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         "Things not going well with the boyfriend?" Gojo grins, finding the glare he receives from Megumi to be humorous. "Was he jealous you were spending your time with me? I completely understand. I'm handsome and certainly a catch." He is obviously full of himself but Megumi doesn't comment on it. After only one day of practicing and the partner change, they're about to perform together. 

     "Stop getting on my nerves. He has no reason to be jealous when he is the one I love. Focus on the performance, I'm counting on you not to stain my reputation." Megumi holds out his hand. 

     "I'm planning on you to fix mine." Satoru grins, taking Megumi's hand in his as they give one another a firm nod. They glide onto the ice together, everyone watching in interest. Megumi performs better than he had with any other partner, they truly fit together in ways no other partner has been able to with Megumi. Megumi believes that even if he were to perform with Toge, it wouldn't come close to as perfect as it is with Gojo Satoru, the troublesome figure skater. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

        "You sure your boyfriend won't mind you running off with me?" Satoru questions with a flirtatious grin as the two enter a coffee shop. They take their seats from across each other, both in casual wear with Satoru wearing sunglasses inside. "My eyes get sensitive to daylight." He tells Megumi before the boy even considers asking the question.

        "My boyfriend thinks that a friend I've had for a very long time is only my friend because he has ulterior motives. Do I just openly ask my friend if it's true or not?" Megumi abruptly questions, surprising Satoru. Megumi figures the best person to ask would be Gojo, he has no reason to say what Megumi wants to hear or pick sides. Megumi wants an opinion of an outsider. Satoru gives Megumi a charming smile before getting up and heading to the counter to order them drinks. 

      Megumi sends a text to Itadori, letting him know where he's at, what he's doing, and that he'll be back soon. Itadori spams him with texts and tons of emojis, all positive. Satoru returns to the table, setting down Megumi's cold drink in front of him. "Just ask him." Satoru says, taking a sip of his cold drink.

      "What if it's true? Then... that would mean everything was a lie." Megumi's brows furrow, worry clear on his face.

      "Everything your friend did was because he wanted to. Memi, if you gave me the chance, I'd fuck you. You're a likeable kind of mean and you're insanely hot. I have no ulterior motives, I need a friend and a partner. I'm not doing this to fuck you but if the opportunity came, I wouldn't say no. I'm a sexual person, I like sex. Everyone likes sex." Satoru shrugs.

       "Stop saying sex." Megumi sighs, feeling slightly embarrassed. "You want to be my friend?"

      Satoru smiles, reminding Megumi of a sly cat. He swirls his straw in his drink before looking up at Megumi. "Nobody knows this but I'll tell you because you told me. Fair?"

      "Alright." Megumi nods. The air shifts around Gojo, something filled with longing and sadness. It makes Megumi feel a bit uncomfortable and vulnerable. 

      "I had a friend named Suguru. He was my best friend, he was good looking but I wouldn't ruin our friendship by trying to have sex with him. He understood me, didn't always support me but he would have my back. He got cancer about... five years ago. He died just slightly over four years ago. Cancer took my best friend from me and since then I haven't had any friends. I have one but she's focused on her job and we rarely have time to spend together. I felt lonely but when I saw your performance, it spoke to me. I suddenly felt... alive again. I felt excited and I hadn't felt that way about skating for a long time. I want to enjoy it again and I want to be selfish by having you as my partner. I can't promise I won't cause problems but I won't cross boundaries you don't like. I won't ruin your relationship and that's a promise. I'm a promiscuous man, I don't care if someone has a relationship, but I keep my promises if I make them." Satoru swears and even through the dark sunglasses, Megumi can tell he's genuine.

       Megumi tries to put himself in Gojo's situation. If Itadori were to die... Megumi might truly give up on life. Skating would become meaningless, maintaining friendships would be pointless, and he would wither away. Itadori truly is a special piece of Megumi's heart, in a way completely different from everyone else. 

      "I understand. If I lost my best friend, I would have given up. You're strong, Satoru." Megumi places his hand on top of Satoru's, giving the slightly older boy a supportive squeeze. 

       Gojo chuckles sadly, "I'm the strongest, Memi."

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