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Warning: I said I wasn't going to do warnings but in this one Sukuna is very cruel to Megumi. You've been warned without spoilers


      "Wait!" Megumi rushes out of the hotel room, leaving behind a flustered Yuuta who quickly covers himself up. "Sukuna, I know that looked really bad but I can explain! Yuuta had just got out of the shower before I came, we were talking, I was helping put medicine on his wounds, and the towel fell off when I accidentally hurt him —!" Megumi winces as Sukuna grabs him by the throat, pushing him very roughly against the wall. His whole back hurts from the force, a loud noise being made from the impact. 

       Megumi grabs onto Sukuna's hand that holds his throat, his heart is racing and he's terrified. He begins to see flashes of other times Sukuna hurt him, the first time he strangled him, their first scuffle in the car... he's scared , he can barely breathe. "You're fucking done, Megumi. If I see you talking to any of your friends, I'm going to beat the fuck out of them and you. Directly after your final performance tomorrow, we're leaving so be fucking prepared." 

         He's hurting him, his grip is too strong, but Sukuna doesn't want to let him go. He is so enraged he could kill them both, starting with Okkotsu before finishing it off with brutally killing Megumi for betraying him. He wants to, he wants to squeeze his neck even tighter but he does the opposite, letting him go. Megumi drops down, coughing and heaving as he tries to regain the breath stolen from him. His eyes are watering and he feels sick to his stomach, he feels like vomiting again but he suppresses the feeling. 

       "I'll seriously hurt you if you don't listen." Sukuna's voice is lower than usual, his pupils are dilated and Megumi is terrified. He wants to curl in a ball and get away from Sukuna at the same time. Sukuna grabs Megumi's upper arm, ignoring the way he visibly flinches in fear. He pulls him up with too much strength, causing him to stumble and the only reason he didn't fall is because Sukuna still had a firm grip on him. Megumi struggles to keep up with Sukuna's strides, tears welling up in his eyes from the pain but he tries to keep himself from crying. The Sukuna he pictured in his future doesn't treat him like this, doesn't hurt him, doesn't make him scared, and doesn't make him cry. He's loving and so sweet to Megumi, he'd never hurt him.

     He pushes Megumi into their hotel room, not caring that he trips in the process and nearly falls. "Sukuna, you're scaring me right now." Megumi tells him, backing up as Sukuna continues to come closer. Sukuna can't get that image out of his head, the vision of Megumi on his knees for someone else. Megumi's back hits the wall and his heart is racing, he doesn't know what Sukuna is going to do. Sukuna slams his hand beside Megumi's head on the wall, the younger of the two flinching and tightly closing his eyes. 

      "You were going to cheat on me?" He questions, his voice scarily calm. Megumi shakes his head side to side but that answer isn't good enough for Sukuna. "Look at me right fucking now." 

      Megumi opens his watery eyes, looking at Sukuna's face. He's a terrifying version of the Sukuna that Megumi fell in love with. "Megumi, answer me truthfully. Were you going to cheat on me?" 

      "No! Sukuna it's all a misunderstanding —" Megumi lets out a whimper when Sukuna slams his hand into the wall, instantly silencing him. 

      "Do you want to be with him?"

      "No! No, Sukuna, I swear that he's just a friend. I don't look at Yuuta that way. I love you, you're the only one I want to do that type of thing with." Megumi tries to explain but Sukuna doesn't look interested in hearing anything he has to say. Sukuna's eyes still look scary, a much darker shade of the crimson that colors his eyes. Sukuna pushes Megumi onto the bed, pulling his pants down. "What are you doing?!" Megumi swings his arm back only for Sukuna to grab his arm and pin it behind his back, roughly pushing his chest down onto the bed as his private area is exposed. 

     "Marking my claim. Being nice is exhausting, I'm just going to do what I want. I'm going to fuck you when I want, do what I want to you, and you're going to take it. Think about everything you've done, you're destroying our relationship because you're fucking stupid. This is your fault, Megumi. If you listened to me from the very beginning, I wouldn't distrust you." Sukuna's words take a moment to register in Megumi's head. Megumi's bottom lip trembles and he feels the guilt once again. 

        Sukuna's right. It's my fault Yuuta got hurt, it's my fault Itadori stresses too much, it's my fault my parents are always worried, it's my fault that Sukuna and I fight, and it's my fault he hurts me. Megumi relaxes, his other arm becoming pained from Sukuna pinning him down. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Megumi apologizes but Sukuna doesn't want to accept it. He tugs his pants the rest of the way off along with his underwear. He spreads Megumi's legs, aligning his cock with the tender entrance. With a forceful thrust, he gets his cock halfway in. Megumi trembles, his cunt tightening around Sukuna's thick length. 

        "I'm all you have, Blessing. I won't lie to you like they will." Sukuna lies, shoving the rest of his length into Megumi's tight cunt. Megumi whimpers from the stretch, his hands clenching the sheets as the tip of Sukuna's cock kisses his cervix. He uses his free hand to grip onto Megumi's bruised hip, pressing into his injured flesh without care. Megumi cries out from the pain of it, trying to focus on the pleasure of Sukuna setting his rough and deep pace. 

         "Was that you getting back at me for embarrassing you? You wanted to embarrass me?" Sukuna adjusts his angle, hitting where Megumi's sweet spot is. His boyfriend lets out a breathy gasp, slick wetting Sukuna's cock and making the slide inside a little easier. "Answer me!" Sukuna raises his hand, cruelly hitting Megumi's ass. 

         "N-no!" Megumi chokes on a cry, his body writhing in an attempt to get free as an orgasm washes over him. His pussy quivers around Sukuna's pistoning cock, the overstimulation making him whimper and struggle. "Sukuna, please." Megumi wiggles but Sukuna doesn't release his hold on him. Sukuna lets him go, slipping his throbbing cock out of Megumi's soaking wet cunt. He flips his boyfriend over, admiring his debauched expression before slapping Megumi across the face. Megumi tenses up, his dazed eyes widening in complete shock. Sukuna places his hand onto Megumi's clothed chest, keeping him pinned down as he pushes back inside. 

       "You're pathetic." Sukuna insults, loving the way Megumi's pussy tightens when he hits the right spots. Sukuna's cock is throbbing inside and Megumi can feel it, making his head fuzzy. He's still terrified, Sukuna is being so rough and saying such unkind things, but he feels good too. Pleasure, lust, the sensations are too much but Sukuna won't stop forcing him to feel them. Megumi's chest wants attention, he wants Sukuna to touch and tease. 

       "'K-Kuna, my chest, please?" Megumi begs, tears streaming down his flushed face. 

        "Am I to blame for turning you into such a slut?" Sukuna insults, making Megumi feel ashamed of himself. His chest is something he feels insecure about and Sukuna of all people should know that. His chest is small but even he can tell that they're breasts once you see them without the clothing. Tiny and hardly noticeable when he wears clothes, especially if he wears a binder. "I love you, I'll fix that whore part of you."

         "I'm not..." Megumi trails off, mewling in pleasure as another orgasm hits him abruptly. It's quick and a little painful, his hips and thighs twitching and trying to get even a centimeter away from Sukuna's cock. Sukuna pinches a pretty pink bud, rolling his thumb over it and enjoying Megumi's breathy moans. Sukuna leans down, taking the other nipple into his mouth, he lightly grazes it with his teeth before sliding his tongue over. 

      "Your tits are so pretty." Sukuna praises but it doesn't come out as a compliment to Megumi.

       "They aren't tits." Megumi instantly rejects that, hating the fact Sukuna would even say that to him. Sukuna slams inside a few more times before spilling his cum inside Megumi. 

       "Of course they are, baby." Sukuna coos, lightly grabbing the small mound. Megumi feels the urge to cry again, he shakes his head side to side. 

      "Sukuna, please stop, don't say that. I don't like it." Megumi pleads.

      "I don't care what you think, you're stupid, remember? You make the worst decisions and do nothing but cause problems. So shut up and accept the compliment."

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