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         "You aren't going to tell me where we're going?" Megumi questions as he sits comfortably in the passenger seat of Sukuna's truck. "You know that I don't like surprises." 

          "I'm not telling you." Sukuna grins as Megumi groans.

          "You're so irritating." Megumi complains but can't help the smile on his face. The tension between the two of them has been nonexistent, their relationship so far has been good. No fighting and there hasn't been an uncomfortable atmosphere. In fact, Megumi's hope continues with how Sukuna's been behaving lately. Megumi didn't tell Sukuna about his outing with Itadori and Junpei, he lied and said he stayed home and rested, watching The Walking Dead because he has to catch up on the seasons. 

       Sukuna believed it.

        Megumi wonders if this is how it will have to be. A choice between Sukuna and his friends, there doesn't seem to be a way around it. "Sukuna, how did your therapy go? Do you like your therapist?" Megumi inquires because even though he considered that asking would be too personal, he's curious and Sukuna could always choose to just not answer. Megumi slides his hand under Sukuna's, lacing their fingers together. 

      "Could be worse." Sukuna huffs.

      "That's good, that's really good. That means you didn't loathe it." Megumi smiles, raising their hands and kissing the top of Sukuna's. "I think this is really good for us, Sukuna."

       "Let's not talk about it." Sukuna dismissively demands, giving Megumi's hand a quick squeeze. Megumi frowns but nods his head, not wanting to press when Sukuna isn't ready. He doesn't want Sukuna's mood to become ornery. Megumi turns up the radio, Sex, Drugs, Etc by Beach Weather playing and instantly relaxing Megumi. He rolls his window down, feeling the air fan against his skin.

        He hums to the song, his eyes drifting every so often towards Sukuna's handsome face. Megumi is in disbelief of how far they've come, he didn't think he would actually date the obnoxious guy who wouldn't leave him alone. Now, he forgot how he even lived without Sukuna. He wants to be there for Sukuna, he wants to live his life with this person.

      Megumi wants to tell him, he wants to just blurt it out right here. Megumi resists, knowing that telling Sukuna something so important and life changing so suddenly isn't right and the timing is not well thought out. Sukuna has only went to therapy once, things have been good for a short while, he shouldn't let his emotions have him doing anything rash.

        He has missed messages and calls from most people in his life but he hasn't opened them or even checked the notification. He hardly replies to Itadori and has yet to speak to Okkotsu after the incident. He misses him and being able to have him as someone he can call when his life feels like it's falling apart. He's so thankful that Itadori and Junpei have kept his secret and are reliable. He should text Inumaki back, he doesn't deserve to be ignored. As for Gojo... Megumi doesn't know what to say to him. He doesn't blame Gojo for what happened but he still feels a little awkward.

       The wind is beginning to become colder, confusing Megumi a little. He rolls up the window, looking at his boyfriend. "Where are you taking me?"

      "The beach."

       "Are you going to drown me?"

        "Only if you ask politely." Sukuna grins teasingly. "No, I just wanted to take you there. If it gets too cold, we can stay in the car."

        "Alright." Megumi nods, turning his attention back out the window. The sky is still blue but it won't be for long, Sukuna does mental calculations and is sure they'll be able to make it to the ocean while the sun is still in the sky.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

          "It's beautiful here, Sukuna." Megumi smiles giddily, feeling the sand beneath his bare feet. It's not as cold as he was expecting which is a bonus. He can enjoy this moment without his teeth chattering.

         Sukuna loves the way the sun causes Megumi's skin to glisten and have that beautiful red flush on his cheeks. He loves the tenderness reflecting in Megumi's eyes as he looks at Sukuna. He reaches out, grabbing Megumi's thin wrist and pulling him closer. Leaning down, Sukuna captures Megumi's lips into an affectionate kiss. Megumi chuckles, grabbing onto Sukuna's hoodie to steady himself.

       "If I lose you, I'll be lost." Sukuna confesses.

        "We're going to be alright." Megumi frowns, reassuring Sukuna with a sincere expression.

        "I thought I wanted it but I don't." Sukuna wraps his arms around Megumi, almost like he's afraid if he lets go that Megumi will disappear.

          "Wanted what?" Megumi inquires.

           "I thought I wanted to be the reason you cry but I don't and I'm fucking this up. You don't judge me, you haven't. You forgive me even when I don't deserve it. Megumi, before I ran away from home my parents abused me really badly. I didn't want to remember it, I wanted to forget all about my past. My mother betrayed me. She told me that violence was love. She hurt me, Megumi." Sukuna's voice is shaky as he confesses the darkness of his past, his face buried into Megumi's neck as he holds him even tighter. He's trembling, he doesn't want to remember anything about his past or about what he went through with his parents.  "I'm so fucked up, I'm damaging you like she damaged my father and me."

        Megumi doesn't know what he can say to comfort Sukuna so he says nothing, his arms wrapping around Sukuna's middle and holding him. "It's not an excuse but I blame her for breaking me.

      "I know it's not an excuse." Megumi gently rubs his hand up and down the middle of Sukuna's back. The blue sky begins to change to orange, yellow, and red as the sun begins to set. The scent of the ocean is comforting to the both of them, the sound of the waves and the occasional bird helps set a solace aura.
       "Even after I ran away, my body was used by people. I was a runaway, a stray with no home and barley had anyone on my side. I did whatever I could to survive outside of fighting for Uraume's father, even if I didn't like it. Even if I hated it and wanted it to end before it even began. Sex was just an activity when I got older. I didn't care to remember who I was with. Then you came into my life, changing everything. You're so special to me."

      "Sukuna, I understand—"

       "People don't hurt people they love."

        "Not usually."

         "I'm going to be busy for awhile, working in the ring at Uraume's. I'll see you because I'll move my stuff in but not constantly. I need to do this and I promise you I'll keep going to therapy. I love you, my Blessing."

       "I love you so much, 'Kuna."

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