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         "He was given too much of Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid or otherwise known as a date rape drug. We managed to get him into stable condition, the boyfriend that brought him in said he was having a seizure in the bathroom. I have to inform you since this is a case I am required by law and have called the police to find the person responsible. Once your son is in stable condition, we'll talk to him about a rape kit and get his permission. He's going to be hospitalized for awhile, it's a miracle the fetus is still alive and healthy. Symptoms of higher doses can cause seizures, inability to recall what occurred, loss of consciousness, and difficulty seeing. Once he wakes up we'll be able to see how severe this is. I truly feel for you, Mr. and Mrs. Fushiguro." The doctor tells Megumi's adoptive parents, a sympathetic look on his face.

     Sukuna's leg is bouncing as he sits in the chair besides Megumi's bed, his hand holding Megumi's. Megumi is injured worse than what Sukuna had done, Sukuna will never get that sight out of his head. His boyfriend was beaten bloody, naked and his body clearly defiled with used condoms around, and he was having a seizure on the unclean floor. "Baby, what baby?" She questions her husband, tears streaming down her face.

         "Honey, I need you to listen to me. Megumi will talk to you when he's ready. We can't have him more stressed, he's having a very difficult time right now. Do not bring up the baby to anyone, Megumi hasn't told anyone and that is his decision to make." His voice is firm, leaving no room for her to rebuke. 

        "Our son is so hurt, Vincent." The tears stream down her face, she knows it's unladylike to cry in public and she had been taught to never show such a disgraceful appearance but she can't stop herself. Her child suffered so severely, her genuine boy that she loves with all her heart. "What kind of monster would do such a thing? This is why I didn't want him to leave the house! This is why I told him all those things! Why did you let him go?!"

       He embraces his sobbing wife, trying to soothe her but he knows nothing can truly soothe either of them with the state Megumi is in. "Sera, we need to be strong for Megumi. We're going to keep him safe, we'll talk about the other situation another time. When he is ready, darling." He reminds her once more. She nods her head, holding tighter onto her husband. 

      Sukuna sent out a message to everyone from Megumi's phone, letting them know their situation and the location of the hospital. He even sent the message to Okkotsu, despite his hatred for him... Sukuna felt it wasn't right to exclude him. Sukuna sent a message to Uraume from his own phone, providing the same information. Itadori and Junpei are the first of the friends to get there, both of them panting and covered in sweat. "This is all my fault. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you right away where he was." Itadori profusely apologizes, tears welling up in his eyes at the sight of his best friend. He rushes to the other side, taking Megumi's hand. "Megumi, i'm sorry, we should've went with you."

        "I saw Gojo in the waiting room. He looks very distressed." Junpei tells Sukuna, frowning as he sees how flurried the man is. His eyes aren't looking away from Megumi, clearly deep in thought. "How bad is it?" Junpei lowers his voice.

         "I found my boyfriend naked, bloody, and having a seizure on the bathroom floor. He's not doing well at all." Sukuna answers, not enough energy to have a rude tone. Instead, he sounds full of misery. He rests his head on the bed, regretting everything he had done. He didn't regret it, didn't want to think about it, but now he feels regret for doing something so horrible to his boyfriend. He knew Megumi wasn't lying, he knew Megumi was telling the truth about what happened with Okkotsu, his eyes always tell Sukuna if he's lying or telling the truth. Once again, Sukuna couldn't see past his own rage.

          "Did Gojo have something to do with this?" Itadori questions, prepared to hit that pretty boy's face.

           "No." Sukuna mumbles, softly rubbing the top of Megumi's hand with his thumb. 

           Megumi's parents enter the room, seeing the three of them looking so heartbroken over this situation. "The doctor said he was given too much of Gamma-hydroxybutyric, a date rape drug, and they won't know other symptoms such as memory loss until he wakes up. The police will be here to discuss things when he wakes up." Vincent explains to them. He doesn't dislike Itadori, he barely knows Junpei, and he despises Sukuna, but he knows that Megumi would want them to know no matter how he or his wife feels towards them.

          Sera remembers when her and her husband were given Megumi. A little baby who would rarely cry, so tiny and so lovable. Sera had wanted a child for so long, she longed to be a mother since she was young. She had a good relationship with her own parents, they were strict but they loved her. When Sera fell in love with Vincent in middle school, her parents nearly fainted. When those two fell in love, they fell hard for one another. Their world only existed between the two of them and when they got married, Vincent took her last name. It was a tradition in the Fushiguro family that the women would give their husbands their last names instead of the other way around. 

      When Megumi entered their world, it was complete. For a while, they had a daughter. Then, Megumi told them about how he felt inside, that he didn't want to be a she. They accepted him, of course, because this is their Megumi. The child that completed their world and Sera never wanted him to venture outside the safety of their world. Vincent didn't want it either but he was nowhere near as forceful as his wife. Sera filled his head about the evil of the world, that nobody could be trusted.

       In some ways, she was right, but in a lot more ways, she was wrong to do that to their child. Vincent knows this but he won't force his wife to acknowledge that part of herself, the part that wanted to corrupt their child with fear so they didn't lose a piece of their world. 

      She wishes now that she never let Megumi go.

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