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      "I'm fine, Megumi." Sukuna sighs as the boy, who hasn't gotten off his lap since they sat down, continues to disinfect and bandage up his wounds. Megumi is still trembling, his eyes threatening to spill tears but he does his best to hold back. Every time that massively built man hit Sukuna, Megumi grew fearful of the possibility of Sukuna truly be injured or worse, killed . "Hey." Sukuna grabs the boy by his upper arms, startling him. "I'm right here."

       "Sukuna, that's terrifying."

        "It's my way of surviving, Megumi. I can only thrive in the torment of others, in chaos and anarchy. I didn't grow up like you, I also had shit that fucked with me too. I'm not a good person , not someone for you but fuck, I am too selfish to let you go. I can't do that so if I can show you a part of me in hopes you'll understand me even a bit then I will try."

       "I can't forgive you for hurting me, I won't. Damn it, why are you doing this to me? I was so scared something terrible would've happened to you out there." Megumi wraps his arms around Sukuna's neck , resting his head under Sukuna's chin. Sukuna gently shushes him, wrapping his arms securely around his body. 

      Megumi is so fearful that if he forgives Sukuna, even once, that he'll continue to forgive him. That Sukuna can verbally abuse him, hit him, even force himself onto him while saying words that'll mess with his head... . and it's fine because he already forgave him once, it'll be fine if he forgives him a second time. Or a third. Or a fourth. Or even after the thirtieth time.

      "It's survival and you don't ever have to be afraid because i'll protect you from anyone. I'll defend you against any fucker."

       "Please... I'm not some weakling, Sukuna." Megumi pulls back, quickly wiping a tear that falls. Sukuna cups his face, trying to resist the urge to have a full on emotions make out session with him. 

        "I never once believed you were a damsel in distress. You're strong, a fighter. There will be someone too strong for you to fight against, don't be stubborn. Rely on me to come for you, believe in me to do what I can. I already saved you once, I knew you needed me." Sukuna holds onto his body around his hips while Megumi narrows his eyebrows.

       "You went too far."

        "You're too sympathetic. He would've fucked you right there with no regard for how you feel or if you were even being pleasured. The world is filled with cruel, selfish, undeserving people. Don't be a victim because of your empathy, Megumi."

       "You're cruel and selfish, at times. You treat me like I'm trash sometimes. You do what you want with me because you can. The only difference between you and that guy is... I care about you. What you say and your actions aren't the same. Shit , I don't want to talk about this right now. I'm still worrying over you..." Megumi sighs, his face scrunching as he shows his evident dislike as Sukuna kisses his cheek.

       "Are you going to leave me?"

       "I don't think I can. Even if I wanted to.. you're engraved in my heart. If I tried, you'd never let me succeed."




       "See? I can be gentle too." Sukuna plants kisses on Megumi's knuckles while his other hand grips his boyfriend's hip firmly. His thrusts deep and slow, causing Megumi to feel it more intensely and become a bit more impatient to reach his climax. Tears roll down his flushed cheeks, the fear of being caught is causing his heart to race but his lower stomach flutters strangely at the idea. 

      Megumi doesn't reply, lifting his hips and trying to speed up. Sukuna stops his movement all together making Megumi let out a broken sob. Sukuna keeps doing this to him, once he feels himself getting closer to that eye crossing, toe curling, wall spasming delight, he stops in order to prevent him from being able to. 

      "Don't cry." Sukuna coos, kissing the corner of his eye. Megumi's body is a trembling and weakened mess. The feeling he gets when Sukuna's eyes look into him, the way his hands feel... he knows he won' t be the same. Abuse is Sukuna's form of love and Megumi is surrendering to it. He wanted hand holding, gentle kissing, and sweet, patient love making but that was a fantasy. Now, he wants Sukuna to give him that combination of hurt and pleasure, to make him feel vulnerable and pathetic in the hands of someone stronger and capable of making him feel that way. 

        "I wanna cum, please. Please, Sukuna, let me?" Megumi's whimpering sobs are music to Sukuna's ears, his voice is so pretty. Sukuna runs his hands up Megumi's top, rubbing the pads of his thumbs over Megumi's nipples. Megumi lets out a surprised gasp, his eyes widening at the gentleness on his sensitive buds. Sukuna's hips buck up making Megumi jolt, his arms instantly wrapping around Sukuna's shoulders as he nuzzles his face into Sukuna's neck. 

      Sukuna's cock abuses his sweet spot, slick pooling down his legs and onto Sukuna's pants. Pink, soft walls squeeze Sukuna's cock in attempts to keep him inside. Sukuna presses onto Megumi's pink buds before he lightly pinches them. "I love you."

      Megumi is a brainless, drooling mess. The words don't register in his head as he's mere seconds from finally being able the cum. 

      Sukuna stops thrusting. 

      Megumi lets out another broken sob, looking up at his boyfriend pleadingly. He'll say anything, do anything to cum at this point. "B...ba...br.."

       "My brainless whore, what are you trying to say?" Sukuna grins, kissing the tip of Megumi's nose. 

       "Breed...me... please? Please, please cum... let me--" Megumi's voice cracks as Sukuna vigorously pounds into his pussy. His delayed orgasm finally comes in, which feels like a miracle, like a sudden cold pool in the middle of the burning desert. His walls spasm, his voice uncontrollable and loud, his back arching and his hands gripping onto Sukuna's back. His nails digging into his hot flesh, leaving scratch marks in their wake. 

      Sukuna licks the sensitive park of his neck making him shiver as his orgasm is fucked through to the point it becomes painful but Megumi wants more, he loves it. Sukuna bites into his tender flesh, the man being rough with his lover who said the right words. Megumi sobs, his vaginal walls continuing to flutter rapidly while hot tears roll down his cheeks. Blood leaks from the wound Sukuna left.

       "You're mine forever, Fushiguro Megumi."

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