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      Sukuna was quick about his business, ran a few red and yellow lights but all worth it to get to Megumi. The request was sudden, surprising even. Sukuna was furious and worried about him but it seems it was for nothing, he doesn't have to worry about Megumi yet for some reason he does. He isn't one to worry about others.

Megumi presses the button, allowing Sukuna into the massive building complex. He wraps his arms around himself as he lets out a shaky breath, he decided to do this on a whim. He doesn't feel regret although his stomach is uncomfortably twisting in nervousness. The elevator dings and opens to reveal Sukuna. "Top floor hm? You really are a spoiled brat." Sukuna grins while taking impatient strides towards Megumi, wrapping his muscular arm around his small waist, he pulls Megumi in.

     "You're soaked—mph!" Megumi jolts as Sukuna deeply kisses him, impatient and yet still considerately gentle. His hold around Megumi is enough to press their bodies flush against each other while leaving room if the smaller wanted to pull away.

Megumi moans lightly into the kiss, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Sukuna's neck loosely. Sukuna has to lean down to reach Megumi but he also assists, the heels of his feet lifted from the ground to give him an extra taller boost for Sukuna. His black knee-highs are really doing it for Sukuna, he wants to rid him of everything except for those.

     Their lips move in sync, Megumi follows Sukuna's movements. Megumi's lips are plump, their smooth and his taste... Sukuna wants to taste more of him. "Mmm wait." Megumi places his hands on Sukuna's white, soaked T-shirt. "There's a few things first. Um, I-I'm not—"

     "My love, you don't have to worry about anything." Sukuna presses his lips back against Megumi's in desperate fervor, he doesn't think he could handle it psychically if Megumi decides to stop this or show hesitation. Megumi's reasoning is thrown out the window, his body's own desires causing his mind to become jumbled. There's two taps on his bottom that causes him to jolt in surprise before understanding what Sukuna meant. He trustingly jumps and Sukuna catches him, grabbing onto his bottom tightly which earns a whimper from Megumi.

Sukuna makes his way upstairs while he explores the inside of Megumi's mouth which has an unfamiliar sweet taste. Nudging the door open with his foot, he enters Megumi's bedroom. It's clean and he can smell the scent of the lit candles around. It's silent other than the thudding of rain from the outside.

He settles Megumi on the bed, his hands kneading his plump bottom. Megumi's insides are pulsing, his nerves dancing in sensitive delight at all Sukuna is teaching him.

     They part just enough to catch their breaths, cheeks flushed and Megumi's lips slightly swollen. Sukuna's eyes are practically glowing with desire, his erection becoming painful in his jeans. He tosses his jacket off, impatiently pulling his wet shirt over his body. The front of his hair falls forward, casting a bit of a shadow on his insanely sexy face. Megumi gets a perfect view of his tattoos, black markings on his arms and chest that lead to his back and neck.

      Curious and intrigued, he reaches out and lightly touches the permanent ink on his smooth skin. "Did it hurt?" Megumi mumbles his question, looking up at Sukuna through his dark lashes. Such an innocent look, it's almost sinful considering their current situation. Sukuna feels his cock eagerly twitch, throbbingly harder at the simple fact that all of Megumi is his. Every experience, especially bodily, will be Sukuna's. Something about that causes his heart to race, his entire body to heat up like an insatiable beast.

"The pain became numbed and I felt nothing." Sukuna realizes he's never talked about his tattoos before, not to anyone nor did he feel the urge to. He places his hand over Megumi's smaller one, pressing it over his heart. "Touch me more." He demands before stealing Megumi's lips for his own, much rougher than before. His hot tongue shoves itself into Megumi's mouth that opens in a whimper, his entire body melting.

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