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         "You really flew out here." Maki states, glancing at Toji in the passenger seat. Toji nearly had a heart attack when his son was all over the news, the famous figure skater, Megumi Fushiguro, was severely injured at a nightclub. Toji didn't wait a second to messily pack a bag and hop on a plane, getting a horrible seat and dealing with an infuriating baby that cried the entire time. "He's currently hospitalized, I don't know any details. Nobody does right now. Toji, what are you expecting to do? Rush in there saying you're his biological father?"

        "I have no other choice. Maki, for eighteen years I've been looking for my son and right before I get to meet him he ends up in the hospital." Toji can't lose his child before he's even gotten the chance to apologize for not being there for him. Maki doesn't fight him on this, this is his decision to make and she is genuinely worried about Megumi as well. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         When Megumi wakes up, his body is in pain and he still feels a little dizzy. The light in the hospital room is blurry, it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust. "Megumi? Baby, look at me." A voice calls and he turns his head a bit, seeing Sukuna with redness around his eyes from crying. Megumi feels it, he feels frightened again as flashes of what he can remember come back. Tears further blur his vision and he squeezes the hands holding his. This alerts Itadori from sleep, groggily trying to take in the situation.

      "Sukuna..." Megumi whimpers, tears streaming down his face. 

       "I'll go get the doctor." Itadori tells the two before he rushes out of the room. 

       "I don't want to... I don't..." Megumi cries, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

       "Don't want to what? What don't you want?" Sukuna questions urgently.

       "Megumi, darling, mama's here." Sera enters the hospital room with her husband, the two taking the place where Itadori was. "Could you give us some privacy?" She glares at Sukuna, making it clear that he isn't welcomed. Sukuna clenches his jaw, letting go of Megumi's hand and leaving the room. He gives them space and takes a moment to process what happened. He heads down a random hallway, finding Uraume there.

        "It feels terrible, doesn't it?" Uraume questions.

       "What?" Sukuna's tone is sharp. He will kill whoever did this, he will murder this person and it's a promise. There is no one that will be able to stop him. 

      "Having another person treat Megumi the way you do." Uraume boldly states. 

      "What the fuck are you talking about?" Sukuna raises his voice but there aren't many people walking down the hall to be startled from it.

       "Megumi was beaten and raped. Remind you of anyone? I am not suggesting, I am telling you that you need a therapist to figure out why you do what you do. It's horrible this happened to Megumi, nobody deserves this, especially him but it happened and now you have to live with that. He probably didn't want to see you after what you did to him and that's why he went with that skater guy." Uraume doesn't shy away from telling Sukuna exactly what he thinks. Megumi seemed so out of place at Uraume's underground bar, Megumi doesn't seem like a party person to Uraume. 

        "You're saying this is my fault?" Sukuna's blood is boiling by the second.

        "Partly." Uraume replies truthfully before he walks away from Sukuna, not wanting to stick around for Sukuna to probably snap and hit him for what he said. Sukuna leans against the wall, wondering how this went all wrong. Everything was perfect in the beginning, wasn't it? Or did he want to delusion himself into thinking it was? He loves Megumi, he loves him so much to the point it's become so toxic. Sukuna doesn't want to leave, he doesn't want Megumi to leave, so what can he do? He won't change his opinion about Okkotsu or Gojo, he doesn't want Megumi having friends. He doesn't need them, isn't Sukuna enough? He can be there when Megumi needs, he can comfort him and be there to listen to whatever he wants to say. If Megumi wants to go somewhere, Sukuna will go with him. Sukuna can do everything and more so why can't Megumi just be satisfied with him?

      He hasn't talked to Megumi after what he did to him, it was a silent beginning after that. Megumi was covered in marks and fluids, trembling and quieter than a mouse. Sukuna did that, he made Megumi like that. The boy who just wanted to be loved was with someone who loved him way too much for it to be even considered healthy. Sukuna's ornery behavior is destroying his boyfriend inside and out and he feels that even if he gets help like Uraume demanded, he's not capable of being fixed

         He doesn't want to be.

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