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        The vending machine in the hotel has a large variety of options, Megumi isn't sure what he wants anymore. He was craving some chips but now just about everything looks appetizing. The massage and affirmation that Sukuna loves him has him feeling light again, floating and happy. "Can't decide?" A feminine voice questions, startling him from his thoughts. He looks over to see Maki Zen'In standing there, a calm expression on her attractive face. 

      "I thought you were staying at a different hotel?" He questions curiously.

      "Incompetent workers really irk me." She replies with a shrug. Megumi nods his head, stepping aside for her. 

       "I'm still deciding." He tells her. She stands there for a moment, just looking at him. He shifts awkwardly, unsure of what to say. His idol is standing right in front of him, the woman he's always admired is right here and he suddenly doesn't know how to start a conversation. She steps forward, glancing over the options. She has her hair down which is different from her usual hairstyles that have her hair up. She's wearing her glasses with a more casual outfit, she looks pretty, Megumi thinks. 

        "You seem happy, did something good happen? Besides not getting disqualified." She questions, glancing at him through the reflection of the glass from the vending machine. He doesn't notice, a small smile forming on his face. Sukuna loves him and wants a future with him, this is really reassuring. Megumi needs to decide for certain about his future and about the baby he's carrying before telling Sukuna. He needs to know if he wants this or not, he can confidently say he wants a future with Sukuna but having a baby so early on, especially when they are still having some relationship problems, doesn't seem good for either of them or the baby.

    Still, he is happy right now. 

    "It's always good to be with someone you love." He responds causing Maki to smile. Her bag of chips drops and she grabs them out. She steps aside for him and Megumi inserts some money into the machine. 

     "I enjoyed your performances. Your first one truly spoke with emotions and your partnership with Gojo Satoru, shockingly, was exceptional. You two really fit together." Maki compliments. She doesn't want to go yet, she wants to talk to him more. He's right in front of her and he doesn't even know they're family. He doesn't even know that his father wants to see him so badly, he doesn't know that Toji never stopped looking for his child even when nobody wanted to help him. Even when they had no lead and no starting place, how is mother and Megumi both managed to disappear like ghosts could only be from the influence of wealthy people. Megumi's adoptive parents, Maki suspects. 

      "Thank you, that's the highest achievement for me. I really look up to you."

      "Jeez, I'm not that much older than you." Maki teases.

      "That's not what I meant." Megumi chuckles, pressing a few buttons. "You're inspiring, I've seen your performances many times. You're one of the best and the fact you didn't give up even after your accident to continue to achieve your dreams is all just... incredible. You're incredible." He praises, making her smile warmly at him. She wants to just tell him now but she knows that isn't a good idea. She told Toji to wait because she didn't want all this news to throw him off his game and cost him first place. She can't tell him now.

        Megumi gathers his snacks and drinks, looking a little sheepish. "It's been nice talking to you. Goodbye." He tells her, making his way to the elevator. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       They set out the snacks and drinks on the bed, sitting across one another as a movie plays in the background. Sukuna and Megumi don't really pay attention to it, they want to talk to each other. They need to, they both know they lack communication. They need more moments of just conversing. "Sukuna, I really want to find my biological family." Megumi starts off with, a gloomy look on his face. "I know my parents care about me but I want to find my biological family. I have a lot of questions and things I want to know. Where do I get my looks from? Does anyone else in my family have talents similar to mine? Mostly... I want to know why my biological mother gave me away."

      "What if they're bad people?" Sukuna questions. If Sukuna found out his shitty parents weren't his real parents, he still wouldn't want to find his biological family. They didn't care about him, that's how he sees it but he doesn't want to put that negativity onto Megumi when this is clearly what he wants to do. "What if they disappoint you?"

      "They might, I know that." Megumi nods slowly, grabbing the fudge stripes cookies. He opens the package, offering one to Sukuna. He takes it and Megumi takes one of his own. He bites into it, his tastebuds happy with his choice. "I know you hate when I want to believe everyone is good but I have thought about that. My family might be terrible people, they might even be pissed off that I went looking for them when they want nothing to do with me. They could be money hungry and try to bleed me dry. At least I'll know the kind of people they are. No choice is the wrong one. Every decision provides experiences worthy of remembering." Megumi says, feeling a sense of deja vu. 

      "Is your mother always like that?" 

       "I told you a little bit but yes, she's always been like that. Scaring me to try and get me to stay home forever. If I never met Itadori then I would have never known how wrong she was. Both of them, they're wrong." Megumi frowns, nibbling on another cookie. 

       "There's bad people everywhere. You should have freedom but Megumi, I'm going to lose it again if you continue thinking everyone has a good side. That's not always true." Sukuna has to tell him, remind him that there are bad people. Megumi doesn't listen and sure, Uraume is right about what he said before but Sukuna doesn't like it. He doesn't like that Megumi doesn't listen.

       "I don't think that's true, Sukuna." Megumi frowns, trying to prepare himself for Sukuna to yell at him. 

        "You're going to get hurt if you keep thinking shit like that, especially if i'm not there to protect you." Sukuna sighs in frustration, running his fingers through his hair. He needs to calm down, he doesn't want to snap at Megumi again. They can't keep going between loving one another to fighting, Megumi can't take it right now. Sukuna pushes the snacks and drinks aside, grabbing onto the back of Megumi's neck. He pulls him close, kissing him deeply. Megumi melts into the kiss, easily becoming submissive to it. Sukuna can taste the sweetness of the chocolate and there is a hint of strawberry from one of the drinks. 

       He pulls back, lightly biting Megumi's cheek making him squeak in surprise. "Let's find a movie to watch."

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