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         Megumi knocks a little louder than necessary on the hotel room. He's trembling, he's supposed to be on his way to get ready for his next performance. The door opens and Megumi's father is all dressed up. "Megumi, I was just on my way out." The man pauses, noticing the distraught state his son is in. "Megumi... What happened?"

      Megumi bursts into tears, rushing forward and hugging his dad. The blonde man frowns, hugging his child back gently. "Dad, I'm really scared." Megumi admits to the man, he doesn't know what else to do. "I-Is mother here?" He hesitantly questions. He expected her to open the door and that would've made him turn right around.

      "No, she left without me. Do you want her to be here?" He questions, already taking out his phone to call his wife. Megumi grabs the phone with trembling hands, stopping his father from calling her. "Megumi, I don't know what's going on but I really need you to talk to me, please." His father pleads, his heart breaking at seeing his son so shaken up. Megumi looks like he's having the absolute worst time in life right now and his dad doesn't know why. He's been doing so amazing with his competitions and his friends are here to support him. What went wrong?

     "You can't tell mother, she'll just say she was right. Dad, I can't go back to the house, I just can't—"

      "Sh sh, okay, I understand. Come inside, let's not talk out here." With his arm gently wrapped around Megumi's shoulders, he leads his son inside the room. Once they're inside, he gets a good look at Megumi. His hair is disheveled, there's redness around his eyes, and bruising where the long sleeve shirt doesn't cover up. "Who did this to you?" He questions gently, not wanting to startle his child even more than he already is. Inside, he's seething. His Megumi is the most precious person in his life other than his wife, he's going to completely ruin whoever hurt him. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his son.

        "Dad, you can't tell mother."

       "Alright, I understand. You'll tell her on your own time." He agrees, knowing how overbearing his wife can be but Megumi is the only child they'll ever have. Everything about him is special and it truly shatters his heart to see his child like this. The bruising visible look so painful and he wants to take it away so his son doesn't have to suffer.

       Megumi tells his father everything, from Sukuna pestering him before Megumi agreed to go on a date with him, Sukuna's immediate acceptance of Megumi's body, fights, the apologizing, he tells his father everything. Even about the fact he's carrying Sukuna's baby and hasn't told him yet. His dad is quiet as he takes this all in, he doesn't want Megumi to regret feeling safe enough to open up to him about this.

      "What do you want to do about this, Megumi? Do you want to leave him? I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped and I won't force you. That's why you came to me and not your mother, correct?" He questions and Megumi sniffles, nodding his head.

      "I don't know, I don't... I love him but it hurts too much. Dad, I don't know what to do. I'm lost, help me please." Megumi pleads causing his father's heart to clench. Megumi loves Sukuna so much but last night really opened his eyes to a lot of things. He can't be selfish and be with Sukuna and have their child suffer because of it. Megumi wants this baby, he feels like it's an insult to his parents who couldn't have children and he just... doesn't want to. This is a combination of him and the person he loves, he wants this baby even if it means not having Sukuna.

      "Let's fix you up. It's the final day of competition. We can't have you going out like this." He smiles softly, cupping Megumi's face and gently wiping away his tears with his thumbs. Megumi nods his head, sniffling, and let's his dad fix his hair and get him a change of clothes before driving him to where they need to go.

      "Please don't tell mother about this." Megumi whispers.

      "I promise, Megumi."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

            Megumi gets into his uniform, letting the assistants put makeup on his face. He's so exhausted, everything is aching. But he came so far, he worked so hard, he can't let this end with him quitting. "Morning, Memi~ not get enough sleep?" Satoru grins charmingly as he holds out a drink for the boy. Megumi takes it this time, thankful to have the coldness and coffee combination in his frappuccino help wake him up. His stomach seems to like it, he wonders if the baby loves it as much as he does. 

      "You accepted it today. What if I spiked it?" Satoru questions making Megumi glare at him. "Kidding, kidding~ everyone saw me give it to you, there's no way I wouldn't get caught. Anyway, why such a long face?"

      Megumi doesn't reply, thanking the assistants for all they did. Megumi looks at himself in the mirror and he just wants to break down. They managed to hide the bruising on his face where Sukuna slapped him and made it look like he hadn't been crying all night. They covered his pain with makeup and dressed him up all pretty, the version of himself that he wants to be is looking at him and he doesn't recognize himself anymore. Sukuna is out there in the audience. Itadori, Junpei, and Yuuta are there too. He doesn't want to go out there, he doesn't want to see their faces. He doesn't want to see the faces his parents, he doesn't want the woman he looks up to to see him like this, he doesn't even want a nobody like Satoru to see him like this. He feels nauseous, he wants to go home.

      "Memi? What's wrong?" Gojo questions, waving his hand in front of Megumi's face. Megumi flinches, focusing back on the reality around him.

      "What? Nothing, mind your business. We have to get on the ice soon." Megumi doesn't want anyone to see through him. He can keep his ice cold facade for the rest of the day but he can't keep this up forever.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

        "Congratulations on first place, Megumi." Satoru praises. Satoru Gojo, the second place winner, with Toge Inumaki coming in at third. Megumi can't even feel enthusiastic about his win, he feels miserable and exhausted. He is trembling and he hopes it isn't noticeable, he hasn't seen Sukuna yet but he should be looking for him. Satoru notices that Megumi seems on edge and suddenly has an idea. He slings an arm around Megumi's shoulders, not missing the way he shrinks back from the touch. "We're going out clubbing to celebrate. You should come, especially since you won first place." Satoru invites the younger boy. 

       Anything to not see Sukuna right now. "Okay." Megumi nods and lets the outgoing man bring him out of the building and lead him to an unknown place. 

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