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         Megumi breathes a sigh of relief when the elevator doors open and he's finally home. Sukuna has been stuck to him like glue, an arm around his waist protectively wherever they go. "Sukuna, I meant what I said. I really... want us to live together." Megumi shyly reminds him, looking up at Sukuna. He's still a little alarmed around Sukuna but he also loves this person so much, he wants this to work. He doesn't want to be alone, it's terrifying. 

        "I know." Sukuna replies, cupping Megumi's face. Sukuna already brought their bags up before helping Megumi inside. Megumi's bruises are fading away but the doctor was still strict about Megumi not overdoing it. "I'll move my things in later. Right now, I need to take care of you." Sukuna kisses the tip of his nose, then his left cheek, his chin, his right cheek, and then his lips. "Your trembling again."

        "I'm sorry, I just feel overwhelmed and frightened right now. I-It's like... I don't know. Sukuna, I don't want to talk about it." Megumi can't put all his thoughts into words, they're coming out jumbled and not accurate. Sukuna picks Megumi up, carrying his boyfriend up the stairs in the direction of his bedroom. He sets Megumi on the bed, grabbing his boyfriend's ankles and pulling him closer with his legs spread so Sukuna can stand between them. "What are you doing?"

      "Let's go somewhere." Sukuna suggests. 

       "Where?" Megumi questions, noticing that Sukuna puts him in this position a lot. 

        "Anywhere. I want to do a lot of things with you. Let's go somewhere."

         "I don't know... I kind of... the doctor said I should rest." Megumi really likes the idea of going somewhere with Sukuna and being close again but he has to think about his baby. His poor little baby is probably wondering why Megumi has been going through so much. "I want to do things with you too Sukuna, I love you, but I probably shouldn't overdo it." 

          "Fine, but let me play with you." Sukuna slides Megumi's shirt up and gently presses a kiss to his stomach. Megumi squirms, unable to be still. "I want to keep you here and play with you in all different ways." 

        "Sukuna, lets make a deal." Megumi grabs Sukuna's face carefully, making sure his boyfriend is focused on what he's going to say. "I'll..." He hesitates, licking his suddenly dry lips. He really wants to be with Sukuna but he's also so terrified that Sukuna is going to hurt him again. "We can try the things you want if you agree to get a therapist. Sukuna, I don't want to be afraid of you."

        He's silent for a moment, he doesn't know what to say. Sukuna doesn't want to talk to a therapist but saying no will upset Megumi. "Do I scare you?" Sukuna questions, his hands caressing Megumi's waist, his hips, and hooking under his pants. "Do you think I'm just going to snap?"

         "You really hurt me before..." Megumi frowns, shifting in discomfort. 

         "I love you, Megumi." Sukuna looks at Megumi directly, his voice and his eyes filled with sincerity. Megumi feels his heart clench, he wants to cry because his heart hurts so much. He wants to do what Sukuna wants, even if it means surrendering himself and spreading his legs for Sukuna... but, he has a child to think about. A precious, helpless little thing that could lose its life very easily if Sukuna snaps and hurts Megumi again. 

       He wraps his arms around Sukuna's neck, tears welling up in his emerald green eyes. " 'Kuna, please, I don't want you to hurt me anymore. I'll be good, okay? Just... just please go talk to someone. A therapist. Please, for me?" Megumi doesn't know what he'll do if Sukuna says he won't do it.  He wants Sukuna in his life and not because he's pregnant with his child but because he loves him so much. He wants Sukuna to do better for Megumi because he loves him too. He doesn't want any of Sukuna's decisions to be influenced by the fact he's pregnant. Or worse, Sukuna could be completely against having a baby and things could get ugly very fast.

     Sukuna is an extremely jealous and possessive man, Megumi worries about how he'll respond if he were to know about the pregnancy. 'If' because Megumi isn't positive there will be a 'when'.

      "I can do what I want?"

       "Yes. Well, remember the doctor said not to do too much so remember not to be mean to me." Megumi huffs making Sukuna smile in adoration. Sukuna kisses Megumi's soft lips before cautiously pulling his boyfriend up.

      "Let's change and watch a movie." Sukuna suggests, almost turning into a completely different person. Megumi doesn't question it because he wants to keep things going good. He glances briefly at his phone that is on the bed, biting the inside of his cheek. He wants to text his friends, he wants to send a message to Itadori and he wants to make sure Inumaki made it home okay. Mostly, he wants to talk to Okkotsu. He wants to make sure that he's alright and that everything between them is still okay and not destroyed.

      "Megumi?" Sukuna calls and Megumi suddenly feels caught between two worlds. A world with Sukuna where it can be sweet and passionate if only Megumi gives up the other world where he has friends that love him so much and would do anything for him, overbearing parents that care for him so much, and a career that expects him to prioritize it above all. Two worlds and Megumi had to decided which one will be best for him and his baby.

     "We could watch a series, I actually have a pretty good collection that has a wide variety of options." Megumi suggests as he takes off his pants and grabs some comfortable sweats. He takes off his hoodie that smells like he's had a long plane ride and tosses it where the dirty clothes basket is. He grabs a T-shirt, putting it on quickly. He still feels unsure of himself after Sukuna's cruel comment about his chest.

      "What shows?" Sukuna questions, feeling the need to touch his beautiful boyfriend.

      "I really like Gilmore Girls." Megumi smiles sheepishly.

      "Ugh, you're kidding." Sukuna groans.

      "It's really good! You just have to give it a chance." Megumi says, taking Sukuna's hand in his and giving his boyfriend a sweet smile. Sukuna sighs, feeling himself cave in for that pretty face.

      "Fine, I'll try." Sukuna grumbles.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

    The couple made it to season 2 before exhaustion took over Megumi. As to be expected, Megumi has been fidgety and frightened about the idea of getting intimate with his boyfriend. Both because of what Sukuna had done but also because of what had happened at the nightclub. Sukuna doesn't know how to make Megumi feel more safe. 

     Megumi's phone receives messages throughout the night, no doubt from all his friends and his newest one, Gojo. 

       Sukuna takes Megumi's hand in his, gently kissing it before setting their hands back down. Megumi's hand is soft in his, it fits perfectly like a unique puzzle piece that belongs nowhere else but here. Sukuna sends Uraume a text, telling his friend that he needs to find a therapist to talk to. He sets his phone back aside, gently laying Megumi down on the bed. He kisses Megumi's slightly parted lips, kisses again, and kisses his cheek.

     He wants him, he wants to ravish him. Perhaps his demanding, overwhelming lust is the root of his problems. Or maybe he's just looking for something to blame it on so he doesn't have to go to the therapist. "I love you, Fushiguro Megumi. I love you so much to the point I'm going crazy." He murmurs softly against Megumi's neck, holding his boyfriend closer.

      The line between wanting to cherish and destroy his boyfriend is so thin, it's practically non-existent. Sukuna needs to talk to someone before he does something terrible again.

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