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      Megumi had fallen asleep in the car, he couldn't keep himself awake anymore. Sukuna keeps him close, carrying his smaller lover inside his house. Sukuna feels guilt for his actions, looking at the deep, darkly colored bruises on his neck. His eyes are red from crying, his face pale and a hurt expression on his face. That guilt begins to disappear when he remembers Okkotsu with his arm intimately around his shoulder, he is pissed off that Megumi defended him.

        Sukuna sets Megumi on the bed and the action has Megumi's eyes flutter open. "Sukuna... I'm cold." He whimpers, holding out his arms for the man. Sukuna clenches his jaw, interlacing their fingers and planting a kiss on top of his hand. Megumi tilts his head, narrowing his eyes slightly in confusion. Sukuna's expression turns cold as he looks down at Megumi, it causes the younger to begin to tremble under the gaze.

      He lets go of Megumi's cold hands, bringing his own hands to the top of his pants. Sukuna begins to unbutton them and Megumi places his hand on top of Sukuna's in a hurried fashion.


     "I told you I was going to check your body. Let go of me." Sukuna demands in a tone harsher than originally intended. Megumi shakily pulls his hands away, turning his head to the side to avoid making eye contact. He pulls off Megumi's pants, grabbing onto his shirt next and pulling it over his body. "This looks painful." He states about the binding tape around Megumi's chest. Megumi doesn't reply, letting Sukuna take that off too along with his underwear next.

      Sukuna runs his fingers along Megumi's sides, his eyes observing every detail of the boy's pale, supple body. He leans down, pressing light, butterfly-like kisses across Megumi's chest. He whimpers, his legs trembling and although he tries to close them, it's difficult with Sukuna who's pressed between them.

      "You aren't allowed to have anyone else." Sukuna lightly bites his chest making Megumi gasp, gripping the bed sheets. He pulls back, pressing a kiss to the fresh bite mark before kissing down, getting lower and lower. Megumi's body is cold but he's becoming warmed by Sukuna, it's a feeling he's quickly being trapped in, it feels addicting. He wants more, more of his kisses with his gentle touching. Sukuna runs his hands along his sensitive hips, his hands gripping under his thighs and spreading them.

     Megumi's face instantly flushes, unable to form any coherent words. Sukuna leans down, pressing kisses on his inner thighs affectionately, soft and slow.

Sukuna hums in delight before pressing his hot tongue against Megumi's soaked pussy, licking between his folds. Megumi gasps in surprise, trying to close his legs but Sukuna doesn't allow him to do so.

   Sukuna slaps Megumi's inner thigh causing him to jolt, a red hand print left behind. "Stay still, nothing I am going to do is for your pleasure. It's for mine so be obedient and don't think about moving away. I'll punish you." Sukuna's crimson eyes have a threatening glint in them and despite Megumi knowing he should be worried, he lets out a submissive whimper and spreads his legs more to present himself. Sukuna is very pleased by his action.

      "Why... are you so mad at me?" He whines out his question as Sukuna begins to abuse his clit with his fast, long tongue. Megumi lets out whimpering, wanton moans as his hips buck up. Sukuna ignores his cries, gripping him down so Megumi can't escape him.

       Sukuna keeps a firm hand on his lower stomach to keep him pinned down and with his strength it's easy enough. With his other hand he runs his fingers over Megumi's tight, wet hole and spreads him open which gives him access to peer inside. "Don't!" Megumi squeaks in embarrassment, his whole body trembling in both excitement and slight fear.

       "You're all pink here and so wet." Sukuna looks up at Megumi from his position, his crimson eyes send chills down the shorter's spine. "Don't let anyone see you like this, nobody except me." His fingers dip in and out idly, teasing his sensitive entrance. Megumi whimpers as Sukuna continues to abuse his swollen clit, bringing back his orgasm that he delayed.

      Megumi is breathless and loud but Sukuna doesn't mind, he could listen to these erotic sounds all day long. The teasing of his fingers make him shiver as his burning heat of passion pools between his trembling legs. His back arches and his toes curl, his pussy convulsing around Sukuna's thick fingers. Sukuna watches as Megumi comes undone by him, how beautiful his debauched face looks.

       "You're jealous?" He questions breathlessly. Sukuna tenses, frowning at that.

        "Of course. I don't want to see anyone be so touchy with you." Sukuna unzips his pants and lets his throbbing cock out. Megumi blushes deeply, looking elsewhere. "Look at me." He demands and Megumi does so, looking at Sukuna with his teary, doe eyes that Sukuna loves so much. He rubs his cock against Megumi's sensitive pussy, there is a wet, slicked noise as Sukuna then rubs his erected cock to spread his juices along.

"I'm sorry." Megumi apologizes.

"You're not the one who should be apologizing." He replies coldly, his anger he felt returning for that stupid boy who held onto his boyfriend.

It feels hot and heavy, his impressive length and girth makes it look to be impossible to fit inside. But he knows he can fit, he knows Sukuna will force his velvety walls to stretch. Megumi's cheeks feel hot and he hates feeling so exposed, Sukuna has seen just about all of him.

      Sukuna leans close and Megumi stiffens, feeling shy. "I love you."

      "W-what—?!" His words are cut off as he whimpers, Sukuna's impressive cock stretches his slicked walls and pushes inside. He grips onto Megumi's wrists to keep him pinned down as he writhes beneath the larger man. His cock weighing thick and heavy deep in his belly and Sukuna plants loving kisses on his salty, tear streaked cheeks and lets him adjust to the stretch.

      "I love you." He repeats in a soothing voice and this causes Megumi to choke on a sob, his eyes tightly closed. Those words sound so sincere and Megumi wishes with every bone in his body that Sukuna's words are true. Sukuna rocks inside Megumi slowly, not quite pulling out, his veiny cock pressed against that sensitive spot inside him that leaves the sobbing, whimpering boy feeling dazed.

    "Sukuna." Megumi calls, and Sukuna waits patiently for his reply. "I won't make you mad again. I won't."

     Sukuna chuckles, pressing a sweet kiss against his cheek. "You're so cute." He compliments and Megumi lets out a strangled cry while Sukuna begins fucking into his tight pussy with increasing force. "My little slut, my beautiful lover. Look at you crying! You're behaving like a slutty bitch, only obedient when I fuck this cock hungry hole. Is that who you are?!"

     "O-only for you!" Megumi cries and Sukuna smirks in satisfaction. Such a sweet thing, Sukuna is so happy to have this boy to himself. He doesn't even want to imagine anyone else having Megumi, anyone else fucking him like he deserves.

      Sukuna has a bruising grip on Megumi's hips, using Megumi like his personal cocksleeve. And in a lot of ways, he is. His cherished, beloved boyfriend but also his delicious, slutty cocksleeve.

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