once to figure out this complicated situation he's gotten himself into.

     "You'll see, love." Sukuna's fingers gently press into his hip as he pulls him closer. An androgynous person comes their way, the only other person here besides the bartender. "Uraume, I have a favor to ask of you. It's urgent."

      "You must be the famous Fushiguro Megumi." Uraume calmly states, taking in Sukuna's boyfriend's appearance in approval. This person certainly is worth praise of his beauty, Uraume thinks to himself in awe. Although, you wouldn't be able to tell with his lack of facial expression.

      "Sorry, I don't quite know who you are..."

       "Uraume, I need you to stay with him at all times. He's staying for tonight, I need to ensure he's protected, at all costs." Something about the way Sukuna says those words causes Megumi to shiver, as if his body is sensing malicious intent coming off the person beside him. Megumi pouts, Sukuna snaking his arm entirely around his small waist.

      "Hmm, I see. I have plenty questions but... I'll question this odd situation later. Your name, it means Blessing, correct?"

       "Yes." Megumi nods.

        "That's lovely, Blessing. I'll refer to you in that way. People will be pouring in soon, let's get you settled. Sukuna, don't you have somewhere to be?" Uraume ignores the pink haired man's glare. Sukuna wraps his arms around Megumi, nuzzling his face into his neck.

      "I trust Uraume so don't be worried, you'll be safe. I'll die before I let you be harmed here." Sukuna clenches his jaw, his words low and sincere. Megumi shakily nods his head before Sukuna pulls back. He kisses Megumi a little too roughly making him whimper and then, Sukuna is gone.

     Uraume wasn't lying, people flooded in almost instantly. Megumi and Uraume sit together on stools at the bar, not many people around them and Megumi assumes it has to do with this person beside him. "Are you nervous, Blessing?" Uraume questions as he notices the subtle way Megumi's green eyes would dart around anxiously, the light bouncing of his foot, and the consistent fiddles with his fingers.

      "That obvious?" Megumi sighs, turning his attention away from the platform and looking at Uraume.

      "Painfully so. Sukuna is a handful, I bet he didn't even tell you what he's here for. What you are here for." Uraume states this out of mere assumption, proven correct as Megumi nods his head. "Know this, we've met and I want a strong friendship between us. Sukuna truly loves you, I've never seen someone have their thoughts filled entirely by one person. Fear that they might be in danger if he's not near you, lust and pride at having you near, genuine joy to make you smile and laugh, pain at his actions that affect you but being unable to change himself to fit a person worthy of the person he loves."

     "Uraume... why are you telling me this?" Megumi questions in surprise. Those words go straight to his heart, warm the coldness that begun to take root. He doesn't wish to hear this about Sukuna, he doesn't want to since he knows that his relationship with the man is a bad one. It would be better to ignore these feelings of confliction and know that he shouldn't be with Sukuna, it would be better to think that way if Sukuna was just a abusive bastard who didn't give a shit about him at all. 

     Uraume swirls his martini, watching the liquid swirl before looking up at the raven haired beauty. "I can tell your heart is wounded over something and I assume Sukuna is the cause. Am I incorrect?"

     Megumi doesn't reply as the chatter quiets down, an introduction taking place. They say a man's name and he enters, a stranger to Megumi. Then, Sukuna is announced. He comes out, upper body on display and Megumi is once again fascinated by his body. The firm muscles that are so well defined but feel so warm and nice under his touch, not hard or unpleasant. 

     "You seem distracted." The muscled man smirks, his name being Aoi Todo. "Let's place a bet, winner gets a prize to make it more interesting."

     "Childish." Sukuna hisses.

      Aoi looks around before his eyes connect with a flawless, pretty face. "I win, that one is mine." He loudly claims, pointing at Megumi who tenses up under the abrupt attention. Sukuna's blood boils at this, his jaw clenching as his eyebrow twitches. "Struck a nerve, you bastard?"

     "If I win, you get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness for sexualizing my significant other like the pig you are."

    "Don't let Todo make you uncomfortable, no harm will come your way on the slim chance he wins." Uraume calmly states, taking a sip of his drink. Megumi licks his lips, nodding his head with an unsure expression.

    Todo charges first, swinging. Megumi's eyes widen in horror as the two erupt into an already brutal fight. Todo gets a good swing in causing Megumi to audibly gasp, his body trembling at the sight before him. Sukuna bleeds but he doesn't look like it even fazed him and truth be told while it did hurt, he knew he couldn't be weak. Especially not when Megumi is on the line.

    Sukuna dodges, throwing a punch but Todo moves in time. Those two are perfectly matched, they both have strong skills they acquired through training. Though, Sukuna is confident that he'll win this, it just won't be as easy as usual. 

      "Sukuna is my fighter." Uraume states. Megumi gulps, licking his lips. 

      "This... is illegal, isn't it?"

      "Oh Blessing, everything here is illegal." Uraume states with a sigh. 




       The crowd cheers, blood is splattered here and there, and Sukuna remains the champion. Megumi bolts out of his seat, too impatient and too filled with absolute worry for his lover. Once the cage is raised just enough for his tiny body to wiggle through, he slides under and runs, jumping into Sukuna's arms. He wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck, his body trembling in fear. "Hey, baby." Sukuna chuckles, voice a little hoarse, in need of water. He wraps one arm around Megumi's small waist, careful not to get the blood that's on his hand on his lover.

        "I'll defeat you next time, King of Curses. You, little minx, I will fuck you one day." Todo says with a furious expression. Megumi doesn't even look at the guy, burying his face deeper into Sukuna's neck as he feels safer that way. 

       "Come on, let's get the fuck away from all these peeping fucks." Sukuna keeps his hold around Megumi, helping him down as they make their way to the back to have a proper discussion. 

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